I’m here to help heart centred health and life coaches get more clients, grow their businesses and live their best lives while they do it

I’m Laura; business mentor, creative, coffee lover, wild swimmer, gym goer, witchy type and mother of two

When I started my health coaching business back in 2012 I didn’t have a fucking clue what I was doing (did I mention I can also be a bit sweary?)

I know what it’s like to feel completely overwhelmed with this whole online coaching business thing.

Even though I wasn’t new to business as my former career involved supporting social enterprises and non profits, I felt lost.

I just wanted to be able to help others, make a half decent income and work around my baby.

Fast forward a few years and I had quit my old job and was now working 20 hours a week in my thriving health coaching business, earning more than I did working full time as a Project Manager.

That success as a health coach led to me helping other health coaches and then life coaches with their businesses too.

And because I’m also a graphic designer, award winning blogger and generally multi passionate person, I started creating websites for coaches and generally delving even further into all things marketing, messaging and strategy.

Combining this with my passion for personal and spiritual development, mindset and lifestyle design I created Wholeheartedly Laura where I help health and life coaches get more clients and authentically scale their businesses with aligned, feel good strategies all designed to get you closer to your version of success.

What’s a wholehearted coaching business?


Hitting 6 or 7 figures is NOT our measure of success – most coaches I meet aren’t interested in having huge businesses where they completely scale themselves out of being a coach. It’s not that we don’t have big dreams or don’t want to make money, it’s that we’re more interested in hitting the numbers that matter to us, rather than the ones that validate our ego 😂 


The small and cosy coaching business is celebrated – it’s totally ok if your coaching business is cosy rather than shiny and flashy – in fact I know that’s what a lot of us want – a way to make a decent living, doing work you love and enjoying more freedom. We set income goals based on our desired lifestyle and financial needs rather than chasing numbers.


We don’t do icky unethical shit to get clients – You can get clients without practicing strategies that feel unaligned. No, you don’t have a mindet block you have morals. 


Social media optional – if you’d literally rather poke your eyes out than spend 15 minutes on Facebook I’ve got you petal! Social media is not a prerequisite for a successful coaching business. I teach a lot of marketing strategies that work without social media.


We’re building something sustainable – I want to help you create a coaching business that is still thriving in 10 years time. That’s why a lot of what I share is based on long term, high return strategies.


Health and Life Coaches (B2C) need a different approach – what a lot of business gurus don’t understand is that B2C – that’s business to consumer – like health and life coaches, require different strategies for success than B2B – business to business. This is one of the things I share with my clients.

A bit more about me

I live in the UK, in the north-east of England in a very beautiful city called Durham with my two children Finley and Freya.

When I’m not working in my business I love going to the gym lifting weights, running, cooking, wild swimming, walking in nature and going out dancing with my friends.

I run my business around the life I want to live, which for me means plenty of time to take care of my kids, time for self care and generally being able to live a slow, intentional, connected life.

If you’re in to this kind of thing (I hope so!) I’m a Leo sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon, ENFJ and a Generator in Human Design. 

Ready to do this coaching business thing?

Here’s how I can help…

Take your coaching business to school

Get more clients and master your marketing

authentically scale your coaching business

The official bits

Experience and Qualifications

I have a degree in Art and Design and a Masters Degree in Community and Youth Work from Durham University as well as training as a Certified Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I have over 10 years experience in business development and support in my work as a project manager supporting social enterprises, charities and non profits with business planning, strategy, fundraising and marketing. I also have over 10 years experience running a successful coaching business, first as a health coach and secondly as a business mentor. I’ve had two recipe books published, been featured in various in print publications and have presented at various in person events. If there’s a way to make money online as a coach, I’ve probably tried it! I have extensive skills and experience in design, online tech and systems. This combination of skills and experience makes me uniquely placed to support, mentor and coach business to consumer coaches like health and life coaches.

Official Bio

Laura Agar is a certified health coach and business mentor, designer, and course creator who works with highly sensitive and heart centred coaches who want to start and grow a business that allows them to live a life they love. Hundreds of clients from all over the world have benefited from Laura’s support to launch coaching businesses that are profitable and enjoyable.

Laura is the author of Coconut Oil and Grains as Mains and has been featured in the Times, Women’s Health magazine, and the HuffPost, and she won Health Blogger of the Year at the British Health Journalism Awards. She lives in Durham in North East England with her two children. 

In addition to offering one-on-one mentoring, group programs, and online courses, she runs the popular business and lifestyle blog wholeheartedlylaura.com.

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