Courses and Programmes

Planning Templates for Coaches
Notion Planning Templates for coaches, get organised and manage your business using these templates!

Super Simple Passive Income
Super Simple Passive Income will teach you how top create and sell a simple digital product such as a mini course, e book, template, printable or audio series.

Social to Search
Create Your Aligned Offer

Blog School
An in depth programme that teaches you how to use your blog to market your coaching business so you can grow your list and get more clients.

Enchanting Challenges
Learn how to run a challenge so you can build your list or launch a new offer.

Pinterest Magic
How to start using Pinterest to grow your coaching business on auto pilot so you can work less and grow more, increase your list, get more clients and make more sales!

Priceless Power Hours
Get more clients with one simple call, this program teaches you how to create and promote your own Priceless Power Hour offer