If the idea of posting a video on Instagram Stories or YouTube breaks you out in a cold sweat, this is for you!
Being visible (i.e. marketing) sounds like it should be easy. Post on social media and pop a blog post out every now and again and you’re sorted right? Wrong. Being visible for your business, especially as a coach, is key to growing a successful business.
What I’ve found in my own work is that getting visible is really scary, especially as someone who often tips to the introvert end of the ambivert spectrum! What I’d do was spend a lot of time on the creation side of things – writing blog posts, creating freebies and courses and very little time on the marketing. I was 20/80 when it really needs to be 80/20 in favour of the visibility work!
Being visible doesn’t have to just include video – it can be anything you do to put yourself in front of more people – and most importantly, the right people for your business.
This can absolutely be blogging, however sharing that blog post is what makes blogging most effective.
Here’s a few ways you can become more visible:
- Share your blog posts on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram stories and your personal and business Facebook Pages
- Post regularly on Instagram and Instagram stories
- Comment on others Instagram posts
- Post and comment in relevant Facebook Groups in a non spammy way
- Post in promo threads in relevant Facebook Groups
- Pitch some guest posts
- Pitch to be on some podcasts
- Start your own podcast
- Go to a local networking event
- Go to a more central event with good networking opportunities
- Start a YouTube channel
- Send out a press release to a local / national / niche publication
There’s many more I could add but I think that’s a good start!
However it’s not so much that there aren’t opportunities to be more visible, what I’ve found in myself and my clients is that it’s us who holds ourselves back and self sabotages. Putting yourself out there, especially as a coach where you are your business, can be really triggering!
What if people don’t like you? What if your mother in law sees you? What if you sound stupid? What if people just think you’re a bit of a wanker?
It’s really worth spending a little bit of time tapping into yourself to see what might be behind your lack of visibility. For me it was the old ‘not good enough’ chestnut.
I still find that I have fits and starts of visibility which is usually linked to my cycle (much more in the mood for it when I’m ovulating!) and I’m ok to go with that.
But what really shifted things for me is realising that the only thing different between me and the people I admire in terms of their success is that they just fucking get on with it! They have the balls to go there and sometimes I don’t. That’s ok though, because I am getting better!
Alongside those mindset things that keep us stuck, often a lack of visibility is down to practical things we just need to sort out. I could go days without posting on Instagram because if I have to wait until I’m sat down on an evening to come up with a nice image and write a caption, it aint gonna happen. Since I discovered Planoly, I’m actually way more organised with Instagram.
Likewise for everything else, sometimes a bit of pre planning can go a long way when it comes to your visibility so you’re not sat there waiting come up with an idea worthy of sharing.
I’d love to know what you think of this! How do you feel when it comes to visibility and marketing? Do you find it easier or do you get more resistance?
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