Coaching Business Q&A No 1 – Pricing your services, courses & 1:1, Substack

Business, Latest

Coaching Business Q&A No 1 – Pricing your services, courses & 1:1, Substack

Business, Latest

Welcome to the first ever Q&A episode of The Wholehearted Business Show! I’m answering some of your burning questions related to starting and growing your coaching business. This week I’m responding to 3 questions from my Instagram followers.

Tune in to learn:

  • My general thoughts on where to start when it comes to pricing your services
  • Whether or not it’s possible to start out with a course alongside 1:1 coaching offers
  • How you can use Substack to grow your coaching business

Check out the audio or video below, or read the transcript under the toggle.

If you’d like to submit a question for the next Q&A then leave a comment or DM me on Instagram here.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Some of my fave Substacks:

Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here


Listen to this episode on The Wholehearted Business Show Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts / Listen on Spotify



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