Join before we close with an annual plan and get a bonus 1:1 call worth $250

AI & Your Coaching Business Content Marketing


Unlock Your Potential: Boost Your Coaching Business with a Sustainable and Low-Social-Media Approach

Start your simultaneous blog, podcast and YouTube channel, get live coaching, instant access trainings, monthly resources and more for just $47 a month

Are you a health or life coach struggling to effectively market your coaching business without relying heavily on social media?

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the multitude of marketing options available, unsure of which tech tools to use? 💻 🤯 

Are you frustrated by the lack of understanding regarding the underlying strategies that make your marketing efforts actually work?

If so, you’re not alone.

Imagine a life where you have a clear marketing strategy in place, one that aligns perfectly with your values and allows you to attract clients authentically. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you feel confident and empowered, knowing exactly which steps to take to grow your business. You no longer dread the thought of showing up on social media or managing multiple platforms simultaneously.

Instead, you embrace a simplified approach that leverages your unique strengths and deeply resonates with your ideal clients 🌈 

Unfortunately, the reality for many health and life coaches is quite different. The lack of clarity and understanding surrounding marketing strategies can make it incredibly challenging to reach your goals – trust me, I’ve been there!

Without a solid plan in place, it’s easy to find yourself wasting time and resources on ineffective tactics. 

Add to this, the pressure to be present on multiple social media platforms can lead to feelings of burnout and inauthenticity. 

All of these factors can hinder your ability to attract and retain clients, leaving you feeling frustrated and disheartened. But fear not, there is a better way!

Let’s get your message out there

Do you relate?

Imagine if you could wake up every morning feeling truly excited to to work with your ideal clients, knowing that your message is reaching the right people who can benefit from your knowledge, expertise and lived experience.

How might it feel to no longer struggle with the overwhelming world of technology and marketing, confidently knowing the strategies that will make your efforts pay off?

What if you could successfully market your coaching business without sacrificing your authenticity, staying true to who you are and what you believe in?

ready to make this a reality?

There is a better way to market your business

What if instead of having no clue how to market your coaching business you had a simple strategy to help you:

Be discovered by your dream boat clients

Position yourself as an expert (I hate this saying, but in this case it’s actually true!)

Create content you absolutely love that has depth and substance

Future proof your flow of clients and create unmatched sustainability in your business

Build your email list

Show case your unique awesomeness (everyone has this!)

Turn new to you folks into die hard super fans

Market your coaching business in less time

Create genuine connections

All using proven strategies that work!

This changed everything

Hi, I’m Laura 👋

I started my health coaching business back in 2012 and tried so many things to make my business work.

The thing that consistently made the biggest difference?

Blogging on the regular.

Unbeknown to me at the time, when I started a blog I was laying a secure foundation for my business that would ensure I still had a steady flow of clients and customers for my courses and programmes even when I reduced my hours, went on maternity leave and pivoted to a totally new niche.

When I added a Podcast and YouTube channel into the mix, it got even better. So many of my clients have found me via my blog posts, podcast and videos, and I’ve built my list too.

The best thing? I absolutely LOVE creating my content – it’s never a chore, it actually feels super enjoyable and fun! I’ve been able to vastly reduce how much time I spend on social media and my business is growing faster than ever before.

I’ve been able to create a successful approach to content marketing that’s achievable, consistent and actually gets results – like more clients, more subscribers and more sales.

I reach more people via my Blog, Podcast and YouTube channel (and Pinterest!) that ever before

I want these kind of results (and more) for you!

Attracting and connecting with your people on a consistent basis and gaining customers and clients from creating content you really enjoy making.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to my method of creating content that works for your coaching business


welcome to

Connect and Amplify Academy

Connect and Amplify is a monthly membership designed to help you create a content marketing strategy that gets results, and then implement it on a simultaneous blog, podcast and YouTube channel so you can grow your audience, connect with more people and attract more clients – all using a low social media approach that is time effective, aligned and effective. 

We’re all about creating content that connects and then amplifying that out across multiple platforms so you reach more people with less effort.

What I love the most about Connect and Amplify Academy is the clear, organized, concise, bite size information and resources available to get up to speed with creating content. Also, the content kits and private podcast feed are perfect to keep you inspired and motivated to create. There’s just so many different ways to stay inspired and motivated. But my absolute favorite thing is having access to Laura via voice messages and live calls. She’s the same person you see through her content, kind hearted, gentle, and fun. This membership is an absolute steal!

This is by far the best membership I have purchased to help me with content creation. I love the simplicity, bite-sized resources, and inspiring content kits. I feel so lucky to have found Laura because I felt so lost and frustrated trying to figure out my content game.

Renata McElvany

When you join Connect and Amplify Academy

You’ll get everything you need to take your content marketing strategy to the next level. Think the exact strategy and detailed step by step process to creating a marketing system that attracts clients and sells your other offers and services.


EVERYTHING inside Content Marketing for Coaches Club, my quick start content inspo hub for coaches getting started with their non social media content marketing


Blog School my comprehensive course on blogging to market your coaching business – usually $400


Pinterest Magic my comprehensive course on Pinterest for growing your coaching business – usually $97


How to Create a Multi Platform Show your step by step guide to the strategy and creating of a blog / podcast and YouTube show – usually $100


Social to Search my mini training on how to move away from social media to search based platforms – usually $9


Monthly LIVE Q&A call (you can also submit your questions in advance)


Monthly Voxer Office Hours – ask me your content marketing related questions directly and get feedback on your work


Quarterly Live and Recorded Content Planning Session


TIME LIMITED BONUS – Join before we close the academy on the annual option and get a bonus 1:1 with Laura worth $250








What the heck is a multi platform content show and why should you care? 

‘Multi platform content show’ is a totally made up name for the strategy and method I use to create my own show: The Wholehearted Business Show.

The Wholehearted Business Show starts off as a video which is then turned into a podcast and a blog post. That video is also shared to my YouTube channel. That means I’m creating content for 3 different places – all platforms that have search-ability and longevity so my marketing is built on a foundation that is going to be sustainable over time. Then, I take that content and use it for ideas for my Instagram account and the blog post is also shared on Pinterest.

That means I’m getting visible on 5 different platforms – all from one 20 minute video.

Your multi platform content show might look the same as this, or the way you create and repurpose the core content might be different (for example, you don’t have to put content in all these places) – but the thing that makes this whole method work so well is that it will ultimately save you time, get you more visible / seen in your business and help you connect with potential clients!

Why this works ✨

When you create content based on the methods I teach in the membership you are…

Creating a body of work on a platform you own (aka, your blog / website) – unlike social media which you do not own

Creating a body of work that has the potential to bring new people into your world for years to come – unlike content on social media which has a much shorter engagement time – I call this ‘creating longevity’ which is also where we start and build more sustainability into our businesses

Creating work which is discoverable – all of the platforms we focus on inside the membership are based on search, this means people who are actively searching for solutions to their problems are going to find you – if you create your content in the right way

✨ Growing your email list because the viewer to subscriber conversion is much more effective on longer form content – i.e blog posts, podcasts or videos where the viewer is hanging around for longer and where the direct link to sign up is right there in front of them within the content

Building the know, like and trust factor – creating content in the way I teach in the membership showcases not only your ‘authority’ but also your personality, your values and your messaging – all things that contribute to gaining clients

I want to make it easy for you to show up and create this kind of marketing on a consistent basis and to do so with the right strategies under pinning your work so that you actually move the needle on your business – all while retaining a sense of alignment with who you are and what you want to share.

Truth time

This method of marketing can sometimes take time to kick in – I call it ‘slow and expansive’ marketing because it can take time to get results, but the potential is hugely expansive.

Although it can be slow, when you gradually create a foundation of this kind of marketing in your business the pay offs are huge.

I’ve created this membership to support you over the longer term to make creating this kind of content easy.

And as ‘slow’ as it can be, there’s always the potential for much quicker results…


What about social media?

Connect and Amplify will support you to market your coaching business without social media if that’s your preferred approach.

However, everything we teach in the membership can also be used with a ‘low social media approach’ – my totally made up term for still using social media but without the stress.

My personal approach is to use social media sparingly to amplify what I create on my blog, podcast and YouTube channel. We teach this in the membership too.


Connect and Amplify Academy is for…


Coaches who want a no or low social media approach to their marketing

No or low social media doesn’t mean no or low results!

In the Academy I teach strategies that work whether you’re ditching social media or going for a low key approach


Coaches who are ready to up level their results

The health, life or spiritual coach who has already dabbled with creating content in this way but who is frustrated that they aren’t able to stay consistent with it and they aren’t getting the results they want – like those clients, subscribers and sales.


Coaches who are looking for a way to connect with their people

My approach in the Academy is focused on creating content that connects and then amplifying it – you have a message you want to share and you know this is a way to get that message out there.

Content marketing can be overwhelming but Laura makes it easy, manageable and fun! In Connect and Amplify, I have everything I need to create content in a way that is sustainable, productive and joyful. I can’t recommend it enough!

Vicki Pavvit – Love Coach

I’m ready to grow my coaching business with content that connects!

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

a reminder of what’s included:


Full access to Content Marketing for Coaches Club – $108 a year


Blog School -$415


How to Create a Multi Platform Content Show – $100


Pinterest Magic – $97


LIVE monthly coaching and Voxer hours – $200 a month


BONUS: 1:1 call with Laura – $250 when you join with an annual subscription

Total value: over $1000!

Membership closing in:









Is the membership about giving up social media?


While the content in the membership doesn’t focus on social media (we focus on blog, podcast and long form video content (primarily YouTube), it’s totally up to you how you want to approach it.

If social media isn’t your thing, this membership can absolutely support you to market your coaching business without it completely if that’s what you want.

However, another approach (and what I do personally) is to use social media to amplify what I create elsewhere – rather than seeing social media as a primary part of my content marketing. We have a whole bunch of info on how you can actually do social media much more effectively using this approach!

Can I cancel the membership?

You can cancel your membership at any time. You will lose access to all of the resources and everything included in the membership within 24 hours of your cancelation so bear that in mind if you decide to cancel. You will be able to cancel easy via a link located in the members area.

Do you need any specific tech to benefit from this membership?

In order to record video / record audio (if you wish to do this) you’ll need at the least, a smart phone or a laptop with a web cam. On top of this Canva is a great free tool for creating podcast artwork and YouTube thumbnails and I also recommend Descript which has a free plan option that you can easily edit your audio and videos as well as create assets for social media.

What about AI?

We have some specific trainings on AI included in Content Marketing for Coaches Club which you will have access to. My approach with AI is to use it when it benefits you – almost like a writing assistant but then to use some specific approaches and strategies to protect your self for the future implications of AI on search and SEO.

I don't have a blog, is the membership going to work for me?

The membership is best suited to coaches who have a website already created with a blog function – however, the membership can support you to get started even if you don’t have a blog. You can start a podcast or YouTube channel without a website and use a third party blogging platform such as Medium or Substack.

I don't have my email list set up yet, is the membership going to work for me?

Ideally you would have an email list set up (this is something we cover in my 6 month group programme Wholehearted Business) If you don’t, I’d still encourage you to get going with content marketing and what we teach in the membership and add your email list bits in later. You can always reach out to me for bespoke support if you want help to get that up and running.

Does the membership come with a community?

We don’t have a specific Facebook group or other community platform with this membership. However, you can join my client and customer only Facebook group – this group isn’t membership specific (it’s for anyone who has purchased something from me or worked with me as a client) but it’s a great place to ask me and others questions and get to know others in the membership.

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