Free template from laura agar wilson

Client Portal Kit

Create your free and entirely customisable portal for your health or life coaching clients so they can access everything from one branded and beautiful online space

This free, customisable online client portal, along with video training on how to set up and use it, will help you streamline and organise your client communication and management in your coaching business.

The template is set up using a free online tool call Notion. You’ll get a full, detailed yet simple walkthrough of how to get started with Notion and implement and customise the template for your business.


Free and fully customisable


Set it up in 15 minutes


Looks professional and well organised

You’ll want to grab this client portal kit if you…


Want to create a professional and well organised onboarding experience for your clients 


Aren’t ready to invest in an all-in-one CRM system or find that the client portal options you have available look boring AF 


You’ve been struggling to manage your client programmes and need everything streamlined and in one place, but also individualised for each client

This client portal template is an absolute game changer, thank you!

Hi, Laura here 👋

I help health and life coaches get more clients, grow their businesses and live their best lives while they do it! 

Something else you should know about me is that I’m a giant tech nerd.

I also like to be organised and because that doesn’t come to me naturally, I use the tech nerdery to help!

That’s why I created this client portal – I use this with my own clients to help me manage their coaching programmes and so they get a more streamlined, professional, well branded experience too.

I’m so excited to share this with you. Even if the tech side of things makes you want to run for the hills, you can still provide your coaching clients with a simple and well organised onboarding and managing system. 

Let me show you how!

Laura 💖


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