Grow More Work Less Training 

watch the free training with laura agar wilson below:

Find out more about my Thrive 1:1 Mentorship Programme below:

1:1 Mentoring

Grow a business and get paid doing work that honours who you are and what you need to thrive.


You have the ability to build a coaching business that works – one which makes a good income, where you do work you love without working around the clock.

But I know how overwhelming it can feel not knowing what steps to take and when. I know what it’s like when your confidence gets knocked every time you come across a coach who does similar work to you. I know how it feels when you just can’t seem to be consistent and when getting a regular flow of clients and customers feels like an uphill struggle.

Does any of this sound familiar?


You get stuck when it comes to the ins and outs of marketing your business. You have no clear strategy for getting clients and customers other than posting a few quotes on Instagram (and then not posting for weeks)  and hoping on a prayer it will land you a client.


You shrink inside whenever you come across another coach or business that does similar work to you.


You have absolutely loads of ideas but no idea how to bring them to life in a way that works in your business.


You’ve worked with a few 1:1 clients and realised that working 1:1 can be a huge drain on your energy but you’re not sure what steps to take to scale your business and do more one to many work.


You would love to run a group programme, online course or other digital product but you literally have no idea where to start.


Some of the things you’ve been told you need to do to grow a business just don’t feel aligned for you and you worry that not doing them is some kind of mindset block that’s keeping you stuck (spoiler alert, it’s not always a mindset block!)


You sometimes feel resentful of the clients you do have because you’re seeing them at all hours and have no boundaries in place to protect your time or your energy.


You don’t have a lot of time to be working on your business or you simply don’t want to spend all your time working – but you worry that this will hold you back from success.

If you’re nodding along to any of these, I totally understand. This used to be me too.

Let me share my story with you..

As soon as I knew what a coaching business was I wanted to create one for myself. The idea of helping people and doing work I loved from home, around my kids, with a potentially unlimited income potential made me super excited.

I grew my Health Coaching business from zero to generating more income working less than 25 hours a week than I’d ever earned as a full time Project Manager.

But a lot of the time I felt like I was clueless as to what I should be doing next. I had so many ideas I could create a massive amount of content but I wasn’t strategic enough and this kept me stuck. I also didn’t have much time because I had a small child to look after.

I would make business decisions based on what would make me look most successful to other people rather than doing the things that would get me to my own version of success. All the while I was plagued with terrible comparison and lack of confidence whenever I came across someone who did similar work – I felt like I would never be good enough. I found myself more concerned about what other people thought of me than listening to my intuition.

I realised that I wasn’t working in a way that was aligned, I wasn’t heading in the direction of achieving my own version of success and I wasn’t honouring my nature as a multi-passionate creative person.

I had to throw out a lot of what some people tell you is the ‘right way’ to grow a business and instead learn to do things my own way with authenticity and alignment.

I’ve still been able to get results like:


Creating and selling multiple online programmes born out of a desire to create aligned offers that work for me and my audience.


Doubling my prices on my biggest package when I finally started to own the value that package gives people.


Growing my audience without hustling it out on Instagram or Facebook – now I only show up in ways that feel fun and aligned and I no longer beat myself up if I don’t post anything for a while.


Enjoying multiple 5 figure months.


Doing all of this while working less than 20 hours a week, and a great deal of it also being done with a baby under one during a pandemic!

Here’s the thing. None of this is about creating a business that looks like anyone else’s – including mine. It’s about creating a business that works for you and doing it your way, I’m just here to help show you what’s possible.

You can create a business that feels aligned with who you are, that honours your values and purpose and helps you create a lifestyle where you and your family can thrive.

Let me show you how.


Thrive 1:1 Mentorship

I’ve created Thrive to help heart led coaches grow a successful online business that helps them achieve their version of success. If you want to grow your income, design a business that honours who you are and that gives you more freedom, this is for you.

Let me support you with practical mentoring, hand holding and a bit of cheerleading when you need it!


Always knowing what your next aligned step in your business should be, and knowing it will bring you closer to achieving your version of success.

Making more money than you ever have before, all while doing something you really enjoy that you know has a positive impact on the people you work with.

Having feel good strategies in place so you know your business is growing even when you aren’t actively working – imagine getting PayPal pings while you’re at the beach!

What my clients have to say…

I’d never had a coach before and at first it seemed like a big commitment, especially when I didn’t really know what to expect or what I was going to gain from the experience, in all honesty without Laura, I don’t think I would even have a business right now.

Over this past 2 years, I’ve done things I never thought possible, written two books, an online course, hosted webinars, started and grown an email list, started a blog and created a website that I’m proud of.

I’ve also got confidence in my abilities and am well on the way to earning more in my business than in any previous jobs. Considering I’ve got a 3 year old and a 1 year old that I look after full time, I’ve made incredible progress.

I’m so grateful that I found Laura, she really does walk the walk. She is incredibly honest, caring and kind and she is living what she teaches, running a successful business in wellbeing whilst genuinely supporting women for better health. Most importantly she is not afraid to be herself, showing up like that is the best inspiration I could ever ask for.

Nicola Salmon – Fat Positive + Feminist Fertility Coach

Before working with Laura, I was having a very difficult time figuring out what I needed to focus on to move my business forward. There were too many options and no one to help me sort through them. My business felt overwhelming and heavy.

Laura’s gentle, no-nonsense approach has helped me wade through the many options in my business and choose what felt most aligned for me at each stage.

Without Laura, I would probably still be wallowing in indecision around my business. With her help, I’ve been able to make and carry out plans that are actually moving the needle forward. The best part is I have been able to do this without sacrificing my quality of life, which is very important to me.

Alex Strauss – Coach and Author

What’s included?


Initial Questionnaire

To bring me up to speed with where you’re at, what your version of success is and what you’d like to achieve within this programme so we can get started and hit the ground running.


Six 1:1 sessions (with recording)

We will meet on Zoom every two weeks with each session being completely led by what you need and what you’re currently working on. We’ll always end our sessions with a set of actions so you know exactly what your next steps should be. Sessions can be recorded if you feel that will be helpful.


Access to my client only training library

For the duration of our work together you’ll have access to my library of trainings and resources to help you with a range of specific outcomes.


3 Months of email and voice note support

Have access to me whenever you need support or have a question. Having a wobble? Pop me an email or send me a voice note and I’ll help you through. It’s like having me in your back pocket.


Weekly Accountability Check ins

Every week you’ll get an email or voice note from me to check in with how things are going. My clients have told me this is super helpful in keeping them moving forward and making progress.


My eyes on your stuff

Need some sales copy looking over? Working on a new programme? Need advice on pricing? I’ll be there to help.


Me as your cheerleader

Sometimes you just need someone to give you a confidence boost when yours has been knocked, to remind you how awesome you are and help you hold the vision of what you wish for yourself.

Let’s get started

Your investment: £1497

Or 3 payments of £499

I’m currently booking for start dates in September 2021 – please note that the price of this programme will be increasing on the 1st September. Contact me before then to secure the current price.

Keen to find out more about how we could work together? Complete the form below and I’ll get back in touch with you to arrange a free no obligation call so we can have a chat, check we’re the right fit and see if this is the right investment for you and your business.

I know this can feel like a scarily big step!

I know making big investments in your business can feel exciting but also hugely scary. It can feel like a big push out of your comfort zone, and that in itself can be pretty magical and totally freak you out at the same time!

When I first worked with a coach back in 2015 it was a huge deal. I was betting on my own success and showing up in a whole new way. It was the moment when I really started to believe I could make this a reality. 

Now I always have the support of a coach, mentor, mastermind or community because I understand it’s basically a non negoiable for me if I want to grow my business and feel supported while doing so. 

We all need people we can turn to for advice and support who get it. We might be solopreneurs but that doesn’t mean we’re meant to try and do this alone.

More kind words…


Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes I offer a flexible payment plan contact me for more details.

What currency do you charge in?

I’m happy to take £GBP or $USD

Is the cost of this programme tax deducible?

Absolutely! I’ll supply invoices so the cost of this programme can be accounted as a business expense.

Can you guarantee I’ll make an income through my business if I work with you?

No one can guarantee anything and each person’s journey is different, however I can say with certainty that you’ll have a proven structure and system in place as well as the foundational work needed to attract paying clients and customers into your business using methods that work.

How does the email and voice note support work?

You can email me as often as you need to and I’ll endevour to respond within 24 hours during the week. For voice messages I use the Voxer app (which if you haven’t used it yet it’s awesome!) and again I’ll endevour to respond within 24 hours during the week. 

Got more questions?

No problem! Feel free to pop me an email

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