Yey! Your access to Soul Centred Planning Process is on your way to your inbox, but before you go…

Here’s another way to supercharge your coaching business – with over 50% off

Virtual VIP Day $250 $99!

*time limited offer*

Special Offer ends in:

Virtual VIP Day

Fancy having a full day of coaching and mentoring with me?

So what is it?

 My Virtual VIP Day is where you have a full 6 hour day access to me via the voice app Voxer (see FAQs below re time zones). 

It’s kind of like a less full on in person VIP day – you get lots of time and responses from me but it’s done in a more relaxed way than if we were on Zoom the whole time.

You can ask me anything you want – imagine we’re sitting in a coffee shop having a chat – it’s just like that but via an app on your phone.

You can use your Virtual VIP Day to:

  • Get clarity on your next business steps
  • Discuss with me your business ideas and get feedback on them
  • Help with strategy and action planning
  • Get support around your mindset or the day to day running of things
  • Help to solve a specific business issue you keep going backwards and forwards on
  • To talk to me about anything business related



Get clarity on your next business steps – no more overwhelm!


Get feedback on your business ideas and support to plan for what comes next


Be supported around any specific issues that are keeping you stuck

So what the heck is Voxer?

Ok, so if you’ve not come across Voxer basically it’s an app for your smart phone (or you can also access the web app version) and it works kind of like a walkie talkie. You can respond in voice notes or text messages back and forth between each other.

Why might this style of day work well for you?

Because we’re using Voxer and have a whole 6 hours to chat this format might work well for you if you have interruptions during the day, for example if you have children to take care of or other commitments. You don’t have to be ‘screen ready’ and we can take our time to work through anything you’d like to ask. It’s useful, because the time scale lets you sit with your thoughts a little and mull things over before asking more questions so it can enable us to go a bit deeper than a 60 minute 1:1 call.

You’re also able to listen back to voice note snippets like mini pep talks and some people find that the talking things through out loud is therapeutic and in itself almost like a form of coaching.

What this isn’t

This is not like a 1:1 call were we would be chatting directly back and forth constantly. As it’s held over the course of 6 hours they’ll be breaks between conversations (it will be like a normal work day for me but I’ll be responding to you in a reasonable amount of time) so you can also attend to anything you need to in your day and have time to digest my responses.


Why Laura?

I’ve been doing this coaching business thing for over 10 years and I know what it’s like to run a business to consumer coaching business (health + life coaching for example). 

I even won Health Blogger of the Year!

I’ve worked with hundreds of Wholehearted Humans to help them grow their coaching businesses, get clients, make more money and enjoy more freedom in their lives.

I believe we can do business in a way that is aligned to who you are, and that we get better results when we’re being us!


I came away from the virtual VIP day feeling so much clearer and ready to plan my next step! Laura gave me so many insights and helpful and practical tips that I could action straight away to help me get unstuck and able to move forward again. It was amazing to have this kind of support in my back pocket!

Working with Laura is A JOY! As well as being super knowledgeable about what it takes to run a thriving, wholehearted business, Laura is incredibly kind, warm and lovely to work with too. I loved my day with Laura!

Vicki Pavitt – Love and Dating Coach for Big Hearted Women



Usual Price $250 – save $150 if you buy before the timer runs out!

Special Offer ends in:


What happens when I click the Buy Now button?

You’ll be taken to a secure check out page with my payment processor where you’ll be able to make your purchase. Once you’ve paid, you’ll receive an email with your next steps to book.

What about time zones

I’m based in the UK and my standard time for VIP Days is 9am – 3pm. However, if that doesn’t work for your time zone I’m happy to chat and find a way of making it work for us both without either of us being up at  4 o’clock in the morning!

Where can I get help?

If you have any questions about your order contact

© Laura Agar Wilson 2012 - 2024 | Brand and Website Design by Wholeheartedly Laura | Photography by RJM Photography

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