You’re registered for Sustainable Visibility ✨

shine and be seen – without freaking out!

free 5 day training event

Monday 25th – Friday 29th September

Learn how to become more visible in your coaching business by understanding what’s holding you back, growing your confidence and implementing simple sustainable strategies so you can attract more clients and make more sales.

\Sustainable Visibility is a free event for health and life coaches who want to be more visible and attract clients but who are currently feeling stuck, overwhelmed and unsure of what they need to do to get in front of more of their ideal clients.

I know this is a super busy time of year so I’m going to be sharing ‘mini lessons’ you can access via video and a private podcast feed. I’ll also be going live on Instagram during the event to answer any questions you might have.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

Lesson 1 – Defining sustainable visibility – how to become more visible without burning out and trashing your nervous system

Lesson 2 – Energetics of visibility – feeling safe to be seen

Lesson 3 – The Visibility Scale – how to increase your visibility

Lesson 4 – Visibility strategies – practical ways to shine and be seen

Lesson 5 – Converting your visibility into more clients

More info is on it’s way to your inbox, I can’t wait to get started!


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