Recipe: Stir Fried Brussels Sprouts and Winter Squash with Spicy Honey Peanut Sauce

main meals, recipes

Recipe: Stir Fried Brussels Sprouts and Winter Squash with Spicy Honey Peanut Sauce

main meals, recipes


I really can’t believe how many people don’t like sprouts. Well actually that’s not true at all, I guess it all comes down to how you prepare and cook them. I don’t hate the soggy boiled sprouts you usually get with Christmas dinner, but I can see why others do! 

If you know someone that hates sprouts, I think this recipe could bring them around to the dark side! Stir frying or roasting sprouts makes them taste completely different to their boiled counterparts, it certainly brings out their nutty flavour, which I believe is well complemented here with the addition of another seasonal veggie, sweet winter squash. The warm spicy peanut sauce just makes the whole thing delectable!

This recipe works well as a side dish, but I’ve been eating it as is for lunch. As peanut butter is reasonably high in protein, it certainly fills me up like a complete meal.

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This would go really well with some crispy fried tofu. To make it completely vegan, replace the honey with agave or maple syrup. 


A lower calorie and higher protein version could be made with peanut flour in place of the peanut butter too. If you don’t do well with peanuts, then almond butter would be just as delicious!


Do you like sprouts? Have you tried them stir fried or roasted?

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  1. Jemma

    I love sprouts which ever which way! I had them stir fried the other night with kabocha squash, peanut butter, soy sauce and smoked tofu, yum! They are also great roasted with maple syrup, pecans and bacon lardons too :-) This looks fab!

    • Laura

      I love them with maple syrup, soy sauce, pecans and dried cranberries – bacon is sooo good with them too!

  2. Sharon Pickles

    I love sprouts but I have never done anything fancy with them other than boil them. This recipe is amazing and I feel inspired to try it although I would probably go for a lower cal version and might add some feta to the mix. Love it!

    • Laura

      Oh yes, just forget the peanut butter and toss the whole lot with some feta, will taste fab!

  3. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake

    I keep seeing all these delicious looking sprout recipes, including this one, but I’m not a big fan of them. I think I have images and memories of the over boiled ones from school dinners stuck in my head. Maybe I need to get over my fear of them.

    • Laura

      I definitely think that roasting or stir frying them makes them so much better, you should try them out :-)

  4. Georgia

    I LOVE brussels!! Any time of the year, any old way I love them! My fave ‘fancy’ way to prepare them is to simply sauté them with a little garlic and oil :)

    • Laura

      Oh I’ve never had them with garlic, will gave to give that a try!

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    There are people in the world that don’t like sprouts….? Crazy!!
    This looks delicious. God I STILL haven’t tried kabocha squash – personally I think the blogging world hoards them before I can buy them ;-)

    • Laura

      Haha, yes indeed we probably do! I have found a couple in Brighton to bring home with me :-)

  6. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    This look delicious Laura! I usually only eat sprouts at Christmas, I’m very tempted to broaden my horizons though haha!

    • Laura

      Oh you should, once you’ve had them stir fried or roasted you never look back :-)

  7. Tamzin

    Yum! I just bought my first bag of sprouts yesterday and can’t wait to start cooking them up, love a good sprout!

  8. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Sorry – I am one of the sprout haters! We used to have to eat one on Christmas day as it was the done thing, even though my Dad hates them too!
    In recent years Andy’s mum has cooked them with bacon so I have not had them. The sauce does sound good, but I think I would end up making it with just the squash!

  9. Lia

    This was really delicious tonight. Really loved the sprouts. Added some stir fried chicken for the meat eaters of the family and stayed vego for me

    Yum. Thanks for sharing

  10. Jenny

    Beautiful recipe! Do you have any idea whether this would freeze well? Thanks and happy holidays to all!

    • Laura

      Hi Jenny,

      I’m not sure how well this will freeze, should be ok as long as you keep the sauce separate maybe?



  1. How to Stir Fry Brussels Sprouts | Flake And Cake - […] could have just boiled them but after seeing sprouts crop up in lots of exciting ways on Laura and…

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