Recipe: Green tea infused polenta with greek yoghurt, honey and flaked almonds

breakfasts, recipes

Recipe: Green tea infused polenta with greek yoghurt, honey and flaked almonds

breakfasts, recipes

Polenta with yoghurt and almonds

I’ve recently become intrigued by polenta. Until very recently, it wasn’t an ingredient I’d ever used. Basically, it is ground corn, similar to grits in the USA. It can be made both savoury and sweet. As it’s made from corn, it’s a wholegrain and is gluten free (although I would check the packet to ensure that). I originally purchased the polenta to try and recreate my Aunts delicious lemon polenta cake, but one morning I fancied something instead of oats, and decided to give this a whirl. 

It’s quite amazing how quick this is to make. While porridge tends to take 10 minutes, with using water from a recently boiled kettle this took less than 5 minutes to make. A serving of the polenta alone is 180 calories, and is versatile enough to be eaten with any toppings or add ins that take your fancy. I thought I would add flavour by cooking the polenta in some tea, and then serve with cool creamy greek yoghurt, some sweet honey and crunchy flaked almonds.  

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Have you tried polenta before? Would you give it a try for an alternative breakfast?

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  1. Jemma

    This looks yummy! I’ve had polenta chips and mash before but never really seen it as a breakfast food. I really want to make a polenta cake some time.

    • Laura

      Polenta cake is definitely on my list as well!

  2. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Like Jemma I’ve had polenta chips before but nothing else really. Also been one of those ‘weird’ foods in the sense that I don’t know what to do with it or how it’ll taste…but this sounds very tasty.

  3. Fran

    I’ve tried polenta before but only as an alternative to mash and I must admit I wasn’t too taken with it because despite flavouring it it seemed very bland. I’m not sure I could bring myself to try it for breakfast but I’d like to try making a polenta cake at some point.

    • Laura

      That’s why I cooked this one in the tea, it really does give it flavour, plus I think the yoghurt and honey change the flavour and texture and make it more exciting :-)

  4. Maria @ runningcupcake

    This sounds lovely- I love the idea of cooking it with a teabag- I bet earl grey and lemon would work really well.

    • Laura

      Oh yes Earl Grey would work brilliantly!

  5. Rachel

    I use dry polenta on baking sheets when making homemade pizza to stop the dough sticking to them – gives a lovely crunch to the base, too – altho not exactly a low carb healthy living tip! Must try this, always looking for new breakfast/brunch ideas, altho not that keen on green tea so might try vanilla chai. I’ve had savoury polenta, with loads of cheese in which made it yummy but again probably not that healthy, so would be good to try it sweet.

    The Radio 4 food programme on sunday lunchtime is all about greek yogurt & how it has become so popular in recent years – might be an interesting listen?



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