Recipe: Fudgy Avocado Brownies

baked, recipes

Recipe: Fudgy Avocado Brownies

baked, recipes

Fudgy avocado brownies

I love a good brownie, they are definitely one of my favourite treats. My favourite brownie ever is the one they serve at The Marwood Coffee Shop in Brighton, it’s full of huge chunks of chocolate and it’s just delicious. A few days ago I had a real craving for a brownie, but I wanted to make a slightly healthier version that still tasted sinfully good. I’ve been on a huge avocado kick recently and I could vaguely recall a recipe that used mashed avocado to create a super fudgy brownie with an extra hit of healthy fats. After a quick google I came across this recipe and after a few of my own tweaks, I created these beautiful babies…

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These are not low calorie by a long shot, however they are a healthier version of most brownies you will find in shops and cafes, and better still, they will match them taste wise too! And yes, these would be perfect for Valentines Day.

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The walnuts add even more healthy fats alongside the avocado, as well as a nice nutty taste and texture, however you could easily leave them out or swap them for another nut if walnuts aren’t your thing.

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I got nine huge deep brownies out of this mix and they are extremely rich and filling, if you wanted to use a bigger shallower pan you could get a more modest twelve. 


Do you like brownies? Have you tried baking with avocado before?

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  1. Alex

    You know, I’m currently hunting for good choccy recipes for my birthday cake (as I’ve got to make my own this year, joys of dairy free!) and this looks like it might be perfect!

    • Laura

      Ooh wow if you do end up making it let me know!

  2. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Yes please.
    I’ve never baked with avocado before but I got an amazing Harry Eastwood cookbook for Christmas full of baking recipes into which she has incorporated vegetables. My favourite is a chocolate cake with aubergine in it – so rich and delicious yet so light at the same time. Heaven. x

    • Laura

      I really need to check out that cookbook it sounds amazing!

  3. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    Oh my goodness Laura, these look AMAZING! Now I have the biggest chocolate craving!

    • Laura

      Thanks Claire, they are so good :-)

  4. Cat

    Agh I would make these in the drop of a hat if I had some RIPE avocados! Patience is a virtue esp when chocolate brownies are at stake ;)

    • Laura

      Haha you’re not wrong there, I once tried making raw choc mousse with unripe avos, it definitely did not work at all ;-)

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Sounds delicious. And I like that you mentioned Brighton…I may be going there on Sunday (to do the half marathon….I’ve caved!) Might have to check that coffee shop out :)

    • Laura

      Exciting! Well I hope it all goes well for you if you do it – definitely treat yourself to a brownie at Marwood afterwards – with this weather you’ll more than need it I think!

  6. Sofie

    I wish it was easier to find good avocados. The ripe ones I’ve found recently have not been any good at all.. sigh! These brownies looks and sounds so delicious. I’m yet to try out baking with avocados but I think this will be my first try as soon as I get hold of some decent avocados. Yum!

    • Laura

      You know I think there must be something about them at the moment as mine are taking forever to ripen properly as well!

  7. Ms.J

    Oohh these look luscious! I haven’t baked with avocado before but I love them and I’m willing to give these a whirl. I wonder how they will work with a liquid sweetener..

    • Laura

      If you were using a liquid sweetener I would maybe try adding some coconut flour to ‘soak up’ the extra moisture, or don’t melt the chocolate and add as choc chips instead maybe?

    • Laura

      Hehe, thanks :-)

    • Laura

      Thanks Emma, I love some healthy fat action :-)

  8. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love brownies- these look amazing. I have never cooked avocado, or with it, so can’t imagine how these would turn out, although I did get a 3 pack in my shopping last night, and I will have some time over the weekend, so although I say this a lot I might try them! (Still have not tried the avocado chocolate puddings/ cups and I keep meaning to).

    • Laura

      Will be excited to see if you make these! x

  9. Lara

    Totally love brownies AND avocado, I am so making these … seeing as you’re not posting me one ;-)

    • Laura

      Hehe, if only I could post one that would stay in one piece – believe me you’d be saving me from myself, I’ve only just managed to keep them stashed in the freezer and not eat them all at once!

  10. Christina

    Avocado is amazing in chocolatey treats! I made an avocado chocolate cake a few years ago and it was so moist and dreamy. Definitely recommend to anyone that’s got a few lying around getting mushy – don’t fear them in baking!



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