Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #14


Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #14


TTLG tea party

I have been the Queen of afternoon teas this week and have been lucky enough to enjoy two! First was on Monday afternoon as part of the finale of the body image, well being and self esteem project I’ve been working on since January. The project involved working with two groups of girls from two different schools who had been picked because their teachers felt they needed some support. The project worked with them to feel more valued, discuss issues around food and what is healthy, and empower them with knowledge, confidence and an improved sense of well being. It was featured in the local paper and you can see the article here. The finale of the project was a big tea party where the girls designed the menu to reflect some of things we had discussed. Here’s the menu they came up with:

TTLG menu

Rather different from the usual afternoon tea! It was still indulgent, but included some healthier options. A lot of what we discussed within the project was about finding a healthy balance and not having ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. I particularly loved the smoothies in tea pots for a fun twist! 

My second afternoon tea was at Pantry 108 in London, but more on that to come in a future post! So yes it has been rather an indulgent week, but I’ve very much enjoyed it. I was in London on Thursday and Friday and obviously I had to make the most of it…


I popped to Whole Foods for a salad box which was gorgeous as always, along with a triple green smoothie:

Whole foods salad bar box

I was staying close to Kings Cross so I didn’t have to carry my bags too far, so I enjoyed food from the Leon in the station a couple of times:

Leon blueberry porridge potBrown buttered toast and a blueberry, seed and honey porridge pot

Leon superfood saladSuperfood salad, yum!

I really do adore Leon’s food. Their cook books are pretty awesome too! On Friday I met up with Dannii (some very exciting things in the pipeline there bloggers!) and we went to Pod for lunch:

Super grain salad pod

I had the super grain salad which was very filling and delicious. Other than the indulgent afternoon teas it’s been mostly the usual stuff:

Chocolate cherry porridge almond butterchocolate cherry porridge topped with almond butter

Green smoothie with cacao nibsgreen smoothie with kale, banana, avocado and grass fed vanilla whey protein topped with peanut flour sauce and cacao nibs

Coconut chia pudding strawberriesCoconut chia pudding with strawberries

Red lentil korma 1The most fabulous red lentil korma with broccoli

Quinoa salad with tahini sauceQuinoa lentil salad with lemon tahini sauce

For Mother’s Day I cooked some gammon and served it with new potatoes, salad and Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference coleslaw (which is nomtastic!):

Gammon salad new potatoes coleslaw

Then I rustled up a grain free strawberry cake with coconut cream:

Grain free strawberry cake

A pretty delicious week all round!


File0001614773988Those aren’t my feet, but I was walking lots in my ballet pumps :-)

Workouts this week:

  • Monday – Kristin McGee Pre Natal Power Yoga
  • Tuesday – gym: 10 minutes cross trainer, 10 minutes bike, strength routine
  • Wednesday – gym: 10 minutes cross trainer, 10 minutes bike, strength routine
  • Thursday – walking around London a lot
  • Friday – walking around London a lot more!
  • Saturday – glorious rest
  • Sunday – more glorious rest

Pretty happy with that to be honest! My feet and ankles are aching from the walking!


Primark tea dressDress: Primark, tea cup and saucer necklace: shop in Brighton Laines, tan leather belt: Topshop, tights: H&M, lace effect pumps: New Look

For the tea party on Monday I wore a dress from Primark I’d bought in a larger size. I added an above the ‘bump’ belt and my tea cup and saucer necklace. When I was in London I did a bit of shopping and finally bought some maternity jeans:

296373741New Look: £27.99

These are reversible (so you can turn them inside out for a darker colour) and are oh so comfortable! I had tried some on in H&M but didn’t find them as comfortable, however I did get a few other things from the regular collection in H&M including pretty colourful scarves, long line vest tops and a kimono style jacket / top.


Whole foods haulRice bread wraps, Dr Bronner soap, rice syrup sweetener, mint flavouring, raw crackers, Lucy Bee coconut oil

I didn’t go mental in Whole Foods like I have in the past, I just bought these few goodies and I was quite proud of myself! I’ve had the mountain bread wraps before and really enjoyed them as well as the raw crackers. I needed to stock up on Dr Bronner and I fancied trying the rice syrup as I’ve seen it in quite a few recipes recently. Since I’ve been enjoying making my own raw chocolate I thought that purchasing a big jar of coconut oil would be more cost effective than getting bars of it ready made. I got the mint flavouring so I can make it minty! Also…

15 weeks pregnant now and I definitely have a distinctive little bump // all the lovely things the girls said about the project at the tea party // getting our little garden at the back of the flat done // time to myself // seeing my cousin Bea in London // getting very excited about future plans // talking blogging with Danni


Well what a week indeed. I am happy to be getting back to normal next week, and starting the green smoothie challenge too of course! I’m really chuffed that so many of you will be joining in. I hope you all enjoyed the free green smoothie guide included with this months newsletter, I’d love any feedback if you have it. I’ll be posting more details of the challenge tomorrow, but if you are sharing your green smoothies on social media don’t forget to tag me @lauraagarwilson and use the hash tag #KHGSgreensmoothiechal 


How has your week been? Where is your favourite place to get healthy food on the go? When I don’t have the range of options London had available, I like Pret, especially their green juice! Have you eaten at Leon or Pod before?

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  1. LilyLipstick

    That afternoon tea sounds amazing – nice to have some healthy options! I love Leon and Wholefoods for healthy meals on the go, your Leon breakfast looks so good. I have the cookbook too but haven’t actually cooked anything from it – I just love to read it! x

    • Laura

      That cookbook is just so beautiful it’s it!

  2. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Glad your afternoon tea went so well- I think that sort of thing is exactly what all teenage girls need to combat all the craziness of body image in the media.
    I love Leon food- they have a good selection for vegetarians which I like. Plus it is quick- sometimes we have gone in to London after work (for the theatre or something) and don’t have time to go to a normal place, so it’s great to be able to have fast food like that. I have one of their cook books too and there are some lovely recipes in there.
    I like M&S salads and things for eating out options as they always have a good selection, or Pret (they do a lovely avocado wrap).
    That is the coconut oil I have at the moment- delicious :)

    • Laura

      I’ll have to look out for the avocado wrap in Pret, that sounds right up my street!

  3. Cat

    That afternoon tea looks incredible! I went for one last week and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was despite the price (used a voucher – bargain!)

    Ooh those rice wraps look good, might use this as an excuse to make a Whole Foods trip ;)

    • Laura

      I think I could develop and afternoon tea habit!

  4. Ms.J

    The tea menu sounds lovely! Beetrot/carrot muffins..yum!
    So many gorgoues, nutritious salads packed must be all sorts of glowing :) . Oh I love having lentil dishes with broccoli. Raw carrots go along brilliantly too.
    Somehow you’ve painted London as one of the places I am suddenly pining to visit; Whole Foods!
    We lack resturants that are based on healthy, fresh produce over here.

    • Laura

      I hope the baby is! London really is great, I love popping down and just enjoying the buzz of the place for a few days :-)

  5. Sarahf

    The afternoon teas look fab! I love the whole concept of the schools project, such an important issue, and hopefully something that will stay with the girls involved for a long time to come!

    • Laura

      I really hope so, I think we have made a difference to how some of them think and see themselves :-)

  6. Kezia

    I happen to live only 2-3 miles from a massive whole foods store so that is my go to place for sure but have to limit my visits:) good job on the project!

    • Laura

      Oh you lucky thing!

  7. Nicky

    Awh sounds like you’ve had a great week! Sometimes it’s nice to indulge a little :) I love the idea of the afternoon tea with healthy and more treat like options together!

    And ahh London food is just amazing! The one thing I miss about living in London is the foodie places and the shops…it definitely made a big dint in my bank account with Wholefoods and Planet Organic being so handy though ooops!

    On the go food places, yep I like Pret, oh and good old M&S which I know you like too! :)

    • Laura

      Haha, I would be so skint if I lived anywhere near a Whole Foods or Planet Organic, I do sometimes wish some of the things they stocked where more widely available though!

      • Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

        I live 2 mins from planet organic and it is absolutely lethal, I can’t go in without spending 50 pounds regardless of what I buy!

  8. Lara

    Your tea dress with the accent belt really sets off your bump beautifully …. I can really see it :-)

    • Laura

      Haha, it’s getting hard to miss now!

  9. Jess

    Even though I was overwhelmed when I went to Whole Foods, I think London is still the best place in the world for vegan food. I do wish the rest of the country would catch up – I think we’re particularly badly served up here in the North East.

    That’s another lovely dress – it’s really flattering and you’ve given it the perfect shape with that belt.

    I was doing the Manchester Marathon today, so I’m still hoping to join in with the green smoothies once my stomach has settled down a bit (it’s always bad but today I was particularly nervous due to the whole ‘only one working arm and leg’ situation).


    • Laura

      I would absolutely agree, even the chain places I went to had at least a couple of vegan dishes available, I wish that we could catch up here in the North as well! Looking forward to reading your race recap!

  10. Christina

    So much good food! What an amazing idea for an afternoon tea. Can’t wait to see you next month!

  11. Mary

    That afternoon tea sounds great! Such a great thing to work with that age group as well. There are some girls at my last school that could really have benefited from something similar.
    I shall be walking around London a lot this week too as I’m heading down for the London Marathon expo on Thursday and then will be staying Sat-Mon for the marathon. So lots of running around London on the Sunday also! I’ve only been down a handful of times but am looking forward to finding some tasty spots for food after the race.
    Looking forward to hearing more about yours and Dannii’s plans! :)

  12. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    Sounds like a very busy week! I’ve never eaten at Leon or Pod before, will have to check them out. I like Pret or Itsu, if I am out and about and need to grab something. The afternoon tea sounds awesome.

  13. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    All sounds so exciting! And you know I ADORE afternoon tea. The selection of different bits and pieces looked amazing. Nice sandwich fillings as well!
    I’ve never even heard of Leon or Pod before. But they sound cool and I’ll definitely be on the look out.


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