May Monthly Pledge: Find a groove


May Monthly Pledge: Find a groove


C051766c5262d269de54e324f7ece49aFound this on Pinterest this month, love it! (credit –

I’ll probably keep saying this and sound like a right old person but seriously I can’t believe another month is out! April was a brilliant month, with Easter, the Green Smoothie Challenge and my ‘Get the Glow’ pledge I’m starting May feeling really good, despite all the Afternoon Tea I enjoyed!

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Here on the blog I shared recipes for:

Carrot cake 8

Some of my fave posts this month include:


May pledge

I had to think long and hard about my pledge this month, but when I started thinking about where I am right now and what I have coming up, finding a good groove with my eating, exercise, sleep etc will really benefit me. Over the last few months life has been pretty changeable. Early pregnancy left me too exhausted to exercise and with food aversions that really messed up my eating patterns. Sleep was also a bit off, and big changes in my career have also had an impact. Now I’m almost half way though my pregnancy I think it’s a case of establishing a ‘new normal’, even if that is only for a couple of months until things are turned upside down again. 

Now that I’m working for myself almost the whole time, each day can be very different and I do like that, however I am a creature of habit and routine, so I need to find the stability in amongst it all. That might be keeping regular eating times and being a little more structured with when I workout. Now that I can get myself to the gym first thing again, I’m confident everything will fall into place from there. I know the things I need to do to keep me feeling good in myself, being productive and generally ticking over well and it’s just a case of focusing on finding a groove to keep me going for a while!

Before I get stuck into that, we are off on our holidays to Brighton! I bloody love that place and can’t wait to get down again. It’s likely the only holiday we’ll be having this year, and probably next year as well to be honest, so we are prepared to make the most of it! The Great Escape Festival is on so James will be happy as larry. I usually get a natural urge to settle into a routine after a holiday so that should work out well too.

This month will also include our 20 week scan when, fingers crossed, we should find out if peanut is a girl or a boy. I’ve been holding off buying stuff until after the scan, so I’m sure they’ll be some shopping to come! We’d also like to start making a few changes to the flat. We’ve had no interest in our flat since it went on the market, and as I was saying in my wordy post, the reality is that we’ll be bringing our new baby home here. To make things more practical we are going to shift some furniture about and create a nice little baby area as well as some updates to the decor to make the place feel a bit more special for us (well, me really!)

How has April been for you? Any plans for May? Do you function better with a routine? 

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  1. Tamzin

    Oooooo how exciting finding out the sex of your bubba! Sounds like April was fab but May is gonna be better so good for you. April was a good month for me too and I am looking forward to May and hoping for some nice weather!

    • Laura

      I’m hoping for that good weather too, especially while I’m down your way, fingers crossed!

  2. Hayley

    May is the month I become a mother! My pledge is kindness to myself whilst I recover and get to know my new baby and that is all x

    • Laura

      That is so exciting, I really can’t wait to hear all about it from you! Hope it is all magical for you :-)

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    It is funny isn’t it that you’re trying to get yourself into a routine and find normality but in a few months time everything will change again! Mad! But very exciting. And how exciting that you’ll find out the sex of your baby. I haven’t decided if when I’m pregnant I’ll find out or not….pluses and minuses for both I think.

    • Laura

      I know, and James keeps reminding me not to try and plan to much for after the baby comes as we just have no idea what to expect! It’s going to be an interesting time thats for sure ;-)

    • Laura

      Thanks Poppy :-) xxx

  4. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    I think I function best on a kind of ‘loose routine’ if that makes sense?! A routine helps with habits becoming the norm but I never like it to be too rigid…
    Have an amazing time in Brighton – I’m hoping to finally make it down there this summer :) looking forward to seeing all your pictures! x

    • Laura

      I know exactly what you mean, and really I think that’s where I’m best as well. I don’t think I’d like too much routine like a 9-5 of the same work, but I need a bit of structure too! Oh you will love Brighton Pip!

  5. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    I think routine is really important. I used to be more about just doing things whenever, but since being a full-time blogger, I have had to get my act together a bit more and have more of a set schedule.

    • Laura

      Yeah I think it’s so important when you’d otherwise be able to do nothing if you didn’t motivate yourself!

  6. Lucy

    Sorry to hear you’ve had no interest in your flat so far, hope something comes along soon! When we tried to sell 2 years ago, we had no interest whatsoever, so hopefully this time will be different!
    So exciting finding out the sex of your baby! :-)

    • Laura

      Thankfully I think the housing market has improved a lot, although it’s taking it’s time up north! All we can do is stay positive :-)

  7. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    Hope you have a great holiday. I thrive on routine, I’ve recently started a new job, so just trying to adjust my routine to that at the mo.

    • Laura

      Thanks Lauren! Congrats on the new job, hope you find your groove with it and your routine soon!

  8. LilyLipstick

    Hope you have a great holiday! I love Brighton – such a fun city with so much amazing food! I definitely work best having a routine – the Bank Holidays have made my working weeks really busy at the moment and have thrown off my gym schedule, and I’ve moved flat recently so definitely with you on establishing a “new normal” and trying to work within circumstances! x

    • Laura

      The bank holidays do the same for me as well, as much as I love them I feel like I’m playing catch up! The food in Brighton is indeed fab, so looking forward to it!

  9. Mary

    Enjoy your trip to Brighton! I’ve never been.
    How exciting that you will be finding out the gender of your baby. Both Dan and I have always said we wouldn’t want to know for our own, but I find it so exciting waiting to hear what other people are having! What are your gut feelings…girl or boy?…

  10. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Have a fab time in Brighton- I love it there too :)
    I like a routine but this year has been hard as I had some big changes at work which has meant my routine has not really got back to normal, and next year will be more changes so it will take a while to settle down I think.



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