Recipe: Gluten free Nutella Muffins

baked, recipes

Recipe: Gluten free Nutella Muffins

baked, recipes


Yep, me and Nutella inspired recipes are having a moment. Remember my Nutella Fuel Bars? The obsession continues!

I’ve actually made these muffins a few times over the last couple of months but wanted to perfect the recipe before sharing it, not that it’s particularly complex.

Nutella muffin 13

These muffins are grain free and my most people’s definition, paleo friendly too. They are made with one of my favourite ingredients, coconut flour. I’ve been making coconut flour muffins for a while, starting with this very basic recipe. These Nutella muffins where born from a recipe shared by one of the ladies on my Feeling Fab course. I played about with that recipe so that I could create a chocolate hazelnut version.

Nutella muffin 4

Unlike some coconut flour baked goods, these have a lovely light texture while also being extremely filling. They make a great breakfast, snack or sweet treat, and I love to enjoy them with a glass of coconut milk.

Nutella muffin 12

These muffins are only a handful of ingredients, take minutes to make and taste amazing. They are free from grains, dairy and refined sugar. They also freeze extremely well too. Enjoy!

[yumprint-recipe id=’53’]Nutella muffin 8

Have you tried baking with coconut flour? What’s your favourite unconventional flour?

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  1. Helen

    Oh yum, I’m going to try these as I’ve got a bag of coconut flour that I haven’t made anything with yet! I haven’t got any coconut sugar but I might try using some rice malt syrup in it’s place…will let you know how I get on.

    • Laura

      Glad you enjoyed them, loved your swaps on Instagram!

  2. Kezia

    You have made my Tuesday morning! I have trailed making homemade nutella recently but still not quite perfected so these will help satisfy the craving! Gotta love nutella!

    • Laura

      Let me know if you try them!

  3. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    OH wowwww, chocolate and hazelnut is one of my favourite combos (as I’m sure you know haha!). This seem like they don’t have the sickly sweetness of Nutella either – perfection!

    • Laura

      Good point, these aren’t sickly sweet at all, let me know if you try them!

  4. Lauren

    These look so simple and great. I love the smell of coconut flour but my recipes are very hit and miss when I use it! I think that less is more using coconut flour in a recipe otherwise I find the end product is way to dry and stodgy! These look so light and fluffy :)

    • Laura

      You are definitely right there, actually I’m going to make sure I mention that the next time I post a coconut flour recipe, it is super absorbent and needs a lot of liquid ingredients!

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t like Nutella…sinful I know. They look great though – very cute and dinky.
    I used to love using coconut flour but haven’t bought it in a while. It’s quite expensive, isn’t it? But I guess that’s true with a lot of more unusual ingredients! I think the only thing I use that probably isn’t ‘mainstream’ (though very much mainstream blogging) are chia seeds. I love them. Such powerhouses of protein and nutrition.

    • Laura

      It can be a bit pricey but you never need to use a lot of it, I’d say a quarter of what you’d use in most recipes with normal flour so I guess the price evens out! Love chia seeds, I need to make sure I use them more regularly though.

  6. Tamzin

    These sounds gorgeous! Yummy x

  7. Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    You know I’m a huge fan of unconventional flourless muffins :D That being said, I’ve never actually tried making them with coconut flour because working with it still kind of intimidates me, but you seem to have perfected it! These sound so great, Laura!

    • Laura

      Thanks Amanda! I still need to try your chocolate muffin recipe :-)

  8. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    These look delicious Laura! I wonder if they’d work as a savoury version with walnut butter too, I have so much I need to use up!!

    • Laura

      They definitely would, they should be fine just made without the added milk and coconut sugar – you could even add herbs if you wanted more of a savoury flavour.

  9. Maria @ runningcupcake

    They look fab! I loved your banana bread with coconut flour, and I have managed some pancakes with it, but it does often make a recipe seem weirdly dry. It seems logs of eggs are the way to go.

    • Laura

      I think coconut flour must be about 3 or 4 times more absorbent that regular flour so a lot of eggs or other liquid definitely seems to be the way to go, that’s why I added in the milk to this recipe as the first time I tried it they were too dry without

  10. Miss Polkadot

    Coconut flour is by far my favourite unconventional flour. I use it daily and am very smitten with it. Your muffins sound awesome and I’d definitely give them a try if it wasn’t so hard to sub for eggs in coconut flour baking recipes. It’d be extra difficult here with the eggs acting both as a binding and leavening agent. Hm…
    The only vegan coconut flour muffins I made before used it mixed with whole wheat flour [to make use of gluten’s binding powers, I guess] and they turned out great.

  11. Jude

    Hi! I made these today and they turned out great! I think that it’s the best healthier sweet treat recipe I have ever tried! Sister and boyfriend like them to and they are very critical when they hear about healthier alternatives!



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