Recipe: Almond Coconut Cacao Cookies

baked, recipes

Recipe: Almond Coconut Cacao Cookies

baked, recipes

Almond coconut cacao cookies title

Cookies are probably my favourite baked treat. I’m sure it has something to do with working at Millies Cookies for several years while I was in Sixth form and at Uni, I ate a lot of cookies in that time! However these cookies could not be more different to the Millies variety. 

Almond coconut cacao cookies 8

A couple of weekends ago I just really fancied a nice chewy cookie. I also thought that some little cookies would make a great newborn-middle-of the-night-feeding-snack. I wanted something filling and sustaining with as much nutrition as possible.

Almond coconut cacao cookies 6

Unlike a Millies cookie, these are totally jam packed with health promoting ingredients. They also taste great! The ground almonds and coconut give them a wonderful texture, almost macaroon like. 

Almond coconut cacao cookies 3

The chopped almonds and cacao nibs give them a fabulous crunch and the chia seeds pack in extra nutrition. If you don’t like the idea of cacao nibs, then dark chocolate chips can easily be used in their place.

Almond coconut cacao cookies 7

[yumprint-recipe id=’67’]
Almond coconut cacao cookies 10

These did not last long at all! Do you have a favourite cookie or biscuit healthy or otherwise? What would be your perfect middle of the night snack?

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  1. lucie

    Woahhhh Laura! I can see myself taking these beauties to uni for a cheeky treat! They look delicious!

  2. Kezia

    Oh I love cacao – so tasty in baked things and full of magnesium which we could all use more of – perfect snacking recipe i wish i had some now for breakfast:)

  3. Lauren

    These look awesome and delicious! I am so making these when I get some time. They will be perfect for when I am working at my new cafe and I don’t really get a break. I can scoff them down for some quick energy ;)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Do let me know if you make them and great that you have a job working at a cafe!

  4. Lucy

    You’ve done it again, Laura! These look like something I could definitely make, just need some coconut sugar and I’ll be on my way. They look and sound totally delicious!

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Ahh they’re so dinky and cute. Nice list of ingredients. They wouldn’t keep for a few days at our house haha.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Haha, to be honest the only reason they lasted that long here was because I rationed them out!

  6. Claire Hayhurst

    Ooo cacao and chia – two of my two faces! These look lovely Laura and the photography is so pretty too!

  7. Karina

    Like your good self perhaps, Laura ? I think I was addicted to the incredibly-naughty Millies’ Cookies during my youth (don’t touch them now), those nourishing-good cookie creation of yours look & sound good:)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Haha glad I wasn’t the only one! Strange how they have no appeal to me now.

  8. Alexandra

    They Look Great, Laura. I need them next to me now and tomorrow morning as well! I like the photos – all I have at the moment hah :)

  9. Petra

    OMG, you make some amazing stuff! I definitely want to make these, they look so delicious!

  10. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love Millie’s cookies too! Although have not had them for years! These sound (and look) great- what a fab list of ingredients.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Maria, it’s been years since I’ve had one, weirdly I never get the craving now at all ;-)

  11. Tamzin

    Yummy I love cookies so these are definitely something I would enjoy but they definitely wouldn’t last long round here either!

  12. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    These look so good, the texture looks delicious. Do you think it would work with a flax/chia egg?

  13. Dannii

    Mmm, I bet the texture of these are really good!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      It certainly is! Reminds me of an unhealthier cookie from the supermarket but can’t remember the name of them now!

  14. Nicky

    These sound amazing!! I saw that recipe from Minimalist Baker and was thinking of remaking it too – your version sounds so yum! Cookies are definitely my fave baked good too..the smell of Millie’s Cookies gets me every time I walk past haha!

  15. Nadia

    They look delicious Laura :D x


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