Detox and Hydrate Vegetable Soup Recipe featuring BRITA

recipes, soups

Detox and Hydrate Vegetable Soup Recipe featuring BRITA

recipes, soups


Detoxing might be the thing furthest from your mind as we approach Christmas, but don’t let that put you off this delicious detox and hydrate vegetable soup recipe!

BRITA asked me to come up with a soup recipe that was super hydrating so I got a bit creative with the ingredients. It contains lots and lots of veggies, but perhaps a few you wouldn’t expect in a soup. This is the perfect recipe to be made at the weekend to ensure a healthy meal all week. If you are starting the Christmas indulgences early, then including a bowl of this each day will help keep you healthy, hydrated and well.


At this time of year our skin can get dry and cracked and keeping up our water intake can be a challenge. Using clean and clear BRITA filtered water in your cooking can really make a difference to the taste as well as ensuring impurities in the water are removed. This soup is also packed with hydrating vegetables including celery, peppers, cucumber and lettuce (yes, really!) Those may be salad veg, but believe me when I say they create a delicious soup!

Lettuce, peppers, cucumber and celery are all super hydrating ingredients because they have a naturally high water content, have anti inflammatory properties, are good sources of potassium and other minerals to support electrolyte balance as well as a range of health promoting anti oxidants.

Coconut oil is another good source of electrolytes as well as being anti bacterial and anti inflammatory and is known to support healthy hormone balance and metabolism.

Red lentils are full of both soluble and in soluble fibre to support digestive health and to support blood sugar balance. They also contain protein to ensure the soup is filling as well as hydrating. They are also very low in fat and low in calories.

The soup is detoxing because it’s high mineral rich water content will support the bodies natural detoxifying organs in their removal of toxins from the body. As it is a blended soup full of anti inflammatory ingredients and fibre it will support the cleansing of the digestive tract whilst also allowing it to rest and heal.

I topped my soup with a simple lemon yoghurt drizzle (just lemon juice mixed with plain yoghurt) to add another flavour dimension as well as some probiotic goodness, plus a few pumpkin seeds for crunch. You could also top it with pesto, harissa or simply some fresh herbs.

detox and hydrate vegetable soup recipe


[yumprint-recipe id=’114′]

Have you ever tried cucumber or lettuce in a soup? 

*post in collaboration with BRITA

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  1. Kezia @ Super Naturally Health

    Oh no i have never tried cucumber in soup – need to give it a go though! I used brits filters too as great intro to more filtered water that is not super pricey:)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Definitely give it a try, bulks it up and adds more minerals!

  2. AnnaTheApple

    I’ve never heard of lettuce or cucumber in a warm soup. Cool idea though as essentially they’re rather tasteless but you can still get the vitamins etc.

  3. Lucy Birchall

    I’ve only ever associated cucumber in anything soup like with gazpacho, in a warm soup though – totally new! And lettuce too! That looks like such a tasty bowl of soup, what a perfect colour.

    She’s So Lucy

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      It’s really different isn’t it, I love those ingredients for a lighter soup!


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