3 Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

3 Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

3 ingredient sweet potato pancakes hero

This is actually an update of a recipe I posted a long, long time ago, but I thought it’s such a simple and often-created recipe in my household I should post it again. This time with pretty pictures of course!

Whenever I want to make a nicer family breakfast at the weekend, this is what I make. Everyone loves these pancakes, especially Finley who gobbles them up.

They do take a little more forethought than banana pancakes (which are essentially the same recipe but using banana in place of the sweet potato) but believe me when I say they are worth it. Their flavours are perfect for this time of year, and you could even make them with well mashed or blended squash or tinned pumpkin.

It does take a few goes to get the knack of cooking them right. I use a medium high heat, but make sure the pan is really hot and I also use a little coconut oil for frying even in a non-stick ceramic pan to make them easier to flip.

I love serving them with a sauce made of almond butter mixed with maple syrup. So good!

3 ingredient sweet potato pancakes edited 1

[yumprint-recipe id=’138′]

Have you tried one of the variations of 3 or even 2 ingredient pancakes yet?

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  1. AnnaTheApple

    These sound so tasty. I love sweet potato. And so simple as well!

  2. LilyLipstick

    I remember these from when you first blogged about them! Definitely looking forward to making pancakes again once the weather turns a bit more autumnal! x

  3. Maria B

    These sound lovely- I have made a similar one with pumpkin puree before, but not sweet potato (I don’t think) because I would need to plan in advance to cook it! One day :)

    • Laura@wholeheartedlyhealthy

      Ah of course! They do need a little pre planning and you’ve reminded me I need to find some tinned pumpkin!


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