I don’t know about you, but this month seems to have flown over! Thankfully we finally have some sun, it felt more like summer than spring for that week, but now it’s back to more usual spring like weather.
I’ve left this post a bit late, but I guess that makes it an especially good time to reflect on April! As I write this we have the Full Moon in Scorpio which has really kicked my ass to be honest. I’m also on day 28 of my cycle, so you know, fun times…not.
Anyways, I think the good thing about feeling the moon more deeply is being able to release more. I’ve spent most of this morning having a good cry, and it’s just felt like so much stress and tension has lifted. This month at times has been challenging, but as with all challenges I feel like they set you up for something important or useful further down the line.
#1 I got geeky
One of my favourite books this month was reading a Brief History of Time by the late great Stephen Hawking. I’m not going to pretend I understood it all, but what I did understand was mind blowing! Our Universe is one incredible place.
#2 I finally got all my decluttering done
This ones been lingering for a while, I think due to the rubbish weather but the extra sun in April gave me more motivation to get on top of it finally. Instead of the conservatory being a dump, we now have loads of space in there ready for using it for yoga, or a playroom or just a better entrance to the garden than the back door. Having a good declutter has felt so good, I just need to ensure I don’t bring more clutter into the house which is easier said than done with a 3 year old.
#3 I went for my first run in ages
At the start of the month I finally got out and ran! I used to be well into my running but once I’d completed the half marathon after I’d had Finley, I was pretty much done. I do enjoy running shorter distances so my goal this month was to get out at least once. However I haven’t been back out again due to #5 – I was actually wondering if the run could have been the trigger?
#4 I’ve got a new exciting thing in the pipeline!
I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to do next around my wellbeing work. I’ve really enjoyed the Mindset Makeover Course this year (which will soon be available as a self study option) and in talking to lots of women and listening to what everyone’s been saying I have an idea for a long term affordable programme that I’m really excited to share. Watch this space!
#5 My wellbeing
Some of you who have been reading this time last year might have remembered me mentioning some issues I was experiencing with my bladder health. Basically it was like having a UTI but when tested, there was no infection present. It’s been re-occurring for the last two and a half years, but my last flare up was a year ago and unfortunately it’s come back. I had some testing done last year but as it disappeared for so long I didn’t push to get a diagnosis. I am going back to the Docs to ask for a referral and a check up (I do have an idea of a couple of issues it could be due to my symptoms), but I’m hoping this flare up will ease off like the others soon enough.
But what this has reminded me is that my body is not in the happiest of places right now. I’m struggling with some headaches, brain fog and low energy as well as this, and the time has come to do something about it. The first thing I’m going to try are some nutritional shifts like radically reducing coffee (sob), sugar, dairy and gluten for a while and adding in some new foods and supplements. I’ve resisted this for a long time because #nutribollocks and all that, however, all of that rhetoric is totally fucking useless when you’re feeling like shit. I know food can heal and now’s the time to use it in that way. I’ll report back with how I get on!
How has April been for you? What are you looking forward to in May?