Refreshing your summer morning routine (AD)
As the summer comes to an end with a new season on the horizon, it can be a really good time to check in with yourself and make some changes and tweaks to your routines.
I’ll be honest, our summer morning routine has been a bit all over the place which isn’t really that bad when you think of the change of pace that comes for the holidays – at least for us!
But as the summer draws to a close I’m starting to think about a new morning routine for our family especially as Finley will be starting school in a few days time.
In partnership with Lizi’s Granola’s I’m sharing a few tips to get you started with summer self care, especially if the idea of it leaves you feeling overwhelmed!
I should add before I get into my ideas for a new morning routine that I do recognise I have the privilege of being able to work from home and therefore have the mornings free before Finley starts school. But I think a lot of these ideas can be tweaked to make things easier for you even if you have little time in the morning – the whole idea of a morning routine is that you’re setting yourself up for a better day. If it’s stressing you out then it’s not the right routine!
Have 5 minutes of quiet time
I know this can be challenging if you have kids and have no help in the morning, but finding just a couple of minutes of time to be still before the chaos of the day starts can be really helpful. Maybe this is while you’re in the shower. Hot tip – try meditating while you’re in there, chakra meditations where you imagine water cleansing them can work really well in the shower.
Avoid your phone
This is something I really need to work on myself, but getting out of the habit of reaching for your phone the second you open your eyes is really going to be helpful for starting the day in a much calmer and less reactive way.
Check in with your to do list
I keep a bit of a running to-do list and checking in with it each morning helps me stay organised and not miss anything important.
Get outside if you can
While we’re still in the last warmth of the summer, why not take your breakfast outside? Being in nature is proven to support your wellbeing and is such a nice way to start the day.
Have a good healthy breakfast!
Over the summer we’ve been loving granola with milk and fruit or yoghurt, chia puddings or smoothies. Having some quick nutritious options that don’t need a lot of prep can make busy mornings a little less stressful. One of the reasons I’ve been enjoying Lizi’s Granola as it’s easy to have breakfast ready very quickly. If you’re concerned about sugar, Lizi’s have a delicious low sugar option too.
Practice gratitude
Finally a nice thing to add to your morning routine is practicing gratitude. This can be as simple as writing a list of three things in a journal or notebook that you’re appreciating today. Putting this focus on the good things helps you start the day in a more positive frame of mind.
How do you approach your morning routine? Would you try any of these tips?
For more hints, tips and inspiration head over to Lizi’s Facebook and Lizi’s Instagram pages and like their page.
*Post in partnership with Lizi’s Granola’s