I really enjoy working with coaches to help them develop their brands and websites. As a Health Coach myself I know how important a website is for growing your business, feeling professional and attracting your ideal clients.
The problem is, you can’t just throw up any old website and expect it to work as hard for your business as one that is fully optimised. When a website is designed right, it really can serve you as your hardest working ‘employee’!
So what does a hard working coaching website include? Here are 5 key things you need to have in place on your coaching website to make it work as hard as possible:
An optimised way for people to sign up for your email list
This is the number one thing you need to make sure you have on your website. You want to be encouraging people from the moment they land on your site to sign up for your list so you can continue to build a relationship with them and hopefully guide them towards becoming a client.
Ideally, you want that email opt in to include some kind of incentive for people to sign up that is geared up towards helping your ideal client with a specific problem. This both encourages people to sign up, but also makes sure you’re building your list with people well suited to your services. They wouldn’t have wanted that free guide if they didn’t want a solution or support to that problem!
You also want to make sure that the whole process from someone popping their email address into the box to getting the free incentive to getting any other emails is working flawlessly too.
You can use a pop up or just have boxes on your pages, it’s totally up to you!
It’s instantly obvious why someone should hang around
The online world is overcrowded and people’s attention spans are pretty short! So when it comes to your website it needs to be clear and obvious what you’re all about and why someone should stick around. Tapping into a problem they might be experiencing or a message they might be passionate about and creating a statement on that which is displayed prominently on your website will help the right people stay.
For example, if you’re a parenting coach who’s message is about gentle and natural approaches to parenting you might have a statement on your website that describes that clearly. If someone who is struggling to parent their 3 year old and who really wants to do so in a gentle way, then bingo, they’re in the right place!
You should also consider how you can factor this in across your whole site – often the home page isn’t the first page people land on, usually it’s a blog post so think about how you can add something into that page – maybe it’s a bio in a sidebar or an author box at the end of a post.
Cornerstone content
Well written blog posts that address a problem your ideal client might be having, or that help them achieve something of value, not only act as magnets to get people to your site in the first place (using SEO, Pinterest etc) but also help to get people to hang around your site and come back for more.
Cornerstone content takes this slightly further as it’s about creating a collection of posts that really represent your best work and making those blogs work as hard as possible for you – these are the posts you’d want to promote over and over again and update as needed. Ideally you will have researched key words and planned out the content in detail.
You’ll also have a very effective call to action (basically a clear next step for people to take) this might be signing up for your email list in order to get a free guide that builds on the content of the blog, or it might be signing up for a free call or some other action that guides people towards the ultimate end point of becoming a client or customer!
Consistent attractive professional branding
Branding really is a key player when it comes to your website. It’s not just about having a pretty logo and nice colours, branding can create trust, it can add a feeling of professionalism and it can work hard for you to attract the people who are most likely to become clients and customers. Good branding creates a whole package of visuals and messaging that, when done right, elevates your whole website.
Good branding is consistent across not just your site but all of your business from your social media to your business cards. Good branding doesn’t have to be over the top, if anything a simple brand can be really effective if designed right.
Branding is definitely a big passion of mine, so much so I wrote an e guide all about it and how branding can work for coaches in particular – grab the guide here!
You build authority / social proof
A fully optimised website builds authority using testimonials, information about your training and qualifications and even by sharing information on other places you might have been featured – take a look at my ‘featured in’ section on my home page for how this could look – it’s great if you’ve had any kind of press. By featuring their logos, your ‘lending’ their credibility and authority for yourself.
Alongside a good brand this can work absolute wonders for your business because you’re creating authority and trust with people who may become clients or customers. Basically you’re showing you’re the real deal!
Social proof is similar to testimonials but instead it might be screenshots of reviews people have left for you on Facebook, comments people have left you on Instagram or maybe even short videos from previous clients. Sometimes this is more powerful than testimonials because people can see they’re legit and have been created by a real person on social media.
Something that should flow through all of the above points is creating a connection.
When we create a connection with our audiences they’re far more likely to stick around and become clients or customers. We can create connection in all kinds of ways – telling stories, using video, being vulnerable where it’s appropriate and more. So don’t forget to create a connection!
Having those things in place is going to help your website do so much more for you and your business – it really is your greatest asset!
If you’re looking for a new site and brand either because you’re starting out or you feel you need an upgrade – then I’m your girl! Check out my Create Your Biz Course which teaches you how to DIY it or take a look at my fully done for you services.
I love to know if these tips have been helpful for you, do you feel like your website is working for you right now? Which of these tips can you implement?
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