If there’s one thing that comes up often in my work as a business mentor for coaches it’s the question of consistency. A lot of coaches feel that if they could just be more consistent in their business, more consistent with marketing, their business would enjoy more growth.
In this post I’m going to share my top tips for how to show up with more consistency in your coaching business. While I don’t think it fixes everything, I do think it really can help make a huge difference to your business and how successful it becomes!
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Defining what consistency looks like for you
Before we get into the main tips it’s really important to recognise that you probably have a busy life and that your situation is going to be unique. Perhaps you have kids, maybe your coaching business is a side hustle to a full time job, you may have caring responsibilities etc and since you’re not a robot these things are all going to have an impact on what consistency is going to mean for you.
Ultimately we need to remember that we are cyclical beings. Most of us view ‘consistency’ as this constant state of showing up when in reality that is really hard to do! So we need a radical shift in how we approach consistency.
It’s also no good comparing yourself to others when you never really know what their lives look like behind the scenes or what access to resources they have.
So we’re going to focus on ourselves when it comes to what consistency is going to mean. The first thing to consider is actually deciding on what a realistic, doable baseline of consistency would look like for you in the phase of life that you’re in right now.
That might be a list of what is doable in terms of creating stuff for social media or blogging or pitching or whatever.
De-overwhelm yourself and keep it simple
I feel like a lot of us struggle to be consistent because so many of us don’t know what the heck we’re supposed to be doing to grow our business. We’re just throwing spaghetti against the wall. Perhaps we’ve got a vague idea that we should be posting on social media or something else but without a solid plan and strategy behind what we’re doing it can be easy to feel overwhelmed which leads to inaction which leads to a lack of consistency.
If you’re new to the world of coaching, check out my free Zero to Launch guide which includes a full checklist of everything you need to do to start your coaching business. If you’re a bit further on in your business then check out my Business Strategy Planning Sessions where we work together to create a business plan you can follow.
Both of these will help you know what you need to be doing to build your coaching business so you can actually go and do what you need to do without overwhelm!
Automate and organise
Anything that you can automate and organise in your business which is going to save you time and headspace is going to help you become more consistent.
Whether it’s using social media scheduling apps like Planoly or SocialBee so your social media content is set to be shared automatically or automating elements of your client onboarding process using a tech tool like Dubsado, all of these things do work for you or when you can’t be there which massively helps with consistency!
Even using an online scheduler for your clients to book in with you rather than emails back and forth will help.
There is a cost aspect with some automation tools, I think there’s often a trade off between convenience and cost so it’s just about finding the right balance for your business and the best investments.
Any ways that you can feel more organised supports your work too, using planning templates, having a system for how you run your business, all of this will improve your consistency.
Following nicey on from automate and organise is to create systems for things! For example, with The Wholehearted Business Show I have a process I follow for each show and that helps keep things streamlined and makes it easier to show up with the show each and every week.
Creating systems and workflows around any repeatable tasks in your business is going to make them easier to do which is going to support you to be more consistent.
I appreciate that not everyone is going to be in a position to outsource things in their business, depending on their financial situation as obviously outsourcing comes with a cost. However even just a couple of things outsourced can help.
Looking at your business and the areas where you perhaps struggle a little bit or things that don’t come naturally to you is a good place to start with outsourcing.
I’m not necessarily one of these people who believe we should just outsource everything that isn’t in our zone of genius. I don’t know how financially viable that is for a lot of businesses, but I do think that even a little bit of outsourcing can help.
In my business I outsource various admin, tech and social media tasks on an ongoing basis to my virtual assistants and that makes a huge difference to how consistently I show up, especially on social media!
It doesn’t just have to be tasks on an ongoing basis, even one off tasks can help. I outsourced my Dubsado set up and that helped save me so much time.
If you’re creating content for your marketing or any kind of content for your business, it just makes sense to look at the ways that you can repurpose, reuse and recycle it so that you are not having to start from scratch every single time you sit down to create something.
Half the battle with consistency is having ideas so repurposing can really help. If you then bring in the automation side of things then that makes it all even easier. For example repurposing elements of a blog post into an Instagram post and using Planoly to schedule that up.
If I had to sit down every morning and create a post for social media from scratch, find an image and write a caption it just wouldn’t be getting done at all!
Batching is basically about doing a bunch of similar tasks at once. The theory behind this is that every time we change to a new unrelated task there’s an energy output to that. So by doing more similar tasks in the same timeframe, there’s less of the energy wastage from having to jump between different tasks. I used to find it quite hard to batch certain things, and I still find that certain tasks in my business just don’t feel natural to batch.
However I do like to batch record videos and a couple of other things. It’s all about taking what works and leaving what doesn’t.
Batching supports consistency because you should be able to produce more in a shorter time frame and it’s a more efficient use of your energy.
Another thing that I find useful is to have assigned days or time blocks for different things. If you are wanting to be more consistent with your visibility, it might be that you say to yourself that Tuesday is a day that you show up and do a Facebook live and Wednesday is the day that you schedule all of your Instagram content. Having a regular routine and blocked out time can support consistency.
This heavily links into having that business plan and strategy because you need to know what you need to be doing and why you’re doing it.
It’s important to note that it can be easy to use ‘I’m not being consistent enough’ as another stick to beat ourselves with. Remember it’s not the end of the world if you skip a week of posting on Instagram or forget to email your list. What’s important is that you pick up where you left off rather than feeling like you’ve massively failed.
Sometimes consistency isn’t just about showing up on social media or marketing yourself through creating content. Showing up with consistency in your business can look like lots of different things. Try keeping a list each week of every single thing you do for your business. If you told someone you know you’re a coach that counts, if you’ve pitched to be a guest on a podcast that counts, if you’ve tweaked your website that counts – so many things count!
I hope these tips have given you some things to think about when it comes to being more consistent!
Don’t forget to grab my free Zero to Launch guide if you’re a new coach or take a look at my new Business Planning Strategy Sessions too.
Here’s to being more consistent in our own unique way!