This year I decided to start sharing quarterly BTS (Behind the Scenes) posts, here’s the one I did for January – March.
As I said in that post, I really enjoy sharing a bit of a behind the scenes look at my life and business and while these posts are a bit self indulgent I hope that by sharing my income numbers and lessons learned that there’s something here that helps you too.
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Listen to this episode on The Wholehearted Business Show Podcast
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Overview of what I did each month
I didn’t do a whole lot in April, I continued serving clients and showing up as normal but there was the two week Easter break that I took some time off for and that was great.
One big thing I did do in April was purchase Thrivecart and Thrive Learn (I spent £777 on this) and myself and my VA have been in the process of slowly moving over my courses and programmes to the new system although there’s still a lot to do!
Total income: £4402 / $5300
In May I ran a live round of a new programme called Connecting Content. I had previously known that I wanted to run a round of Blog School but when I looked at my content related programmes it felt like a fun idea to bundle those programmes together and create a new live round experience.
I really enjoyed delivering Connecting Content and everyone who took part seemed to enjoy it too!
It was also in May that I started to feel quite overwhelmed with things and made a few useful decisions to help me feel better in my business. This included putting back the idea of running a summit and making Wholehearted Business (my 6 month group programme) open on an evergreen basis.
Total income: £3400 / $4130
In June I participated in the Coach to Profit 4.0 Bundle with Infostack. I made $350 in affiliate income and added some new people on my list.
I also gave a paid talk at a local co working space, Commonplace. The talk was on impostor syndrome and it’s the first talk I’ve done in 3 years. It was really good fun and reminded me how much I love to do those type of events.
Another big thing I did in June was to change up my Instagram strategy. I had intended to post more often but what I found was that I was posting less due to you know, life! When I came across something called the Evergreen Instagram Funnel Strategy I decided to implement it as an experiment for the summer – I’m going to create a whole episode of the show on this as I think it’s a really fascinating approach!
Total income: £3588 / $4400
My total income for the year so far is just under £30K which I’m happy with. The last quarter’s figures have not been as high as the previous quarter but I really did consciously take my foot off the gas and I’ve been working considerably less recently so it kind of makes sense!
Where my income comes from
I know some people find this helpful so here’s a breakdown of where the income in my business has come from this quarter
- 1:1 Coaching / mentoring
- Brand, Website and Coaching Services
- One off calls
- Courses and Programmes
- Affiliate income
- Group Programme
Why I’m sharing numbers
I’m sharing my numbers for a few reasons, I believe that women especially probably don’t talk about money enough, and while I know numbers can sometimes be triggering (they have for me before) ultimately I believe it’s illuminating and empowering to share these things. Some of you might look at those numbers and think they’re brilliant and others might think they’re low – it depends on how we’re all calibrated really. Either way, I’m proud of my earnings as someone who has always run their business alongside raising children and working less than 20 hours a week. I have big income goals but I’m happy to take an aligned road to meet them!
Email List
My email list currently has 3025 subscribers and my open rate is around 35% – this is very close to my totals from last quarter so this is really flagging to me that I could do with putting some attention here as I’d love to be seeing my list growing a lot more.
Things I learned this quarter
It’s ok to be a human in your business – This quarter hasn’t been the easiest for me, nothing bad in the grand scheme of things (and particularly trivial in light of other things happening around the world) but it has felt harder than usual – kids being sick, myself and my partner being sick, stressful child care situations, the house being upside down due to building work etc. This has all had an impact on how I’ve been able to show up.
I had felt very guilty about this, but I want my business to be a reflection of the world I want to see. Resistance to being able to say to my clients ‘hey, I’m having a particularly challenging week, I might be slightly slower responding to you’ really comes from a bunch of internalised capitalism and patriarchy. So I was pleased I was able to do that and not have my business implode!
Not caring so much about what other people think – related to the above thing, I have not been anywhere near as consistent on social media as I would usually be, because of said difficulties. Usually being consistent is something others praise me for, so letting go of that and letting go of worrying about what others think – especially other coaches and others in the online business space, has been especially profound.
Seeing how my business can facilitate the life I want to live / my current phase of life – again, very much connected to the two above points, it’s been interesting to explore how my business has been able to help me be who I need to be right now. It’s not always perfect, a lot of stress lately especially around child care has been because I have needed to show up for my paying clients, but overall my business does an incredible job of meeting my creative and financial needs while allowing me the space to deal with life’s and families ups and downs. I think that’s pretty cool!
Health and Life
One of the things that have made the last few weeks especially tricky is that I keep getting sick. I’ve had repeated head colds, tonsillitis and covid. Part of this is due to having two kids in school / nursery and the other is probably that my immune system is a bit fucked. I know I have anaemia so I’m trying to keep up with my iron tablets and I’m trying to rest and be gentle with myself which has been frustrating as I’ve recently started running again and I really enjoy it.
I’ve been doing restorative yoga on a Sunday evening and I’ve been loving the Chani app and her mediations, they are just beautiful.
Future plans
My intentions this year have been for me to work as little as possible over the summer. I’m confident I can work two days most weeks and have a full week off in August too, so I’m really just gearing everything up for that.
I also turn 40 in August which I’m very excited about! I’m looking forward to celebrating the milestone with my friends and family and spending some time dreaming about what I want my 5th decade to look like!
I’m also looking forward to September – it’s definitely my absolute favourite time of year and I feel like I’m going to be raring to go by then!
As always I hope you’ve found this post helpful and at the very least an interesting read! How was Q2 for you? Let me know in the comments.
Laura 💖