How to market your coaching business in less than 4 hours a week


How to market your coaching business in less than 4 hours a week


If you’re limited on time and want to be able to effectively (and realistically) market your coaching business in 4 hours or less a week, then this post is for you.

I’m going to share the workflow I use and some other examples of how you can create content based marketing that helps you get your business in front of new potential clients on a consistent basis.

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Why would you want to create a 4 hour marketing workflow?

It’s going to save you time

No matter what stage of business we’re at, none of us are going to have time to spend on marketing that isn’t focused and intentional. Most of the people I work with want to create a slow and spacious life, so working 50 hours a week just isn’t going to cut it.

Being able to have your core content based marketing sorted in just a couple of hours a week or less, is going to ensure you have those marketing foundations in place that will give your business some sustainability for the future.

It’s going to help you be consistent

Another benefit of the workflow I’m going to share with you is that it can really help you become more consistent with your marketing efforts. As much as I wish it wasn’t the case, consistency does matter, but I totally understand how hard it can be to be consistent when life happens, if you have a chronic illness, caring responsibilities or disruptive monthly cycles!

The good news is, there are ways you can set up this workflow to help you show up consistently outwardly, even when you aren’t able to show up consistently within your business – more on that in a sec!
It’s an effective foundation for longevity

This 4 hours (or less!) marketing workflow is based on creating content marketing that isn’t focused on social media. Having a consistent form of this kind of marketing helps to create sustainability and longevity in your business.

This post on content marketing for coaches explains what content marketing is in more detail and why it’s simply so awesome!

Creating your workflow

Step 1 – Identifying your core platform / core medium of content
The first part of creating your workflow is deciding on your core platform and the kind of content you create first.

In my business, my core platform is my blog because this is the platform that I actually own, that converts most effectively into email subscribers and where I want to pull all the threads of my marketing together.

When it comes to the form I first create my content in, I will often switch between writing a detailed blog post and then recording a video based on that, or, writing rough notes then recording a video and writing a more detailed blog post afterwards.

I tend to think that your core platform should be something that you can create / share long form content on, which suggests a blog, podcast or a YouTube channel.

Again, in my business I primarily create content for all three of those in one go, so that video has the audio pulled off to become a podcast alongside the blog and the YouTube video.

However, there’s no set way to do this, perhaps you don’t want to do video so your core platform is your blog and you write a blog post and that’s it – that’s perfectly fine too.

Step 2 – Identifying your secondary platforms

The next step is to decide on your secondary platforms. In my business these are Instagram and Pinterest. Once the content I’ve created for my core platforms is done, then I share and repurpose that content for other platforms – usually in a shorter form.

This means that you’re able to get visible, with high quality content on multiple platforms without having to reinvent the wheel each time you go to post or share something.

Step 3 – Making it more efficient

Once you’ve figured out the steps in your workflow, you’re then able to do things to make the process even quicker and more streamlined – like batching your content.

I’m a big fan of having batching days where I create several videos and maybe even record a few short form videos for Reels etc. This links back into the whole consistency thing, if you can match up your batch days to when you feel most energised then you can create a bunch of stuff that just needs to be edited up and scheduled.

You can also use project management software such as Asana or Trello to systemise the process so it’s easy to follow. This also makes it easier to hand off certain tasks to a VA if needed too.

I create content for my workflow and share it once a week without fail. I committed hard to showing up in this way, I share an episode of The Wholehearted Business Show every week with a break at mid summer and mid winter and that commitment has definitely paid off.

However it is a lot of work – depending on where you’re at in business, the stage you’re at, how much time you have available or the resources you have to outsource, then creating one really good piece of core content a month is enough – choose your minimum viable level of showing up consistently and go with that. You can always add in more later once you find your feet with it all!

If you’re interested in learning more about how content marketing can help you grow your coaching business as well as be supported in creating a sustainable marketing foundation then check out Content Marketing for Coaches Club. You can join for as little as $9 / £8 a month and get access to a whole range of trainings, resources and support to help you create a consistent content marketing strategy that gets you found by your ideal clients online.

Join Content Marketing for Coaches Club here.


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