This week on The Wholehearted Business Show I’m talking all things podcasting with Rosemarie Callender.
Rosemarie is a podcast coach and a launch strategist supporting women coaches and service providers to launch profitable podcasts that work for them and their business, especially when they aren’t working. With her proven strategy, clients move from procrastination to finally launching their podcast, consistently nurturing their audience and attracting their dream clients and paid visibility opportunities in 30 days. No more relying on an algorithm – with Rosemarie’s proven strategy, you’ll spend less time hustling online and more time doing what you love.
Tune in to learn:
- What blocks might be stopping you from starting a podcast and how to overcome them
- How a podcast can replace other marketing methods and get you better results
- What podcast SEO looks like
- When the right time to start a podcast is, as a health or life coach
- How to use the O-C-L framework to get more listeners to your podcast
Rosemarie’s links:
These are the episodes of Rosemarie’s show we discussed in the show:
- Episode 10: How To Submit Your Show To Apple Podcasts
- Episode 85: How Keyword Research Can Help You Reach More Listeners w/ Danielle Gagnon
Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here
Listen to this episode on The Wholehearted Business Show Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts / Listen on Spotify
Laura: [00:00:00] Hi there, welcome to the Ohara Business Show. I’m Laura and this week on the show I’m interviewing the lovely Rosemary Callender and we’re talking all about podcasting, about how you can use a podcast to help you grow your coaching business without having to rely on social media and lots of interesting, fantastic tips around what you can do when it comes to getting over the barriers that are stopping you from starting your podcast.
Laura: Before we dive in, a quick reminder that this is the last episode of the show for two weeks. I am just about to take the mic off. Our, you know, the whole heart of business shows annual two week summer break. I always have two weeks break at summer solstice and two weeks break at winter solstice. So there’s going to be no episodes of the show for the next two weeks.
Laura: I’ll be back on, I think it’s like the first week in July with a bit of a review of what I’ve been up to for the first half of the year, and we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming after that point, but I know you’re going to really love today’s interview with Rosemary again, if you have ever been interested in podcasting and starting a podcast.[00:01:00]
Laura: and grow in a podcast for your health and life coaching business. This is for you. Let’s dive in.
Welcome to the Whole Hearted Business Show. I’m Rosemary. I’m so excited to have you here. I think this is going to be such a good episode, because I know so many of the listeners are really interested in podcasting, but would you like to start off by introducing yourself and telling everyone a little bit about who you are, what you do?
And we’ll take it from there. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on the podcast, Laura. I am Rosemary Callender. I am a podcast coach and launch strategist, and I work primarily with women coaches, service providers, private practice therapists to help them to create and launch a podcast that works for them and their business.
So what that means is, and I’m sure we’re going to touch on this, is really leveraging a podcast. as a marketing and sales tool in their business so that they can spend less time doing all the things on social media. And you can probably tell from my accent that I’m over in the UK. It’s really nice to have a [00:02:00] podcast conversation with another British person because I’m normally like chatting to Americans.
So this is really, really nice. I’m being the same time zone as well. Yes. Time zones. Yeah. Time zones have been a bit of my life recently. But yes, it is lovely. No, no clashes when it comes to scheduling. It’s nice and straightforward. So I thought we could talk a little bit about, because I know we had a little conversation before before we started to record and we chatted a little bit about some of the barriers that people might have.
I think with podcasting, I know for me, my, certainly like my story or journey with podcasting was that I kind of had a little podcast with another friend when I was a health coach. And we kind of like, did it together and it was great and then I kind of moved into more the business mentoring space.
And then when it came to starting my own podcast, I had this massive, I had several massive blocks in terms of getting started in terms of like, you know, would I have enough ideas? Would the sound quality be good enough? Is the podcast market not already saturated? Like, or would people [00:03:00] think I’m copying off other people by starting a podcast?
Like really silly things like that. Yeah. And I’m saying they’re silly, but they’re not silly because people have these fears, and I’ve certainly had these very real fears. But in your work as someone who helps people around all things podcasting, what do you see are common reasons that people kind of put off or hold themselves back from starting a podcast?
Yeah, those are all valid. I mean, I’ve I’ve been podcasting for about three years and I could still remember, like, my thing was what would people say, what would people think, because podcasting, in my opinion, is the highest form of visibility, right, because anyone, anywhere, on this earth, You can find your podcast, tune into your podcast, hear your voice, hear your story, you know, tune in to whatever it is that you’re teaching.
So for me, that’s the highest form of visibility. And if you think about that too much, it can really freak you out, right? So we’ve all got our fears. We’ve all got [00:04:00] our blocks. So everything that you’ve said, I have definitely helped clients work through. I think the biggest one It’s probably around time. I don’t have the time to start a podcast.
And I would admit that’s something that I’ve thought about. When I started my show, I was a podcast manager. And I think I was working with maybe six or seven clients. And so, Even back then, I really hated marketing on Instagram and I wasn’t really enjoying it. I hadn’t really found my marketing strategy that really aligned with my strengths.
And I was working with a marketing coach and she suggested that I start one. And yeah, I was like, who me? No, I’m not expert enough. I started my podcast management business like two months ago. What do you mean? A couple of months went by and I saw. That it would be a good move for me, but I was like, how am I going to do this?
But as they say, when you really want something or maybe it just [00:05:00] takes someone taking a few moments to really break down what it looks like for you to really recognize that actually is doable. So yeah, if there’s anyone listening who needs that breakdown, I am going to provide it for you. So, I want you to kind of think about, and maybe you can do a time audit if you’re not quite sure the answer to this question, but if I was to ask you how much time you’re spending marketing your business at the moment, what would that number look like?
I think for a lot of us, Instagram, most of the clients, well, all the clients I’ve worked with, Instagram is their primary social media platform, but maybe for you it’s Facebook, maybe it’s LinkedIn, but how much time are you spending marketing your business? And then I’m going to give you a different perspective.
And that is, yes, podcasting is hard work. I’m not here to like, say that in any other way, but so is Pinterest. Like, anything that we do in our [00:06:00] business that we are doing fresh out the gate, we’re brand new to, we have got to find our flow. We’ve got to find our routine. And a podcast is no different. I think once you’ve got a strategy, which I’m sure we’ll come on to, once you’ve got a strategy out from the gate and you think about how you are going to not fit the podcast, but how the podcast is going to become part of your weekly routine.
Yeah. It doesn’t feel as it’s something else. I think a lot of people think, see it as something else to do. A bit like, okay, I’m marketing on Instagram, I’m gonna now add LinkedIn. That is definitely another platform to add. But with a podcast, your podcast with the right strategy can have Your marketing time and by that I mean you take an episode, a solo episode, right?
Because we want to showcase your expertise, build your authority, etc. And you transcribe [00:07:00] it and then you turn that piece into everything else you need content for. Yeah. So whether that’s three reels, whether that’s some prompts for your Facebook group, whether that’s a blog post, which I highly recommend, and then you pin it to Pinterest.
It could also be your weekly email, right? Everything comes from that 20 minute, 25 minute, and again, it does not have to be an hour because I think that’s another block. Oh, I have to do hour long episodes. Ain’t nobody got time for hour long episodes. Most people do not, I don’t listen to. Anything longer than 30 minutes and that’s because of my listening habits.
So it’s really, really important for you to know your audience’s listening habits. So if an hour doesn’t suit you, it doesn’t suit your audience, I give you permission to release and let go. Like 20 minutes is more than enough. But yes. So coming back to that podcast episode, you really put repurpose it.
You take all the [00:08:00] juice out of it and make that content work for you. And the beauty is that. In a way, you end up with a theme for the week as opposed to, and you know, I’m calling myself out here. I remember, you know, posting on Instagram, posting on LinkedIn. I didn’t have an email list back then, but posting in lots of different places, my Facebook business page and feeling the need to create different pieces of content because the repurposing guru said, That’s not, if you post the same thing on different channels, that’s not repurposing, that’s cross posting, and then you get all in a flutter and that’s when you become overwhelmed with content creation, whereas your podcast really streamlines.
Your content, and by having that weekly theme, because you’ve pulled everything from that one episode, you really stand into your authority, you really stand in your expertise. Because you are using that one [00:09:00] episode, but pieces of it. So yeah, so if anyone’s thinking, Ooh, I don’t have the time, I want you to really let that sit.
It’s, it’s replacing what you’re currently doing. It’s not an add on. And I say that with confidence because that was me. I started my podcast, once I got over how am I going to fit this in, and I chose the day that none of my clients were releasing episodes on. And then I was doing the podcast, But then I was still posting, creating content for my other, it made, it made no sense.
Yeah. But over the years, I’ve come to realize that actually once you’ve got the strategy down, it all comes together. It’s all one and the same thing. I thought that was a big thing for me as well, was that for a long time, it felt like a podcast was an additional thing. And it wasn’t until realizing actually, like, it doesn’t have to be You do a separate blog post and a separate thing for Instagram and a separate podcast, but actually it can all be one and the same thing.
And that was a really big shift I think that I had. So [00:10:00] yeah, thank you for sharing that. I think that makes a big difference. But I think, yeah, when you were talking there a bit about expertise and a bit about kind of, you know, really stepping into that. I think that’s something, again, that a lot of people have some, you know, some struggles around is like really seeing themselves in that, in that space.
And I know that a few people that I’ve spoken to about podcasting, they find that they kind of envision themselves more of doing the interviews than actually the solo episodes. Like, have you got any advice for people who struggle around the kind of idea of seeing themselves in that role of being an expert and actually kind of, you know, having a podcast?
Cause I think there is that something about podcasting that does. I find it quite empowering that you are kind of stepping into that role. But like I say, I know for some people it can be a bit tricky, but is there anything that is like helped you or help the people that you’ve worked with around that particular kind of struggle?
Yeah, that’s definitely a block, right? I’m not expert enough. And depending on where you’re at in your business, [00:11:00] there might be an Not necessarily an element of truth, but I do believe that there are certain points when you should start a podcast, like if you’re newer in business, like less than a year, I just feel like that’s like, it’s almost like having the newborn, it’s like the newborn stage, you’ve just had a baby.
There’s no manual, right? There’s no manual for how you run a business. And there’s no manual that comes with how you raise the baby. And so you’re just figuring it out. And I don’t think that, that time you want to add a podcast into the mix. But yeah, when you’re 18 months in, two years in, and you’re really clear on who you’re serving, how you help them, you know them inside out, you’ve got your messaging down, you’ve got your offers down, then a hundred percent.
But I also want you to remember, or so I told myself, being an expert is You don’t need to know everything about the topic that you teach [00:12:00] others about or help others with, right? You just need to be a couple feet ahead and sometimes even now, three years in, when I think about podcast content, I’m like, mm, that is something that I think is so basic, like a really basic topic.
I’m like, mm, no, but then I have to remember that that’s What I know, three years in, but my audience doesn’t know, and that could probably help her to move to the next step. So you’re not You’re not going into it knowing everything, you’re going into it just knowing a little bit more than your ideal client.
And I promise you that the longer you podcast, the more confident you’ll become, the more content ideas you’ll have. The more you will evolve as a business owner personally, I’ve developed personally on so many different levels. Your podcast, depending on the person, can really help define or refine your messaging, which has an impact on your wider business.
And so just [00:13:00] keep that in mind. You’re not, I don’t think if anyone kind of waited until they knew everything, they will never start anything because I don’t think that’s ever possible, right? Think about the six and seven figure business owners. They have coaches, they have, you know, they have mentors.
They’re always learning this stuff that they also don’t know. And so I think that’s, that’s something that’s helped me. Get through and something I pass on to my clients as well. Yeah, no, I think that’s a really important point and there’s almost like a little bit of perfectionism as well Because what you were saying there kind of reminded me of the fact that you know The first couple of episodes you do are probably not going to be like amazing.
Oh, they’re going to be crap. Yeah. And that’s actually okay. That’s okay. Every other week I think to myself, should I delete them? But the longer you, you’ll know because you’re, you’re, you’ve been podcasting for a while. The longer you, you know, release, release episodes, your, the, the, the beauty about podcasting is that people [00:14:00] binge.
Like even just earlier, someone’s listening to episode one and I’m like, I was cringing when I saw it in my stats. But they’ll, they’ll hear my evolution. They’ll hear my growth. But yeah, don’t even. I work with clients who get really tripped up of recording those first three episodes for launch. And they’ll tell me, some, I’ve now started to tell them in advance and some listen and others don’t.
But yeah, they’ll record episode one 20 times and I’m like, no, we are not striving for perfection. For perfection, just, we want it to be good enough, we want to get your story, we want to get your expertise out there. Because episode 50, 100, 150 is going to be so different and no one’s really going to care.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah. It’s such a big, I think it’s, it is, in your mind it just becomes this huge thing. You know, again, speaking from experience, that you think people are going to judge you because this isn’t perfect, or because you say and a bit too much. Although, we can edit those things out now, can’t we, but but, you [00:15:00] know, you have to start somewhere. Like you say, you can’t get to episode 100 if you can’t get to episode 1. So, you have to kind of take that step, don’t you? In terms of anything else that kind of you see holding people back, because I think there’s, it is just taking that first step, isn’t it? In terms of like the tech, I mean, do you see the tech kind of holding people back as well?
Yeah, so when I first started out, yes, I mean, well actually no, tell a lie, still now, my podcast is my lead generation client acquisition tool. And so, I mean, it’s a beautiful thing. So people come to me and they’re ready to go. But then, you know, in the DMs I ask, What questions? Do you have any questions?
What questions do you have for me? Or maybe on the call, are you going to handle the tech? Like everyone, that’s the only question I get now. So that has been, you know, a standard question throughout the three years. And I would just You know, advise, don’t worry. I know with certain [00:16:00] things, like I have to, I’m planning to set up a private podcast.
And yes, even as much as I know about podcasting, I’m not familiar with Hello Audio. So in the back of my head, I’m like, how complicated is this And so I totally get it, but it’s figureoutable. Who says that? I forgot the lady. Marie Forleo. Yes, Marie. Brilliant statement. It’s figureoutable, like everything, you can go on Google, or you can go on YouTube, and someone will either give you a PDF, like I’ve got one, that will tell you all the tech that you need.
You can just pick one. Like it doesn’t have to be major. Yeah. Or get someone to do it for you. There might be some podcast experts that for like, you could create a bespoke package where they’ll just set up the tech and you don’t, once it’s done for launch, you don’t need to think about it again. It’s a one and done.
It’s a one and done thing, isn’t it? It’s one and done. You will lit. Another question you might have is around. Like, do I have [00:17:00] to upload it to multiple places every week? But no, like part of the tech is your hosting platform. And you will just upload every episode to your hosting platform and then by magic, it pushes, it pushes it shows up on Spotify, it just shows up in all the places.
Yeah. I want you to think this is why I love launches because I think of launch podcast launches like a project. There are most of the things that I work with, you know, helping my clients with, they are very one and done. Once you’ve got that strategy set up, once you’ve got the structure set up, is it should we do it?
And then you just need to find, as we were talking about earlier in time, You need to find the system and build it into your routine so it can stay consistent and show up every single week. But yeah, don’t, don’t stress. It’s all, it’s not as complicated. I think the most complicated thing, and I don’t know if you had the same experience, is getting it on Apple Podcasts because that is the one [00:18:00] platform.
That, like, with all the other platforms, you can click a button. Well, most hosts that I know of, you click a button in your hosting platform and by magic, it connects. But Apple Podcasts is the only one that has, of course, they’ve got a separate whole thing. But again, A little bit more complex, isn’t it?
It’s a bit more complex, but I’ve, I created a podcast episode, I can’t remember what number it is, but earlier on, because that was where people were getting stuck. And so I go through, do this. Do this, do this, but I swear to you that is the most complicated piece that don’t let the tech hold you back at all.
Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. Cause I know it is a big thing for a lot of people, but actually, like you say, once you’ve kind of you’re in it and it is a one and done thing, that side of it, isn’t it? The setting up side of it and the launching side of it, which brings me nice onto to kind of like once the podcast is up and running in terms of, I think one of the questions people often have is how do I start to get more listeners?
Particularly when like, [00:19:00] and obviously we have talked about how podcasting can form part of a workflow with other. But with the whole kind of content market and strategy really can’t expect the core part of that. But in terms of finding listeners, have you got any tips for people in terms of like the strategy that they might want to use to, to help them do that?
Yeah. So I am very Antisocial media . Yeah. Which is how we met, isn’t it? This is, we met to, you ran a bundle that was about Yes. Not having to be on Instagram and that’s how we met . This is true, yes. This is indeed how we met. So I’m actually, I, I’ll be a bit more specific. I’m anti Instagram. Yeah. I just find that platform to be quite difficult.
and not really good for one’s mental health. Yes. Yeah. And so my podcast growth strategies, especially as of 2024, because I came into this new year deciding that I was no longer marketing my business on Instagram. I’ve got my nine [00:20:00] grid up. My podcast is my main kind of acquisition tool or podcasting on other podcasts like we are now. And since making that decision, it’s so freeing. But to answer your question. So in terms of getting more listeners, I will say once you launch, I normally recommend just, just Woosa. for about three to six months.
As we talked about, because I’ve had clients who’ve not even launched yet, I’m still editing, I’m doing the production, and they’re, they’re asking. How do I get more listeners? And it’s almost like you’re putting the horse, what’s that phrase, the cart before the horse, right? Because we wanna, being a podcast host, no matter how expert, and I’m squiggling my fingers for those who are listening and not watching, no matter how expert you are, it’s still something new.
It is weird sitting behind the mic. Especially if you’re doing a solo episode. And so there’s lots of different things you want to get used to. So I, I recommend that you just [00:21:00] focus on being for about six months. Making sure that, you know, you’ve really locked in your podcast workflow. You’re releasing episodes consistently.
And then you’ve also got a good chunk of data to look at, which will inform how you’re going to get more listeners, right? So that’s my first piece of advice. And so once you’re at the five, six month mark. I really recommend, if Instagram is your jam, and you’ve been showing up there and you love it, go ho ho hog.
But if you’re like me, and probably Laura, and you’re like, I could do without it, what else could I focus on? I have a framework. The O C L framework, so O is for organic marketing, so that’s very much happening to search, SEO, for those who might be like, huh? So yes, SEO, and don’t, don’t, don’t shut your ears when I say that word, because I know that brings out fear in people, it did with me.
And [00:22:00] then C is collaborations. And L is listener engagement and retention. So this is why I say for the first six months, that data is really crucial, especially for the L part. So to go into each piece briefly, podcast SEO is a thing. It took me a hot minute. to figure this out because I heard the word SEO and I thought it was website SEO and that scares me like no other and so I was like oh no I’m not doing that until I had someone the lovely Danielle Gagnon on my podcast last summer and we were chatting about doing keyword research and podcast SEO and I implemented some of her strategies and doubled my download numbers within like two weeks.
I just went back and you know you know, played around with some, changed up some of the episode titles. And then I thought, There’s something here. And so it’s very much, there’s certain parts of your podcast that can be [00:23:00] optimized. It’s very similar to Google, to website SEO, but not quite as complicated. We don’t need to go down Ubersuggest rabbit hole and, you know, look at what is it, volume this and no.
It’s just really knowing what your ideal listener slash ideal client is. would be searching for, so that you, your podcast, comes up in the podcast listening app. So what a lot of people don’t realize is Apple Podcasts, Spotify, they are search engines, especially for podcasts. I want to learn something like, a few months ago, , I put in simple SEO and boom, Faith Hernan’s podcast came up and I’ve, I’ve been a loyal listener since, so you really need to think about what your people are searching and then your podcast will come up in the search results in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and they can also come up on Google results as well, so that’s a key piece.
Collaborations, this is something that I’m [00:24:00] leaning into a lot. This year, the standard collaboration is what we’re doing now, like guesting on other podcasts. That’s really, really powerful. We’ve also got pod swaps, when you and I, so I’m a guest on your podcast, you’d be a guest on my podcast. And then there’s this, you know, Little known concept called podcast intro swaps.
So you record a 30 second audio clip for me, or vice versa. We’ll put it at the beginning of an episode. It, we introduced the other person’s show. Yeah. And then it kind of, the listeners, I’ve done that once and seemed magnificent results. Yeah. So you just have to think about some out of the box ways for my bundle.
Yeah. On my bundles. I’ve done a few now. The bundle, my podcast always sponsors my bundle. So I get an influx. It’s on the top of all the pages. It’s in the emails that go out to bundle participants. So you have to really just think [00:25:00] about, what are you probably already doing in your business that you really love doing?
Yeah. And thinking about how you can bring your podcast into it. Like there’s so many different things. Including like creating a playlist. So again, this is why I say six months, because you want to have some episodes behind you. Create a playlist, put it in your welcome sequence. Like there’s so, there’s so, so much.
And then finally listener retention and engagement. This is really kind of looking at the numbers. How much of the episode are they consuming? Which episodes do they love the most? Creating more content that they love. Hosting giveaways or some sort of event where we can get them involved, right?
So just kind of thinking about ways that we can get them to stick around and hear back from them and something that Buzzsprout Which is one of the hosting platforms. That’s what I use. Oh good, so we can chat about fan mail. I’m [00:26:00] super excited. I don’t know, oh no, I don’t know anything. Oh, okay, so I can educate you.
I’m on Buzzsprout as well. Okay, so it’s only been a couple weeks, but they’ve released this new thing called fan mail. Where, I’m on Captivate personally, but somewhere in Buzzsprout, you should be able to add to your show notes for every episode, a link that your listeners can click to send you a text message.
Oh, wow. Yes. That’s amazing. I’m super, I keep messaging Captivate and be like, it’d be so good if you could do this because the thing about podcasting is sometimes we feel as though it’s very one sided. Yes. Right. But this way, it’s not, I mean, the text isn’t two way, but at least it’s a more direct message.
link from a listener to you as the host and depending on how you want to use this text message feature, maybe it’s for them to tell you how much they love the episode and then you somehow figure out how to turn that audio and put it into an episode, right? Go wild. But [00:27:00] like there’s so many different ways and so I’m really excited to see Buzzsprout has always been one of those platforms that I feel is a little bit more innovative.
They always bring out these exciting new features. But that’s just an example of how you can engage with your listeners. Yeah. That would be my framework. Like if you’re really not, keen on doing the 500 reels and, because in my experience, I don’t know about you, Lauren. That’s just, 500 reels just makes me like, oh, oh, oh.
No visibility, like, I see it every day. Like, how do I have thousands of followers and only six likes? Yes, yeah. But if it’s your thing, 100 percent go for it. It’s not my thing. And I did try Instagram for a while. And I’ve seen more traffic. Where are we in May? In the five months of 2024 than I did for like the two, two ish years of me posting and getting burnt out.
Yeah. Every other month. And so I think it’s really important for you to pick [00:28:00] growth strategies that align with your strengths. Because yeah, burnout is like, is, you know, from creating content and being on a content, you know, hamster wheel, especially with these platforms that, that feel like they need to be constantly fed content, have any chance of of showing up in algorithms and algorithms and things, it it’s a, it’s an important point.
But that’s great. I love that framework. So that’s O C L, Organic. Yes. Collaborations, listener attention. Yeah, definitely. And obviously we’ll make sure that we’ll link to your podcast and the episode that you mentioned about the organic SEO. Yes, I will drop you a line so that you know the exact number. But yeah, the two episodes, I’ll definitely let you know.
Yeah, no, that’s amazing. Yeah, that sounds really, really interesting. So yeah, thank you so much. I think we’ve covered quite a lot of, quite a lot of stuff there. And in the spirit of keeping these episodes short and sweet, I feel like I could probably I could probably talk for ages about all of this stuff.
But [00:29:00] thank you so much. That’s been really, really helpful. And I think, I suppose a good way to wrap this up is, You know, it’s, it’s never too late to start a podcast. I think that’s the thing. There’s no, because, because for me there was this feeling of like, missing the boat a little bit. Oh no. But podcasting is still massively, it’s still a massive, obviously a massive way to market your business.
And not to get caught up in perfectionism. The tech isn’t as scary as you think it has to be. There’s places you can go for help, including Rosemary’s stuff as well. You know, you just need to get on and do it, don’t you, really? Yeah, if the time feels right, because that’s important. Whilst I say, you know, I do believe that podcasting is great for coaches, service providers, most online business owners, really.
Yeah. That doesn’t mean that I’m like, start tomorrow. It has to feel good to you. Like if you’re a mom and you know, the kids, the kids are going to be off soon, like now is not the time to start. Don’t have the stress of trying to get a cry at five [00:30:00] minutes in the six weeks holiday. Trying to juggle everything else.
Right. So just thinking about when is the right time for you to begin and making the plan towards it. Yeah. Yeah. No, that’s brilliant. Thank you so much for all of that. You’re welcome. Where can people, where can people find out all about you and where can they come and follow you and find your podcast and everything?
Yeah, so the podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts. It’s the Podcast to Amplify show. I mean, you can find me on Instagram, but I’m a lot more active on threads. Like threads is, ugh, to think that it’s even associated with Instagram. They’re so, like, polar opposites. It’s crazy. I feel like I need to jump on threads a little bit because I did quite, I used to quite like Twitter when it was, yes, old Twitter.
Old school, yeah. In fact I was actually looking on threads at lunchtime today, but anyway I’ll have to keep following you on that. No, I really enjoy it. People actually have conversations, they’re really helpful and so if you’re on threads and you want to connect. There’s no DM facility on there as yet, but I’m very [00:31:00] active, you know, commenting on posts and, you know, responding to you and stuff.
So yeah, that’s a great bit. But the podcast, there’s a wealth of information. There’s like over 150 episodes. So no matter where you’re at in your podcasting journey, you’ll find at least 10 episodes to binge. Oh, fantastic. That’s amazing. And then do you have a freebie as well that people can grab hold of?
Yes. So. My podcast strategy and launch guide is probably the best one. I’ll shoot you the link because that’s relatively new. very much. I’ll put the link in the description. Yeah. And then I’ve got the podcast equipment guides. If you just shoot me an email, anyone listening who might want that in addition, then yeah, I can send that over to you.
No opt in required. Fantastic. Oh, that’s amazing. Thank you so much for all of that. That has been really good fun. Like I said, I feel like I could talk to you for hours and hours, but go over and listen to Rosemary’s podcast because it sounds like you’ve got lots and lots more of this kind of, these kind of topics that you cover on there.
Which is brilliant. And like I said, I [00:32:00] mean, obviously like podcasting completely changed my business. It completely changed. the way that I do things, the way that I feel about things. So it’s definitely, if anyone’s been pondering it, like, like Rosemary was saying, I think knowing that when it’s the right time for you, I think is really important.
And I think going with your strengths as well. And what a lot of people find is that They find talking a lot easier than having to write blog posts. Are they not that keen on doing videos? Although obviously as, as we are doing right now video can work well with it too. But yeah, I think that’s amazing.
Thank you so much for being on. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I’ve had a really great time. Thanks. There we go. That will, I think that will do us. Thank you so much. That’s been really fun.