Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business – January – June 2024

Business, Latest

Behind the Scenes of my Coaching Business – January – June 2024

Business, Latest

So I’m back after a bit of a break with another BTS post where I share what I’ve had going on in my business, my income breakdown and more.

I usually do these once a quarter, and back in April I shared a different style of BTS post sharing some changes I was making in my business. Now I’m back with one of my more traditional BTS posts.

Before I get started, I want to talk a little bit about how business has been more challenging than usual this year. My income is a little down on last year and I felt ashamed of that fact. But having peeked through the facade of a lot of business coaches who share their numbers as a form of marketing – many other coaches are having a less than stellar year.

I really enjoyed the series on the Align + Attract Podcast where she interviewed some big names in the online business space who shared that they had all noticed a shift in income and what they called a ‘paradigm shift’ in the industry.

The bottom line is that we’re in a cost of living crisis that has deepened this year, and things are shifting in the online space – but that doesn’t mean that coaching businesses can’t be successful, rather it means we need to change tack, get creative and remember that there is still so much abundance in the world!

Ok so let’s get into it!

Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here




Listen to this episode on The Wholehearted Business Show Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts / Listen on Spotify


January – March

The year started off well in the business, I didn’t have any specific sales focus – something I realised was an issue later on! But I booked several new clients and was really happy with how things were going. I also started to reach out to guests to come on the Wholehearted Business Show, which was a little outside my comfort zone so I was really proud of that.

Going into February, it felt like things slowed down. I launched the Freebie & Funnel Fix and a few people joined it, but it wasn’t a massive launch. I also had a week off which was lovely and very much needed, but it did feel like it impacted my income that month – another realisation I had!

In March, things definitely started to feel heavy, and that’s when I decided to completely relook at my whole business and business model and make some significant changes which I discuss in detail in my last BTS post.

It just felt like I wasn’t progressing towards my goals and everything just felt slow. But changing things up from March onwards did make a big difference – although as you’ll see my income took a dip while I was figuring that out!


  • January – £6254.40 / $7920
  • February – £3895 / $4932
  • March – £4276.50 / $5415

My expenses run at around £800 / $1000 including my VA, accountancy expenses, insurance, mobile phone and all the tech I need to make my business function. Overall I’m actually really happy with these numbers but I had gone into 2024 with the goal of £70K which is more like £5-£6K a month and I wasn’t quite there yet.

April – June

So I had my bit of a business meltdown at the end of March and made some big changes. I retired some offers and tried to streamline things. I also decided to make my signature group program Wholehearted Business an open / close model rather than evergreen.

In April I also had the two week Easter holidays in there and again, I felt like that break slowed me down a bit. Looking back I felt like I just dropped the ball, while also needing to spend time rebuilding lots of parts of my business and getting ready for a full launch of Wholehearted Business in May.

I did start running some Facebook Ads in April and those brought in 150 new people to my email list which I was really happy with.

In May I went full launch mode and ran the Niche, Message and Brand Bootcamp as a free challenge / live event. I really enjoyed this and surpassed my sign up goal with 120 people joining. That went brilliantly and then I went fully into the Wholehearted Business launch.

It went really well, and I brought in 11 new people to that program. I had intentionally made it an annual payment plan only, so while it was a £13,500 / $17,000 revenue launch, it was a £1130 / $1680 cash launch. But knowing that I made this decision intentionally because I wanted to support my cash flow I was happy with that.

This led to May being one of my lowest ever income months because everything went into selling Wholehearted Business, but I was still very happy with the result!

In June, I was getting settled into running Wholehearted Business while gently actively selling my 1:1 mentoring services and a new Done for You offer.

I decided to pop a page up for my Done for You tech / design / website work as I had worked with a previous client on setting up a sales funnel for her and I do enjoy this kind of work. My intention is for that offer to just sit there and then if a potential project comes in that sounds fun I can quote for it and go from there.


  • April – £2545 / $3222
  • May – £1950 / $2467
  • June – £5500 / $7000

Again, my expenses run at around £800 / $1000 including my VA, accountancy expenses, insurance, mobile phone and all the tech I need to make my business function.

Obviously April and May are well down on my goals, but I feel like I’ve rebuilt a lot from the ground up these last 3 months and June is definitely showing a shift.

I’ve also dramatically increased my baseline cash flow via Wholehearted Business which makes for a much less stressful and more financially safe business to run.

Life stuff

As I mentioned I’ve had some heavy life stuff going on in the background but other than that, things have been great. I started doing a few Parkruns in January which I’ve really enjoyed and I’m maintaining my health and fitness really well without too much faff.

I’ve had a couple of lovely holidays and getaways, lots of wild swimming which is something that absolutely fills my cup and most of all I actually feel like I’m living my word of the year in both business and life which is ‘brave’.

I’m trying new things, expanding my comfort zone but also noticing where things sometimes need to slow down in order to speed up.

Up next

Whenever I do my mini season planning I always end it with an ‘up next’ section as it helps remind me what projects or tasks I need to be thinking about and committing to next and it helps to keep the overall vision top of mind.

So as we head into summer I’m hoping I get to kick back and slow down, I’m about to become fully booked with clients so the main things I’ll be promoting over summer will be my courses and programs. I also would like to work hard on bringing new people into my world and building my list.

Further ahead into September, I’ll be opening Wholehearted Business again and then seeing where the rest of the year takes me!

My youngest also starts school in September so that feels like a massive life milestone too!

How has the first half of the year been for you? Let me know in the comments!

Laura 💖

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