How to Keep Your Coaching Business Thriving During the Summer Months


How to Keep Your Coaching Business Thriving During the Summer Months


Summer is here and with it can be an expectation that business will get a bit slow as everyone switches into holiday mode. However, I’d like to challenge the assumption that your business growth might stagnate or even stop over the summer and share some ideas for how you can keep up the momentum in the summer months.

I’ve been someone who has just assumed that things will slow down and income will drop over the summer, so this blog post is just as much to challenge myself as anyone reading to think about it definitely!

All this being said, if you enjoy taking the summer season more slowly and taking extended time off that’s also perfectly fine – but even in that scenario I still believe you can do much to grow your business in this time too!

Here’s lots of ideas for summer specific things you can do to keep getting clients, generating income and growing your health or life coaching business

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Create a summer sales plan

Using some of the tips and ideas in this blog post, create a clear sales plan for how you aim to drive sales and revenue over the summer. This can be as simple as deciding what you’re going to focus on selling and the key ways you’re planning to drive sales.

Sell something summer specific

Look at your ideal clients and how they are impacted by this season. How does the summer present them with seasonal challenges or specific goals?

For example if many of your ideal clients are parents, it’s likely that they will be impacted by having additional childcare needs while schools are closed. What challenges are they presented with that links into your niche area? How can you link an existing offer into those challenges or even create a new offer altogether?

Summer specific discount or special offer

Use the summer as a reason to offer a discount or special offer on your services. For example, anyone who decides to join your coaching program in summer might get a bonus that helps them with one of the summer specific challenges you’ve identified under the last point, or even just a generic bonus.

As long as it’s something that introduces a little urgency and scarcity into the mix (and as long as that feels ethically good to you) then you can use that to drive more sales.

Create seasonal marketing content

Going back to thinking about how your ideal clients are impacted by the summer season, try creating some content around those themes.

For example, if you’re a health coach it could be some advice on how to maintain healthy habits when travelling. You could also create other engaging, summer-themed content like workout routines, healthy recipes, or mindfulness exercises suitable for the season.

If you enjoy live video, try hosting live sessions to connect with your audience, offer free mini-coaching sessions, or Q&A sessions on summer wellness tips.

Run a summer challenge

Summer can be a great time to run some kind of free or even paid challenge. Maybe it’s focused around helping your clients achieve a specific summer themed goal or outcome that works as a good lead in to your main coaching offer.

Challenges are great tools for increasing engagement and building relationships with potential clients as long as they’re well structured and planned. Check out my course Enchanting Challenges for the whole strategy and process of running a successful challenge.

Look for seasonally themed collaborations

Summer can be a great time to seek out collaborations with other coaches and businesses. Which businesses or areas of your industry tend to thrive in the summer? Can you collaborate with someone in that area and add value so you can ride their wave with them?

Summer can also be a great time to participate in bundles and online summits to grow your audience and community.

Attend in person events

If it’s relevant to your business, look out for summer events that you can attend to either network or directly sell your offers. Summer fairs and fetes, festivals, wellness events and markets etc can be very popular in the summer and really good opportunities to become more visible and well known in your area.

Switch to an audience / community building and engagement focus

If sales feel hard in the summer, switch to placing your focus on the audience building and community engagement focus instead. The benefit of this is that you can still make sales this way without your mindset getting in the way, and focusing on bringing new people into your world over the summer means anything you’re working on launching in September will likely do better because you have new people in your audience.

Summits and bundles, other forms of collaborations and paid ads can be good ones to focus on over the summer to build momentum ready for the September new year energy!

My summer sales plan

Heading into the summer, I work about 50% less hours than I do the rest of the year so there’s definitely a slowing down that happens. I’ll be focusing my time on serving existing 1:1 mentoring and Wholehearted Business Clients while working to grow my audience ready for September via some paid ads and participating in a bundle.

I do want to work on creating something new to sell, and I’ll likely be doing a big sale on my courses and programs as one of my summer ‘downtime’ tasks is to review all my courses and programs and look at my pricing structure.

I’d love to know how you feel about the summer in your coaching business. Do things slow down? Do you like things to slow down or do you feel the loss of momentum? Let me know in the comments.

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