How to make money fast in your health or life coaching business

Business, Latest

How to make money fast in your health or life coaching business

Business, Latest

Whether you’re a new coach who is working on making your first $$$ or you’re a more established coach who needs a cash injection into the business, there’s strategies you can use that can potentially help you generate income more quickly than other methods.

In this blog post I’m going to share ideas and strategies you can use to help you make money fast in your coaching business. When I say fast I’m talking about something that will have the money in your Stripe account within 2 weeks or less.

Before we dive into those strategies a quick hit of reality – your ability to make money quickly in your coaching business is partially down to the people you have access to that are potential customers.

If you’re a brand new coach, that number might be small, if you’re more established and have an email list and online following that number will obviously be bigger. I’m going to try and share ideas that are relevant no matter the size of your existing audience or network, but just be aware that having a group of people who already know you exist and fit your ideal client profile can make a big difference.

If you’re shiny brand new and don’t have any kind of network (this can be a personal network, network from a previous career etc) then building this up is a good thing to focus on at the start – this is exactly one of the things we do in Wholehearted Business.

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Identify your hottest leads and sell to them now

Your ‘hot’ leads are basically the people you know / in your audience that have a challenge you can help them overcome or an aspiration you can help them achieve. They’re ‘hot’ because you’ve either worked with them before, had a discovery call with them before, they’ve engaged with you before (such as DMing on social media or emailing in response to an email newsletter etc)

Once you’ve identified who these people might be, start reaching out to them with a simple email and a special ‘irresistible offer’ that they might be interested in. Structure that offer specifically to them, include a discount or bonus to help make the offer very good value.

This approach works equally as well for individuals as well as corporate clients. Obviously not everyone is going to take you up on the offer, but some of them will if it’s presented well and offers them really good value.

This approach can feel a little out of people’s comfort zones, but the thing to remember is that all you can do is give people the invitation to work with you – they can decline it easily, but it could also be the very thing they’ve been needing and they could be super excited to get the offer too!

Run a flash sale

If you have existing offers you can offer a time limited discount to encourage a flurry of sales. A flash sale is a great low effort way to generate more income quickly if you have offers that perhaps haven’t sold so well recently. My friend Elizabeth Goddard has a great course on how to run flash sales called Make a Flash For It (affiliate link)

Ask your people what they need help with and then create something simple and specific that helps them with it

If you do have an existing audience / community and need to make money quickly, try asking them using a poll, an CTA to ‘hit reply’ in an email or clickable tagged links in an email, what they most need help with right now.

Once you have some steer on what’s the most popular thing you can create something simple that addresses that need.

If you’re looking for a bigger cash injection it could be that you create a higher ticket offer that really thoroughly tackles that need – for example a package of coaching sessions, a VIP day etc.

Otherwise you could create something a little more passive and low ticket like a paid live training or paid workshop or even a mini course or paid resource.

Pre sell something

Another great strategy for making money quickly in your business is to pre sell something. This means that you’re selling the promised idea or concept of an offer before you actually create it.

Courses and programs are often pre sold, but a workshop or paid live training is also another version of something that you can sell with a simple sales page or even a Google Doc or PDF and then create later at a promised date.

Obviously you will need to create the thing you say you will, but you’ll get the money from sales much more quickly.

Here’s a previous post I’ve shared all about how to pre sell an offer as a health or life coach.


Finally, you can make money fast in your coaching business by using a launch type approach. You don’t have to run a big, expensive and time consuming launch to get results – especially if you’re wanting to make that money fast.

Using a launch style approach is similar to flash sales in many ways, but basically it’s a way to utilise some urgency and scarcity to get people to move and both of those things can help you get sales quickly.

If you’re wanting to explore more on sales and launches, be sure to check out my program The Launch and Sales Fix that’s running live this summer. Find out all the details here!

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