Cosy Coaching Business v Seven-Figure Hustle

Business, Latest

Cosy Coaching Business v Seven-Figure Hustle

Business, Latest

If you’re a health or life coach and the whole rhetoric around growing your business to six or seven figures just doesn’t feel quite aligned, then this is the blog post for you.

In this post, we’re diving into the concept of a cosy coaching business and how embracing this approach can make a huge difference in your entrepreneurial journey and counteract the typical Six and Seven Figure coaching business version of success.

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Six & Seven Figure Online Business Culture

Let’s be honest: the idea of achieving six or seven figures in business has almost become the pinnacle of success in the coaching world. Yet, I’ve always felt a bit of resistance toward this. For many, including myself, this culture can often feel extractive and exploitative. It’s about scaling to success at any cost, often leveraging lower-paid individuals in unethical ways to build an empire.

With this in mind, it’s important to note that this isn’t really about the money or numbers – it’s the culture that surrounds it.

Not everyone can—or even wants to—reach those heights, especially in the way that is often taught around hitting those numbers. It can create a sense of failure in those who don’t buy into the hustle culture. Many coaches have thrived under this model, and that’s amazing! But for those who don’t feel aligned with it, there is another way.

Money Mindset

Only a small percentage of coaches are the unicorns hitting those massive figures. For the rest of us, it felt like if we weren’t hitting those targets, we were failing.

While it can definitely be typical to think that an issue with ‘6 and 7 figure business as the only version of success that matters’ is a mindset issue, I don’t believe that it is necessarily. It’s certainly worth exploring where your mindset might be holding you back or blocking you from success (an aligned version of success of course!)

However, I’ve always said, and will continue to say, that sometimes things aren’t a mindset issue; they’re an “actually this is bullshit” issue!

Creating a Business that Lights You Up

The cosy coaching business approach is all about how your business can support your life, not the other way around. Many of us realised long ago that life should be more than just hitting arbitrary financial goals.

It’s about creating a business that allows you flexibility, meets your financial needs, and ultimately lights you up.

I can remember driving to my 9-5 thinking to myself ‘there’s got to be more to life than this’. I’m a big believer that we only get one shot at this and life is too short not to do all we can to live in a way that feels good to us. If your journey includes a business as part of that, then making sure it’s designed in a way that supports your life is really important.

Coach vs Marketer

Another benefit of the cosy coaching approach is that it doesn’t necessarily scale you out of doing what you love—coaching. A lot of businesses designed to hit six or seven figures require the coach to become more of a marketer and manager, rather than a coach. However, if you thrive on personal connections, this approach lets you maintain that close, meaningful work with clients.

It doesn’t have to be an either / or, but it’s definitely something to consider when it comes to designing your business intentionally.

Ditching the Shame

It took some time for me to gain the confidence to speak openly about my misgivings with the traditional success models. I felt that other coaches might see it as a mindset block. However, I’ve come to realise that it’s not about the six or seven figures per se; it’s about the approach. Overcoming the shame and understanding what truly fulfils you is crucial.

Many coaches have used this shame to their advantage as a way to sell their products and programs – this is why shadow work and looking at the areas you feel shame can be so powerful in divesting from these kind of approaches that most likely don’t feel good to you.

What a Cosy Coaching Business Can Look Like

So, what does a cosy coaching business look like? It’s about meeting and then exceeding your financial needs, doing meaningful work, and ensuring that your business supports your desired lifestyle.

Building a cosy coaching business is a deep, integrated approach that aligns with how you want to live your life. Yes, it takes effort and investment, but it is absolutely worthwhile.

Next Steps

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you want a cosy coaching business? How do you feel about the six and seven-figure success culture? Drop your thoughts in the comments below or DM me on Instagram.

For those interested in building a business aligned with this cosy, wholehearted approach, check out Wholehearted Business. We’re opening in September, and you can get on the waitlist if you’d like to be the first to know when we open. This 12-month program is designed to help you create an aligned client attraction system to help you get more clients and grow your business while also ensuring that you’re creating that aligned foundation for your business to stand on.

Check out Wholehearted Business here and join us soon!

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