How to grow your coaching business in the rest of 2024

Business, Latest

How to grow your coaching business in the rest of 2024

Business, Latest

It’s September and the ‘New’ New Year is here. If you’re wondering how to grow your coaching business in the last half of 2024, then this is for you. We’re going to explore actionable strategies to focus your efforts and maximise growth in the remaining months of the year.

September is a great time to get refocused, it’s one of my favourite times of year and I love the back to school vibes that come into play.

Depending on what goals or intentions you set at the start of the year, now might be a good time to reset and reevaluate them, or even set completely new ones just for this last part of the year. Here’s some steps you can take to help boost your business growth in what remains of 2024.

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Look Back at Previous Plans

The first step to growing your business is to review any plans you made at the start of the year. Chances are, you’ll find some goals you achieved and others you didn’t. It’s okay for plans to change. Look at what goals are still relevant, or start afresh. You’ve got four juicy months to play with, note that December might be less productive due to the holidays, but you still have loads of time to make meaningful progress.

Set a Goal or Intention

Once you have a goal, think about how you’ll measure your progress. Metrics can be tangible, like income or the number of new subscribers, or they can be softer outcomes, like how you feel. Measuring progress keeps you accountable and helps you stay on track. If you’re anything like me, it can be easy to avoid these ways of measuring things and just continue doing things that aren’t actually getting results. When we measure metrics we basically can’t pretend that we’re making progress if we’re not!

Examples of key metrics include the number of client inquiries, email list growth, or sales figures. Regularly check these metrics to ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

Take Action

With your goal and metrics in place, identify the actions needed to achieve them. This might include consistent tasks like weekly blog posts or project-based tasks like running a workshop. Decide what actions are necessary and when they need to happen. For instance, ongoing tasks may include marketing activities like the Wholehearted Business Show that needs to happen weekly on a consistent basis, whereas project-based tasks could be launching and running a new programme.

Do What Feels Good + Check Your Blocks

It can make a huge difference when you start focusing on the actions that you enjoy. When you enjoy your work, you take more action, are more productive and show up with a much more positive energy. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t also look at where you might be holding back from certain actions because there’s a bit of a block there – looking at those blocks and working through them can also be a key way to get better results and see growth.

Set Achievable Goals and Celebrate Progress

Check that your goals make sense within the time frame you have. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your energy positive. Celebrating achievements, no matter how small, helps shift focus from what you haven’t done to what you have accomplished. It’s normal for most of us to have a negativity bias, and consciously celebrating wins, no matter how small, can make a big difference.

The Big Domino Effect + Confidence to Take Action

Consider going for a big, slightly scary goal. Tackling large goals can create a cascade of positive effects. Confidence grows from taking action, not just from planning. By aiming high, you’ll likely achieve smaller goals along the way. Whether it’s getting featured on a big podcast or running a large event, pursuing big goals can lead to significant advancements.

What Business Growth Actually Is

When talking about business growth, we’re generally referring to increasing income and impact. To achieve this, more people need to become aware of who you are, which ties back to marketing. If you feel you need a refresher or are new to marketing, consider joining my workshop in September. We’ll create a marketing plan to help you grow your coaching business. Visit to sign up!

Next steps

I hope these tips help you make the most of the last part of 2024. Whether your goals are big or small, every bit counts. Take action, measure your progress, focus on what feels good, and don’t forget to celebrate your wins. And most importantly, keep showing up!

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