That would be an aquarium in a phone box! Last night James, my parents and I went to Durham Lumiere. It was incredible – but more on that later in the weekend!
This has been such a good week for me. I’ve been feeling so upbeat it’s almost weird! I think part of it is knowing that I’m going down to Brighton next week and that I’m looking forward to that relaxation and down time. I’ve also been feeling very productive and I’m starting to see the results of my efforts. Getting myself seriously organised in lots of different parts of my life seems to be helping too!
Loving my new Zara coat this week!
This week I actually managed to do some yoga thanks to a couple of great recommendations and accountability from posting on the Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish Facebook page! I did this Shiva Rea 20 minute Earth flow practice and this energising morning yoga video from Tara Stiles. I felt so much better after doing them! I was feeling so stiff, and now I feel more back to my relatively bendy self.
Workouts this week:
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Spin Class
- Monday: Gym – 30 minutes cardio (including 10 minutes of HIIT on the bike), plank hold, random strength exercises on the machines
- Tuesday: Rest
- Wednesday: Gym – 30 minutes cardio (including 10 minutes of HIIT on the bike), plank hold, with a barbell – squats, deadlifts, chest presses, rows
- Thursday: Yoga videos as above + lots of walking around Durham
- Friday: Gym – 30 minutes cardio (including 10 minutes of HIIT on the bike), nothing else as feeling a bit tired this morning!
To be honest I’ve been in automatic and easy mode with eats this week. Lots of the usual basic stuff that isn’t too much of a faff, as well as a few repeated meals like Taco Turkey Chilli.
I had another sweet mince pie filling flavoured porridge, this was topped with greek yoghurt. I’m definitely having a moment with adding cool creamy yoghurt on top of warm oats. It’s just so good!
Something I haven’t had in a while was pumpkin yoghurt (just tinned pumpkin mixed with yoghurt, cinnamon and ginger) with some of my peanut butter granola:
I took some of that granola to the office to give to my friends, it was not safe in the house with me!
One of my favourite easy weeknight dinners is Chinese 5 Spice Pork:
I had it with stir fried spring greens and pak choy. I didn’t even have to leave this to marinade more than 15 minutes, so delicious!
For an easy lunch, I had a baked sweet potato topped with two fried eggs and some spinach:
Such a great combo!
On the Love List this week…
I’ve been writing this healthy lifestyle blog for almost 4 years and I can’t believe that I hadn’t tried a Graze box! I was discussing them with a Uniquely Healthy client and realised that they would be good to try so I’ve signed up for a fortnightly box. I think I’m hooked!
Chocolate dip and pretzels? Yes please! Also…
I’ve been re learning some coaching techniques and ways of thinking when it comes to our relationship with food. I love getting into juicy, practical stuff like that! // submitting two funding applications for Feel Good Factory projects // getting really organised and focused // recognising that I need to eat more and not beating myself up on it // red wine and pizza!
In case you missed it:
- I talked about ways you can eat more veg over at The High Tea Cast
- I posted a vlog all about how to deal with evening snacking
- I shared a recipe for delicious raw salted caramel sauce
- I talked about how much I’m loving the new Dayre app
How has your week been? What’s on your Love List this week? Have you tried a Graze box before?
I used to have a Graze subscription and loved it. Although I found that the snacks got a bit same-y after a while. That was a few years ago now and they certainly didn’t do pretzels and chocolate dip then, yum!
I used to have a graze subscription a few years back, big fan, but it got a bit expensive to carry on and I realized I could buy or make the majority of the stuff for cheaper anyway. Have to get some mince pie filling soon!
Yay for a positive week! Mine’s been pretty good but I’m still excited it’s Friday :) I’m hoping to have a productive weekend.
I used to get a Graze box each fortnight but as I am not a fan of all dried fruit (banana, apricots) I ended up not liking a load of boxes, plus we tended to share them at the weekend so we ended up with a big backlog, so I stopped it in the end. But they seem to have a load of new stuff now- yum to the pretzels! They are good that they are in appropriate portion sizes as if I made them myself at home I would eat much more of them.
You always manage to make healthy eating look so simple and delicious! Whoever thinks living a healthy life is boring or difficult seriously needs to spend some time reading your blog — talk about being schooled.
And I definitely hear you on the amazingness that is cool creamy yogurt and hot oats — it’s one of my favourite combinations right now!
so good to hear you are feeling so good! I love that pic of you, and the coat is gorgeous!
I used to get Graze boxes but I don’t anymore, however, my partner still does and I sometimes steal a yummy looking one or one he doesn’t like!
That sounds like a plan! I just need to get my partner to start ordering them ;-)