Tips for overcoming evening snacking: vlog


Tips for overcoming evening snacking: vlog



Well it’s been forever since I filmed a vlog so I thought it was about time I jumped back in front of the camera! I thought that a useful topic to chat about would be evening snacking as I’d had several people bring up this issue over the last couple of weeks. I have always struggled with evening snacking, even thinking way back, it was an issue for me.

As I say in the video, I certainly don’t believe that evening snacking is inherently bad, I actually enjoy snacking some evenings! What I don’t like is the mindless hand to mouth action when I’m watching TV or on the computer, which results in me feeling uncomfortably stuffed and bloated. Especially while I was gaining weight to tackle my amenorrhea issue, I found that I would snack on more healthy foods, but overdo it so I ended up in binge territory – however, and I want to be super clear on this – when you are in the process of gaining weight for health reasons / ED recovery, evening snacking is a good thing!

Unfortunately for those of us that are trying to lose weight, even healthy snacks eaten in excess can be troublesome. Anyway I’m going to end up repeating everything I say in the blog, here it is!


Here’s the link to the How to avoid boredom eating post I mention.

Is evening snacking an issue for you? Do you have any further tips that have helped you?

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  1. Christina

    This is such a good vlog! I’m sure it’s going to help so many people x

  2. Az

    This used to me an issue for me but now I make up a a jug of warm water and sqeeze half a lemon into it and drink it slowly in the space of 2 or 3 hours. . I dont get twmpted to snack as much so I figure I was only thirsty in the first place
    Also try to not to buy the unhealthy snacks in the first place – easier said than done I know !

    • Emma

      Love this idea! Thanks for sharing :)

    • Laura

      Great idea, I do the same thing with herbal teas, although I do have to be careful on an evening or else I end up needing the loo all night long!

  3. Tamzin

    Sometimes I snack sometimes I don’t its definitely usually down to boredom if I do : )

    • Laura

      Haha, yep I know boredom is often what gets me!

  4. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    I snack in the evening if I am hungry, but I keep it healthy. Like you say, it mindless snacking that is the problem.

    • Laura

      Absolutely, I used to eat loads of apples – healthy, but I was just eating them mindlessly and ending up super bloated!

  5. Emma

    Great vlog Laura. Like you say undereating during the day often leads to over-eating later and this is definitely the case for me. I’m managing to get into a better routine of proper meals though which tends to stop me going overboard later on.
    I do like a sweet something after dinner and definitely don’t deny myself that- just make sure it’s not a 100g bar of dark chocolate!

    • Laura

      Thanks Emma, I do think it’s so important for people to think about making sure they eat enough in the day, as you say I think that is easier when you have a proper routine of meals. Got to love something a little bit sweet after dinner :-)

  6. Sian O'Brien

    Laura – you look so beautiful in the vlog! Totally gorgeous x

    • Laura

      Thank you so much Sian, that is so kind!

  7. Maddy

    Love this post! One of my worst habits is night-time snacking. So helpful and great to know I’m not alone in this x

    • Laura

      Thanks Maddy, so glad the post was useful for you!



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