Recipe: Thai Chicken, Pumpkin + Spinach Curry (in the slow cooker or not!)

main meals, recipes

Recipe: Thai Chicken, Pumpkin + Spinach Curry (in the slow cooker or not!)

main meals, recipes


Curries and stews are really hard to photograph and make look as good as they taste! This Thai Chicken, Pumpkin and Spinach Curry is rich and comforting and so simple to make, especially if you have a slow cooker. It makes use of lovely seasonal ingredients, and would be a great way to use up any leftover pumpkin hanging about after Hallowe’en.

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I served mine with golden cauliflower rice (I just mix in some turmeric with the finely chopped cauliflower after it has been cooked and softened). The sprinkle of pumpkin seeds gives the curry a nice nutty topping.


I have to say I am in love with the slow cooker, the texture it gives the meat is amazing! You could also use leftover roast chicken or turkey. I’m thinking this would be a great boxing day dinner!


Thai red or green curries are my favourite, I always think of them when I’m craving something really tasty that is also very healthy! Do you have a favourite curry dish?

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  1. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    I love curry, especially when it is colder. A nice Thai green curry always goes down well, or there’s a lovely Indian by us that does a great Goan fish curry. I like the fact this recipe can be done with or without a slow cooker.

  2. charlie

    This looks YUMMY!!! Will definitely be trying this! Can I ask how many portions your recipe should make? Also do you know how long cauliflower rice will keep for in the fridge? Or if it freezes ok? cxx

  3. Tamzin

    Yum! Looks and sounds so good, I am loving a chickpea and vegetable curry right now. So easy and filling plus Dale loves it so its popping up more and more in our diet : )

  4. Lara

    I have SO saved this recipe, I love curry (ALL types) and love my slow cooker … this is win win :-)

    And can I just say that your pictures are looking VERY professional, they are a joy to look at.

  5. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Your pictures look very good! At this time of year it is so hard to photograph things as it is so dark all the time so the flash goes off.

    • Laura

      Haha I know! My flash doesn’t work on my camera so I keep trying to sort them out with photoshop!

  6. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Yum! I still need to use up my pumpkins and this sounds perfect. And I get to use my slow cooker hurrah!

  7. Rosie @1ManBandAccts

    I foraged a left over Halloween pumpkin from a neighbour. I’m using half of it to make slow cooker pumpkin butter. The other half? Now I have my answer!



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