A couple of healthy(er) treat recipes and wishing you a Merry Christmas!


A couple of healthy(er) treat recipes and wishing you a Merry Christmas!



Just two days to go! I’m spending today cleaning the flat and making sure I have all the ingredients I need for making my Christmas lunch side dishes and dessert tomorrow. Last week I started getting prepared by making myself a couple of treats – healthier options for me instead of being tempted by James tub of Pringles! First of all I made this snack mix:
[yumprint-recipe id=’22’]
It’s the perfect combo of salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy and nutty. Much better than digging into a bag of crisps or pack of roasted nuts – this gives you a slightly lighter option. Pistachios taste great and feel festive, but are also one of the lowest calorie nuts so work well in here. I also find that the little bit of chocolate in this is enough to give me a hit so that I don’t just sit there and munch on an entire bar of chocolate! 
Next up, I made these babies:
Chocolate dipped dried figs
The idea for these came straight off Pinterest, as soon as I saw them I knew I had to make them! I’m a massive fan of figs both fresh and dried, and when dipped in dark chocolate with a little sea salt they become even more incredible!
[yumprint-recipe id=’23’]
I’ve stored them in a couple of little jars, I’m going to enjoy nibbling on these! Again, these are a little better for me than eating a whole bar of chocolate, plus you are getting fibre, vitamins and minerals. FYI, ladies if you are trying to get preggers, feed these to your Man as they are great for male fertility and dipping them in chocolate might make them more appealing.
So there’s a couple of last minute Christmas treat ideas for you, hope you enjoy!
Well I am now checking out for Christmas, I hope every single one of you have the most wonderful time. Thank you as always for reading, it means an immeasurable amount to me it really does…
Christmas card
P.S If you are starting to think about how you can kick off 2014 in a healthy way the Super Conscious Living Programme is back on sale for just £4.99 and the 12 weeks to Feeling Fabulous e course is still available at the December Early Bird price of just £29.99. I can’t wait to get started again in January, join me!

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  1. Pip Christie

    Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! We are off to France today to spend Christmas wth family there – our original ferry has been cancelled because of the weather so instead we have to get the channel tunnel followed by a 6 hour drive across France but we WILL get there! I hope… Have a great week :D xxx

    • Laura

      Hope you have a great time Pip! Fingers crossed the rest of your journey is better. Merry Christmas xxxxxxx

  2. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Have a lovely Christmas Laura.
    Both those snack mixes look gorgeous, and I have to agree those Sainsbury’s cherries are so delicious.

    • Laura

      Thanks Maria, hope you have a great Christmas too!

  3. Georgia

    OOOH Yum! You are always so creative! Love the look of the dried figs with dark choc :)

    I don’t know what I am going to do with myself after the festive period has ended… I love reading festive food posts and what did I post on my blog before Christmas!? I can’t remember a life before the holidays!!


    • Laura

      Haha I know! There will be that post Christmas come down haha! You have a lovely Christmas too petal!

    • Laura

      Haha I know! I’ve had to hide them at the back of the fridge out of the way!

  4. Lara

    Oh my goodness, oh my goodness (think Annie here ;-)) but those Chocolate dipped figs with sea salt look amaze-balls; so pleased I’ve already shopped ;-)

    • Laura

      Hehe, yes they are amazeballs, I’ve had to hide them at the back of the fridge!

  5. Laura | Peaches and Greens

    YES to the popcorn! Popcorn is my jam right now! Also love the choc-covered figs idea. I saw a similar recipe for tangerines recently and thought that I must try that soon.

    Have a lovely Christmas and New Year; looking forward to reading more in Jan!

    • Laura

      Oh yes to popcorn indeed, I bought some corn so I can make some home made stuff! Hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year too!

  6. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    Such great ideas for healthy snacks, I’ve made a few things too and really enjoyed snacking on them over the last few days. Enjoy your Christmas.

    • Laura

      Hope you have a great Christmas Lauren!

  7. Christina

    Aah I want to make all of these! I made an alternative Christmas pudding for friends that came for dinner before Christmas, but couldn’t find dried figs anywhere?! Ended up using dates, which worked fine, but have no idea where to buy dried figs!

    How do you put together your recipe cards? They look so good!


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