Recipe: Chocolate Orange Muffins (grain free)

baked, recipes

Recipe: Chocolate Orange Muffins (grain free)

baked, recipes


Terry’s Chocolate Orange in muffin form. That’s all you need to know really right?

You want more reasons you should make these? Well, they are utterly delicious, a healthier cakey treat, free from gluten or flour and low in refined sugar. Naturally these are a perfect treat to make over Christmas!

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I love the texture of ground almond baked goods, I also find them more filling that things baked with regular flour. The chocolate chips, once baked, stay a little melty so whether you have these fresh and warm from the oven, or cool, they have that perfect chocolate hit. These are quite a moist texture as well, which personally I love.


I love these gold foil muffin cases as well, very festive I think! As much as these are muffins, you could easily pop some icing on top along with a few silver candy balls for more festive cheer. 


If you were feeling indulgent, just skip the candied orange peel and chocolate chips and add some actual chopped up pieces of Terry’s Chocolate Orange. That would be amazing! 


I’m certainly glad that this recipe makes a big batch as they haven’t lasted long amongst my family and friends!

If you could create a healthier baked treat based on a favourite sweet or chocolate, what would it be? 

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  1. Katie @ Peace Love & Oats

    Um, yum! Orange treats are kind of rare but I love them! Orange slices (the gummies with sugar on the outside…) used to be one of my favorites growing up! If I could turn a treat into a healthier version, I would probably choose thin mints cookies!

    • Laura

      Ohh you’ve just given me such a craving for minty cookies! I might have to try and make something to satisfy it! I have to say I was struggling not to just sit and eat all the candied orange pieces!

  2. Ceri Jones

    These look awesome Laura. I do love the taste of Chocolate orange at Christmas and this is a way healthier alternative to eating a whole chocolate orange oneself (believe me I’ve done it…)! Ground almonds and coconut flour make a great sponge.

    • Laura

      Thanks Ceri! Haha I think most of us have done that ;-)

  3. Georgia

    Chocolate Oranges are my fave snack ever!!! They have a chocolate bar form too which makes it OK to eat throughout the year in my book :P These look lovely!!!

    • Laura

      Haha yes I have seen those! Such a good idea to make them into a bar!

    • Laura

      Thanks Lily!

  4. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I think I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t like Terry’s chocolate oranges! I’m just not a chocolate orange fan. But orange (or chocolate) on its own is absolutely fine.
    I’d like someone to invent healthy chocolate. Not carob chips…real actual chocolate. But one of your five a day haha.

  5. Tamzin

    Oooooo those look so cute and yummy I want one now!


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