Recipe: Iced coconut water mocha (two ways)

everything else, recipes

Recipe: Iced coconut water mocha (two ways)

everything else, recipes

Iced coconut water mocha

Anyone else hooked on iced drinks yet? I don’t think it’s just down to the pregnancy for me, as even last summer I was drinking iced coffee like it was my job! Back then I had an addiction to homemade cold brew coffee (I used Angela’s method for making it) and I couldn’t get enough of the stuff. This year I’ve been loving a decaf chocolately twist on that, my homemade iced coconut water mocha. 

Coconut water mocha 10

If you’ve tried the shop bought versions I’m sure you’ll already be aware of how tasty a coconut water latte or mocha is, however they can be a bit pricey and some brands contain dairy and sugar which isn’t for everyone.

Coconut water mocha 4

These two versions are both dairy and refined sugar free, vegan and paleo friendly. They are full of great ingredients that are going to add to your health, while also giving you a coffee boost!

Coconut water mocha 1

One version is blended with full fat creamy coconut milk from a tin, and the other is topped up with unsweetened almond milk for a lighter version. Both taste absolutely wonderful and very refreshing!

Coconut water mocha 6

They take just minutes to make too. I could just make them to look at! I love that swirl of milk through the ice.

Coconut water mocha 3

[yumprint-recipe id=’56’]Coconut water mocha 7

Don’t miss the notes on the recipe above for some suggested substitutions, I’m definitely going to give the version with Choc Shot a try! 

Coconut water mocha 8

Have you tried a coconut water latte or mocha yet? Are you loving the iced drinks? Would you go for the creamy or lighter version?

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  1. Lauren

    I love coffee but have to drink the de-caf stuff as I am very sensitive to caffeine – it makes me bounce off the walls! I have not tried coconut milk from a tin in a drink yet – this looks so satisfying and tasty though!

    • Laura

      Oh definitely try the coconut milk from a tin, I love the stuff and it makes this drink super creamy!

  2. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    I love iced coffee and I spend way too much money on them in Starbucks, so I started making my own. Decaf though, as I can’t have caffeine :(

    • Laura

      I’ve been the same with frappes, so expensive!

    • Laura

      Oh I think you’d love them! A couple of companies have started selling them but these homemade ones are just as good :-)

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I know I should focus on the recipe…but I love those glasses!! Where are they from?

    • Laura

      Haha thanks Anna! I got them from Bert’s in Brighton :-)

  4. Love Cat

    Cannot wait to try this! I’m definietly getting into the way of smoothies after thinking about them for a long time thanks to you and iced coffee recipies like this are fab!

    Cheers lady! x

    • Laura

      Enjoy and let me know what you think!

      • Love Cat

        Holy CRAP. How awazing are these! Hooked – that’s it, I’m bloody well hooked. x

  5. Kezia

    Never used coconut water in a iced coffee drink – genius! I am totally iced drink obsessed right now especially homemade versions to save on some pennies and to avoid weird E numbers in syrups…:) I have also been loving plain old iced americano with organic cream to top it off – feel like such a treat but oh so good!

    • Laura

      It’s brilliant and more often than not the coconut water is sweet enough so you don’t need any added sugar, let me know if you try it!

  6. LilyLipstick

    These look amazing! Definitely going to give the lighter version a go as an alternative to a mocha light frappe! x

    • Laura

      Thanks Lily, let me know what you think!

  7. Emma

    This looks amazing!! I’m not a coffee drinker but I do love coffee when combined with chocolate or coconut or both!

    • Laura

      Thanks Emma!

  8. Tamzin

    Mmmmmmm both sound awesome! I haven’t used coconut water has an ingredient as I love it plain and think its so expensive to then mix in with other flavours but I must get on the band wagon and try it!

  9. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love iced drinks- now I have a proper iced tea jug too, but at home they are never as good as a Starbucks iced chai latte. I love the sound of the coconut and chocolate- I am wondering now if I can make it with iced tea instead…

  10. Mary

    I don’t like coffee (worst teacher ever!) but I popped a smoothie in the freezer overnight on Saturday so that I could enjoy it semi-frozen whilst marshaling at a triathlon yesterday. Best idea ever! This Summer it’s going to be all about the iced drinks!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      That sounds like such a good idea, I might try something like that this week!

  11. Emma

    I think this is going to be a new regular with me! So delicious and I don’t feel guilty about it either :)
    I made version 2, with a splash of oat milk as that’s what I had on hand. Will definitely be trying version 1 as well when I next get some coconut milk. Thanks for the recipe!



  1. Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #27 - Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish - […] A recipe for iced coconut water mocha two ways! […]
  2. Weekend Reads: July. Cycling, Holiday Stretches, Skeleton Steve and Iced Coconut Mochas | Sarah Oliver Osteopathy | Walthamstow, East London - […] Would you try an iced coconut water mocha? […]

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