Recipe: Chewy Rebel Kitchen Chai Spiced Porridge

breakfasts, recipes

Recipe: Chewy Rebel Kitchen Chai Spiced Porridge

breakfasts, recipes

Rebel kitchen chai spice oats 4

At this time of year I develop somewhat of an obsession with chai. I love the sweet spiced tea, which I usually make with black tea and my own spice mix. When I saw that Rebel Kitchen had a chai spiced milk I knew I needed to get my hands on that stuff and and use it for my first Rebel Kitchen featured recipe.

For anyone that isn’t familiar with Rebel Kitchen, they make the most amazing naturally sweetened coconut based drinks which are vegan, gluten free and paleo friendly. I also LOVE their branding and packaging. I am delighted to be their Blogger of the Month for October! They have a kids range of drinks:

Kids Family Landscape

And an adult range:

Adult Family Landscape

All of which taste simply amazing. Seriously you need to try these if you haven’t already! If you have trouble locating them in stores (you should find them in Waitrose) you can order from their website, which I will be doing because I am obsessed. Back to the recipe, I wanted to use the chai milk in something seasonally appropriate and what is more warming and comforting than a bowl of porridge on a chilly autumn morning?

Rebel kitchen chai spice oats 1

This is a nice simple recipe which can be made quickly without too much faff so would make an extra special weekday breakfast just as much as a fun weekend breakfast. I topped my porridge with coconut and walnuts which do go exceptionally well with the chai flavour, but use any toppings you fancy.

[yumprint-recipe id=’69’]Rebel kitchen chai spice oats 3

The porridge has this great texture which is almost chewy from the consistency of the oats and the added chia seeds, a perfect way to start your day!

Have you tried Rebel Kitchen drinks? Are you a fan of chai flavours?

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  1. Cat

    Yum! I saw this on your instagram and I nearly drooled over my phone. I love Rebel Kitchen drinks! Bet this would work so well with all of them ;)

  2. Lauren

    This looks so dreamy and rich! I loved those little mylks when I was in London. I have big time been drinking chai tea over here despite the fact it is getting warm. They do a coconut chai latte at work that you would absolutely love. It is so flipping dreamy :)

  3. Emma Potts

    I do love Rebel Kitchen mylks! I have used them in chia pudding and porridge but really just prefer them straight up! The kids ones are my favourites ;)

  4. Tamzin

    I love the Re El Kitchen drinks and have tried all the kids and chai one but am yet to try the green tea do I must hunt one down! Love the look of this breakfast x

  5. Anna Smith-James (@AnnaTheApple88)

    Reeeeeally want to try this milk, sounds amazing. Not sure I’d be tempted to change my usual plain (boring) porridge though hehe. I’d probably just drink the milk on its own!

  6. lilylipstick

    I love these drinks – I first got one in a race goodie bag and have been hooked since! x

  7. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    Yummy! I love the kids sizes, they are so cute. I made chia pudding with the choc one before and it was so good.

  8. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love their chai drink- I have one in my fridge but it is almost too nice to drink! Might save it for after my race on Sunday.. I made overnight oats with the choc orange one and that was really good.

  9. Claire Hayhurst

    This looks delicious Laura! I love the Rebel Kitchen milks!


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