Recipe: Gingerbread (Paleo, Vegan, Grain Free)

baked, recipes

Recipe: Gingerbread (Paleo, Vegan, Grain Free)

baked, recipes

Grain free vegan paleo gingerbread title

There’s no escaping the fact that Christmas is on it’s way. Once we get past Bonefire night I allow myself to start feeling a bit Christmassy and one thing I love about this time of year in the run up to it is gingerbread! 

Grain free vegan paleo gingerbread 3

A couple of years ago I shared a recipe for gingerbread made with spelt flour and pumpkin which is also delicious. However I couldn’t help myself creating another recipe, and this time it’s vegan and paleo.

Grain free vegan paleo gingerbread 6

I was inspired after I made Purely Twins Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Blondies that make use of plantain, a banana like fruit. They had the most amazing texture which I thought would work well in gingerbread and hence this recipe was born. You should be able to find plantains in green grocers, if I can find it in Durham I’m sure it can be found elsewhere too! Depending on the ripeness of the plantains they might have a very slight bananary taste, but that can be quite a welcome additional flavour anyway!

[yumprint-recipe id=’72’]

I used black treacle in this recipe as that’s what I had on had and technically I don’t know if either black treacle or molasses are paleo, but heck, if it mattered that much to you just leave it out and add a touch more honey. They will still taste great!

Grain free vegan paleo gingerbread 4

This gingerbread is chunky, dense and filling, the perfect accompaniment to a cup of chai tea on a cold November or December afternoon!

Are you a fan of gingerbread? Have you tried making your own? Have you ever used plantains before?

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  1. Kezia

    Oh its getting christmasy! I have been experimenting with plantains too – a bit of a buggar to peel but they do make tasty cake and great for binding so great for people avoiding eggs. I always try to make a gingerbread house – gluten free of course!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Haha they are a faff to peel aren’t they! I’ve never made a gingerbread house, must try that!

  2. Mary

    I’m not a massive fan of gingerbread although I love the smell and it does always make me feel Christmassy! Not many weeks to go now!…

  3. Louise @louliveswell

    These look and sound amazing!! I love Xmas baking but I do want to try and find a way to make healthier treats. These fit the bill! Thanks for sharing :) x

  4. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    It’s like you knew I was looking for an easy paleo gingerbread recipe! Genius!
    I have a bottle of molasses from my trip to Grenada last year that would be just perfect for this :)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Ooh glad you like the recipe! Let me know if you make them :-)

  5. Tamzin

    I am a massive ginger bread fan, love it so this sounds like something I would devour in a very little time!

  6. Karina

    Mmm yummy seasonal, nourishing treat!

  7. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I’m off to Berlin (again) in a few weeks to see friends and mosey round the Christmas marks and cannot wait for the German gingerbread. It’s just ahhmazing. These look fantastic. I love the use of the plantains – what a great idea!

  8. Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    I honestly can’t wait until I can bust out the gingerbread recipes! I’m definitely a huge fan, which is kind of strange since I used to hate molasses when I was growing up. Actually, what’s even stranger is that I’ll get hit with random cravings for molasses a few times a year and just eat it by the spoonful. Must be all those vitamins and minerals ;)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I know what you mean strangely enough! There’s something about the stuff isn’t there, I love it mixed with tahini as well :-)

  9. Nadia

    I’ve never tried plantains, is their consistency similar to bananas? This recipes intrigued me! They look really good Laura :)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Their consistency is hard to describe, it like bananas but more dense I think? When they are used in baked goods they create an amazing texture, you’d be hard pressed to think theres no flour in these!

  10. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    Yum! I love that you used plantain in it. I ate a lot of plantain when I was in Jamaica, so I am looking forward to using it more now I am back.

  11. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake

    I can’t believe Christmas is so close. I’m so not ready for it.
    These look so sticky and nommy. I haven’t been able to find plantain in the UK. I’m not sure if they’d sell it her in Scotland.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Haha, me too, I usually have most of my presents bought, I’m so behind this year! You might find it in ethnic stores in Scotland perhaps?

  12. Purely Twins

    looks great :) glad our recipe inspired you!

  13. Lauren

    I bloody love gingerbread! I used to eat it by the bucketload as a kind especially the enders.
    I haven’t cooked with plantains before, but this needs to change!

  14. Emma Potts

    These look so good! I haven’t yet tried baking with plantains though I’ve got several of the twins’ recipes bookmarked. Will definitely be trying this one.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Emma, I think you’ll love the texture of plantains in baked goods, great that recipes like these are vegan as well :-)

  15. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love gingerbread- so Christmassy and delicious.
    I love your other recipe for gingerbread, but I have never had a plantain, let alone cooked with one.

  16. Sophie

    I made them too & loved every bite! They were just amazing! :)

  17. Jen

    Made this last night – absolutely delicious!!! Plus, the whole house smelt amazing. However mine is very crumbly and not holding together at all. I wonder if it could be because my plantains weren’t ripe enough? Or maybe I overmixed it? I wonder if it would help if I added an egg next time? Any other ideas?

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Glad it tasted good! Hmm, I wonder if your plantains were too small? Or maybe overcooked? I’m sure if you made again with addition of a medium egg that would sort it either way :-)

      • Jen

        Thanks for the response :) I’m definitely going to give it another try with the addition of an egg when the plantains I bought ripen. Its so yummy and not too sweet so even the family without a sweet tooth is enjoying it!

  18. Sam @ PancakeWarriors

    Wow love this! I made a chocolate cake with plantains (inspired by Purely Twins as well). It was delish. Can’t wait to try this!


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