Cashew Coconut Truffles

recipes, sweet treats

Cashew Coconut Truffles

recipes, sweet treats

Title cashew coconut truffles

‘If you eat well, you’ll feel good’. A statement I wholeheartedly agree with of course! Rennie challenged me to illustrate that statement with a mind blowing recipe that shows how healthy eating can be appealing and delicious. Since it’s Christmas, I had to go with a festive spin on it and these truffles definitely meet the healthy and mind blowing criteria! 

Cashew coconut truffles 2

These truffles can be completely refined sugar free depending on which chocolate option you go for. They are also an excellent source of healthy fats from the coconut and cashews. Cacao is packed with anti oxidants too. 

Cashew coconut truffles 11

As well as being healthy, they are wonderfully indulgent, but a treat that won’t give you a sugar hangover. They have a wonderful texture, smooth from the cashew butter but with crunchy bits from the coconut.

Cashew coconut truffles 5

You can make these with melted regular dark chocolate or raw chocolate, the choice is yours…

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[yumprint-recipe id=’74’]
Cashew coconut truffles 6

To change this recipe up, try using peanut butter or almond butter in place of the cashew – I now definitely want to try a peanut butter version! I decorated the truffles with either chopped cashews, a dusting of cacao powder or a sprinkle of sea salt, but again you could try different options. 

Cashew coconut truffles 8

Do you like truffles? What kind of recipe do you think best demonstrates how delicious healthy food can be? 

If you love recipes like this, make sure you are signed up for my email updates so you can get your hands on your exclusive FREE Healthy Christmas Sweet Treats Ebook at the end of this week!


’This post has beensupported by Rennie®, but all thoughts are our own’

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  1. Lauren

    Cashew and dark chocolate is a match made in heaven! These would be so great to make for Christmas!
    I love showing people how healthy food can be delicious with yummy curries or a tasty cake – always a winner!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      A healthy cake is always great for winning over the healthy food haters!

  2. Emma Potts

    These look so wonderful Laura! Exactly my kind of treat. I even have a big container of cashew butter ready and waiting ;)

  3. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Mmm sound delicious. I am a big believe that you food can really make you feel good mentally and physically. Fill your body with crap you will eventually feel crap. But at the same time, a little bit of the bad stuff can be good for your soul! Sometimes you just need cake or a take away – but just not every day!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Completely agree, it all comes down to that elusive balance doesn’t it!

  4. AJ @ NutriFitMama

    These look yummy! I still have a few more gifts to make, and I think these might be the answer to that! Thanks for posting!

  5. Claire Hayhurst

    Laura these look so, so good! I love the way you’ve decorated them too, so simple but effective.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Maria! I think I’m going to make a peanut butter version for sure!

  6. Gary Brennan

    Wow so yummy and tempting! Good choice for this season to share with your love one. Thanks for sharing!


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