Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #55: You Tube love + Oracle Cards


Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #55: You Tube love + Oracle Cards


The Little Age Oracle Cards

Happy Sunday lovelies, I hope you have had a great week! I’ve had a brilliant one and I’m feeling really settled into 2015 now. One of the highlights of the week was my The Little Sage Oracle Cards arriving. I love them! I think I’ll do a separate post on oracle cards to explain how I use them in more detail. I was really drawn to this set and I’ve enjoyed using them this week.


Plum almond porridge with greek yoghurtPlum and almond porridge with greek yoghurt and flaked almonds

Choc cherry smoothieChoc cherry green smoothie with added coconut oil

Quinoa plum and pecansWarm quinoa with almond milk, plums, pecans and honey

Apple yoghurt and dried fruitWarm apple with cinnamon, greek yoghurt, super berry mix and almond butter

Apple cinnamon scrambleApple and cinnamon egg scramble with peanut butter

Scrambled eggs with avocadoScrambled eggs with avocado

Bean and quinoa salad with hummusSalad with quinoa, kidney beans and hummus

Lentil soup with hamLentil and chard soup with added ham

Sweet potato with tinned salmonSweet potato with salmon and red onion on spinach

Pork steak sweet potato and broccoliPork steak with sweet potato and broccoli and a little butter

Beef ragu and courgetteBeef ragu on courgette strips

Chocolate avocado protein smoothieGorgeous chocolate avocado protein shake: 1/2 avocado, 1 scoop vanilla sun warrior, maca powder, cocoa powder, almond milk and ice

Lots of delicious food, my Sunday cook ups and meal planning are ensuring I’m eating well during the week!


Polar ft4

  • Monday – plank a day
  • Tuesday – plank a day + gym workout: 10 mins cross trainer, 10 min walk / run on treadmill, 10 min step machine, 10 minutes weights
  • Wednesday – plank a day
  • Thursday – plank a day, Davina 7 minute fit, fat burn and tone workouts 
  • Friday – plank a day
  • Saturday – plank a day
  • Sunday – plank a day + gym or walk / run, haven’t decided yet!

I’m happy I’ve hit (or will be later today) my target for 3 workouts this week. The Davina workouts were surprisingly tough and I still have sore muscles today!


Denim shirtStatement necklace: Accessorize, denim shirt: Warehouse, vest: H&M, black jeggings: New Look

I’m really liking casual looks like this smartened up with a statement necklace at the moment, with added big coat and scarf for this weather!



You Tube on my TV! I discovered that I can get You Tube straight to my TV via my DVD player which I’m chuffed about as I am getting fed up with the bloody depressing news. It’s not that I wish to be ignorant about what goes on in the world, it’s just that I’d rather start my day with something that will lift me up and not drag me down. Before Finley was born I’d listen to Radio 6, but now that I’m either playing with him, breastfeeding or pumping I like to watch something on TV. I’m also inspired to get vlogging again! Also…

My new Little Sage Oracle Cards as pictured at the top of the post // parcels // much better sleep with Finley // lovely Skype and phone chats with other health coaches // planning how I’ll be weaning Finley // the health visitor saying how well my little man is getting on // finding loads of clothes for Finley in his size that I’d put away when he was born as they were too big at the time // my Love Lula beauty box // recording the new Happy Health Chat podcast // fabulous feedback on my latest email update! // feeling SO excited about the future of Uniquely Healthy Ltd


How has your week been? What do you watch in the morning? Can you recommend any good You Tube Channels?

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  1. Sarahf

    I’m really intrigued by those oracle cards. I’ll be looking out for that post. Those meals all look delicious!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Sarah! I’ll have to get writing that post, they are really interesting to use!

  2. lilylipstick

    Those oracle cards look so cute! Intrigued to find out more about them! x

  3. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Love that paleo article! Such an interesting stance on it.
    Morning is definitely my blog reading time :) I actually really struggle with having TV/radio on too early, I like the quiet!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I used to like the quiet, now I don’t have much choice haha!

  4. Claire Hayhurst

    The oracle cards sound interesting Laura, looking forward to hearing more! I think the denim shirt was made for you, they always look so right on you!
    Great looking food and well done on the workouts. Davina is always unexpectedly tough!

  5. Lauren (@poweredbypb)

    I stopped watching the news a while back, it’s so ridiculously depressing I decided I just didn’t need that negativity in my life on a daily basis. I don’t watch anything in the morning as I don’t have time, but I do like to listen to podcasts on my commute.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Yep, I never realised just how much it was bringing me down. Podcasts are such a great thing to listen to, all that useful info!

  6. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I listen to radio 4 in the morning, and on my drive home. Although the news can be depressing, they do have interesting guests on, and some more light hearted stories too. I don’t tend to like music radio as if I hear one song I don’t like then I will have it stuck in my head for the rest of the day!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I think it’s always more balanced when it’s on the radio for some reason, they probably know that no one would want to sit and listen to constant negative stuff!

  7. Nicky

    Totally agree about the news, I’m not being ignorant about what’s going on the in the world but I prefer to start my day off with something less negative and catch up on it later! For me I always love getting ready to some music :)
    I’m always looking for new YouTube channels so let me know about any that you find! I tend to watch a lot of fitness workout based ones but I’d like some more lifestyle ones too! I’m thinking about making a YouTube channel but I really need to just get on and do it already haha.
    Your outfit and meals look fab as always too! <3

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      You should totally make a You Tube channel that would be awesome!

  8. Lauren

    Those eats look really delicious, especially the smoothie. It looks so creamy! I love the look of those oracle cards. I love the little sage and her work!

  9. Louise @louliveswell

    I don’t watch the news either – sometimes I do miss things and feel a bit bad for not knowing what’s happening in the world but it’s always just SO depressing. I don’t want to hear that. I don’t listen to anything in the morning at the moment which is a bit weird actually. I used to be a Radio 1 person but it’s started to make me feel really old! I like the peace but sometimes it means I get lost in my own thoughts a bit too much! I tried out listening to podcasts in the morning (including yours!) and I liked that – I might instigate that again :)

    Love the look of those Oracle cards and can’t wait to hear more about them!


  10. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Mmm I must buy some tinned salmon at some point. I forget how much I love it!
    I tend to listen to Radio 1 in the morning and though it kills me a little inside listening to Nick Grimshaw I’m not ready for more “grown up” radio just yet. I don’t watch any telly before I go to work either as I prefer to read a bit of my book with breakfast. Nice time to chill before the day begins!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I had to stop with radio 1, it started to get too much for old me! I used to read books with breakfast, as you say a nice way to relax :-)

  11. Tamzin

    All your food looks so good and that shake needs to be mine right now!


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