Recipe: Egg and Veggie Muffins

main meals, recipes

Recipe: Egg and Veggie Muffins

main meals, recipes

Egg and veggie muffins title

Now that I am firmly back on the weight loss wagon I’ve been exploring ways of ensuring I get more protein in my diet. For my body, increasing protein is a helpful weight loss strategy as it helps to stabilise my blood sugar levels and keeps me feeling full. 

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I love eggs for breakfast and incorporated into lunch, but with a little one, cooking them from scratch can be too time consuming at times. These little muffins offer a decent amount of protein in a grab and eat package perfect for a rushed breakfast or a lunchbox option. If you wanted to lower the calories in these muffins then you could replace a few of the eggs with egg whites, I would go for 6 egg whites in place of 4 of the eggs. 

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Alongside the protein and nutrient dense eggs, these muffins pack a good amount of veggie action too. I’ve used grated courgette and red onion here, but you could experiment with lots of different veggies. I’ve also used parmesan cheese, olives and Italian seasoning which gives these a bit of a pizza flavour! 

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If you like the look of this recipe be sure to check out my crustless quiche recipe too which is very similar. I think if I was making these muffins again for breakfast I’d probably leave out the olives and add some bacon. The options of veggies and other add ins are endless!

Do you enjoy savoury breakfasts? How much time do you have for preparing breakfast and lunch? What is your favourite way to eat eggs?

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  1. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    I absolutely love the Tupperware, I think I’ve seen it in Paperchase? They’ve got such a great collection! I’m a scrambled eggs addict through and through :)

  2. Kezia

    OMG I love your lunch box – I bought it for a friend few months ago and have secretly been eyeing one up for myself:) I love eggs and think they are such a way to start the day and get those vital nutrients – I used to eat them every day. I think I may be slightly sensitive to them alas so January is an eggless month so i may need to call on your ex-vegan egg free knowledge!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      It’s fab isn’t it! Hope you have a good egg free month!

  3. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    We call these egg cupcakes in our house and we make a batch every week. They are so easy for Dave to just grab on his way to work, otherwise he won’t eat anything.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      They are definitely a ‘man’ friendly healthy snack, I’m going to try and get James eating them!

  4. lilylipstick

    These look so good and that lunchbox is so cute! x

  5. Laura @ Laura : Fat2Fit

    I’m not a savoury for breakfast person in the slightest and my go to breakfast is usually a porridge of some sort or a protein bar after a workout so I’d probably use these for lunches instead.

    They seem SO simple to make. I’m gonna give them a go as I have all the main ingredients and I can sub for different veggies! I LOVE your lunchbox! I’ve seen them around before, they’re cute!

    I usually have eggs and an Omelette or poached.

    Laura |

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Hope you enjoy them for lunch, the lunch box is really cute isn’t it :-)

  6. Nicky

    These look so good! I make crustless quiches in cake pans and they’re so good but so simple! Eggs are amazing, little nutritional powerhouses I call them! Can’t think of a way that I don’t like them but I particularly love boiled for salads and fried in coconut oil :)

  7. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake

    i love eggs for breakfast, especially on weekends, but I probably don’t eat the for breakie as much as I should.
    Your lunchbox is super cute!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I think it’s cause they take that bit longer to prepare, they do make a lovely weekend breakie :-)

  8. Emma @ Stripes and Snapshots

    Oh my, these look delicious! I am in need of more variety to my breakfasts, and these look just the thing!!

  9. jess

    You have solved one of my tricky meals! With a school run a baby and a toddler breakfast is tough. My emergancy breakfast is pb and jam sarni whilst walking to school!! These will replace that!

  10. Claire Hayhurst

    I used to make apple egg muffins every Sunday but have got out of the habit – think I need to jump right in again!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      They are just so handy, I’ve missed them this Monday already!

  11. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Yum. I’d have these little guys as snacks between meals I think. I couldn’t give up my porridge but there’s definitely room for them to tide between breakkie and lunch!
    I love a good egg scramble with loads of veggies and feta. Nommmmm.

  12. Jennifer Elworthy Croughton

    I’ve just made them – delicious. I added slightly more cheese and a little salt and pepper. I’m not sure there will be any left for my lunchbox on Monday! Thanks Laura x


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