Recipe: Double Chocolate Chip Pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

Recipe: Double Chocolate Chip Pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

Double chocolate chip pancakes title

I was undecided whether or not to post a pancake recipe for Shrove Tuesday (tomorrow but I’m sure you knew that!) I was sure that every other food and healthy living blogger would be doing so as well. Who needs another healthy pancake recipe? Well I ended up making these for breakfast yesterday morning and instantly decided that putting another healthy pancake recipe out into the world was not a bad thing at all…

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…nope, definitely nothing wrong with another pancake recipe, especially when they are gluten free and involve chocolate, chocolate chips and raw almond cream! I mean look at those babies, I think I could have called them Oreo pancakes with those layers!

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In fact these pancakes taste decidedly cakey thanks to being thick and spongy. They really are like cake for breakfast, but one which does not leave you on a sugar rush for the rest of the morning. The recipe is pretty simple too, and you certainly don’t have to create almond cream to enjoy these, greek yoghurt would be a more than worthy substitute.

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These pancakes are certainly worthy of being made more often than once a year!

If thick pancakes aren’t your thing for Shrove Tuesday, check out my 3 ingredient crepe style pancakes recipe, or any of the other pancake recipes on my breakfast recipe page

Will you be eating pancakes tomorrow? How often do you enjoy pancakes? 

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  1. Maria @ runningcupcake

    These look lovely! As you know, I do love pancakes for a weekend breakfast. I think we will have pancakes tomorrow but it depends what time I get home as I am out all day.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Hope you got to enjoy your pancakes but as you say there’s always the weekend!

  2. Cat

    Definitely nothing wrong with another pancake recipe – love how simple these ones are! I actually thought it was CAKE when I saw it on your IG feed, needless to say I’m just as excited about these ;)

  3. Lauren

    I completely forgot it was pancake tomorrow! These look so bloody good Laura! They look like a delicious chocolate breakfast cake with those layers – yum!

  4. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I do prefer thicker pancakes to the crepe-like ones Britain has…but I find they get a bit samey for me. But Ben loves them – he just adores anything sweet for breakfast, bless him. Lots of syrup and cream as well – I can’t think of a worse way to set my day up! To be fair to him though, it’s only on holiday he does that!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      I don’t think I could handle loads of syrup and cream either, well maybe not every day ;-)

  5. Kezia @ Super Naturally Healthy

    You can never have too many pancake recipes. I added this recipe in my pancake round up – chocolate pancakes are always needed!

  6. Louise @louliveswell

    Woah those look incredible Laura! I LOVE pancakes and since discovering buckwheat ones that are gluten and dairy free, there is no stopping me! Happy pancake day for tomorrow! :)

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Louise! If you like buckwheat pancakes you’ll have to look out for the recipe in Grains as Mains, they are delish!

  7. lilylipstick

    These look so good – the internet cannot have too many pancake recipes! x

  8. Nics Notebook

    They do look amazing! I have just finished a big stack of (healthy) pancakes – sooo good x


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