3 ingredient grain free crepe style pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

3 ingredient grain free crepe style pancakes

breakfasts, recipes

Grain free crepes

I’m sure you don’t need reminding but tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, or as we have always called it, Pancake Day. When I was little I used to get very excited about my Mam’s traditional thin crepe style pancakes, made with the Bero book recipe, served with golden syrup, lemon juice or a sprinkle of sugar. In more recent years instead of crepe style pancakes I’ve gone for the more puffy little American style ones, although last year I did experiment with a recipe similar to this that didn’t work out as well.

This year I really wanted to give grain free crepes another shot, and after a couple of attempts I got the measurements and cooking method right (I could have looked up a recipe online but I like to experiment for myself sometimes!) to create some lovely thin crepe style pancakes. I’m sure there are other versions of these crepes knocking around, but I like to keep it simple and with only 3 ingredients these are faff free!

[yumprint-recipe id=’32’]IMG 9033

I served mine with sliced banana, almond butter sauce (made by blending almond butter with almond milk, a pinch of salt and some maple syrup) and flaked almonds. Of course, you could use nutella or go really old school with golden syrup!

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You don’t have to have these with a sweet filling. I’m planning to make these for James tomorrow evening with cheese and ham in side.

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For me, I think I might blend some avocado with raw cacao powder and maple syrup to create a chocolate cream filling!

Hopefully this recipe comes in time for you to have the ingredients to make these – don’t forget you can find coconut flour in Holland and Barrett or on Amazon.

If you fancy some different pancakes, here’s a few of my older recipes:

Do you prefer crepe style pancakes or American style ones? Will you be making pancakes tomorrow, and will you be having them for breakfast, or how we did in our family, for dinner?

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  1. LilyLipstick

    Love Pancake Day! I always had thin crepe style pancakes as a child but recently have had American style ones more at brunches – I can’t decide which I prefer but lemon and sugar is definitely my favourite nostalgic topping. x

    • Laura

      Lemon and sugar reminds me of being a kid!

  2. Ms.J

    Alright. I neeed to get myself coconut flour!! The chocolate filling sounds heavenly – I had pancakes with chocolate mousse filling at a restaurant once <3
    I was only made aware of Pancake day last year I think.. didn't know it's tomorrow!
    While I tend to deviate toward the thicker, fluffy kind..sometimes I do fancy the crepe kind that Mum makes.

    • Laura

      Haha, yes coconut flour is the bomb!

  3. PoPpy @ Persistence Over Perfection

    Mmmm I love pancakes! We will definitely be making some for pudding tomorrow night – but will use one of the healthier recipes knocking around online instead of the traditional one :)

    • Laura

      Hope you enjoyed them!

  4. zoetcm

    I’ve always had British style pancakes (thin crepe-like) in the past and only recently tried making Canadian/American style (thick r& risen) pancakes. I loved them. It’s hard to say which one i prefer now. Think i may have to make both tomorrow! Haha ;-)

    • Laura

      Haha, good for you! It is pancake day so if you can’t make them then when can you!

    • Laura

      Thanks Jemma :-)

  5. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    I’m not a huge ‘traditionally British’ pancake fan. But I do love the big fat American pancakes though…heavenly. I probably won’t have any tomorrow because I quite like a more substantial meal for dinner and I always have my oats for breakfast! Ben will probably have the traditional ones for pudding though bless him.

    • Laura

      Hope Ben enjoyed his pancakes, it’s one of those things with it always being on a Tuesday, making them for breakfast can be a bit of a faff!

  6. Rachel

    Ahh the be-ro book, cant go wrong with recpies from that little gem. My mum taught me to bake using this book and I still use one today – probably not as ‘healthy’ as many more modern recipes but they are economical and they work, and you can use as a base for experiments. I have tried coconut flour in pancakes & have not yet found a recipe that seems to work – its like a huge sponge & seems quite temeramental. Maybe i’ll try these, although tomorrow’s pancakes will be standard ones and will follow the tradition of using things up as we’re off to iceland for a few days on weds so we’ll be emptying the fridge! I love savoury pancakes, esp with cheese/meat sauce or chilli in – total stodgefest but gorgeous!

    • Laura

      I still have a copy stashed away somewhere, you can’t beat it! Hope you have an amazing trip to Iceland, jealous!

  7. Holly

    How many crepes does this recipe roughly make?

    • Laura

      I got 5 medium size ones, I’d say about 4 large crepes depending on your frying pan size

  8. AnnaA

    The good old Bero book. We always had them at ‘teatime’ with golden syrup and lemon juice from the plastic lemon! Might just have to make some tomorrow. Glad you mentioned it – i thought it was next week!

    • Laura

      Haha yes the plastic lemon, so retro!

  9. Maria @ runningcupcake

    I love pancakes! I swap between the two types- I never used to be able to make the thin ones very well (was bad at flipping) but seem OK with that now. Buckwheat is my fave but have not been able to buy any recently.
    I think nutella with banana is the best crepe filling, or the one I had in Cologne which was nutella and marzipan- heaven!

    • Laura

      Oh my word nutella and marzipan sounds amazing!

  10. Lauren (@PoweredbyPB)

    I really like both style of pancakes, I had crepe style twice today (Breakfast and Dinner), I haven’t had American style in a while, I used to have them post long-run.

    • Laura

      Good for you, a double pancake day sounds fab!

  11. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    These look amazing Laura! I was thinking of making some thinner pancakes and I have all the ingredients :)

    • Laura

      Do let me know if you try them!

  12. Ceri Jones

    I finally cracked the crepes this year too – but with quinoa flour. Made a nice change from the american thick ones – for me Shrove Tuesday is all about the crepes! Love your recipe with coconut flour, and I’m definitely not waiting another year to have a go!



  1. Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #10 - Keeping Healthy Getting Stylish - […] Tuesday I made some of my grain free 3 ingredient pancakes for […]
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  3. Blueberry + Banana Pancakes with Choc Chips - Wholeheartedly Healthy | UK Healthy Living and Lifestyle Blog - […] Grain Free Crepe Style Pancakes […]

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