My favourite recipes from Grains as Mains


My favourite recipes from Grains as Mains


Grains as mains collage

Today is the day! Grains as Mains is out and I’m delighted to be able to share with you my favourite recipes from the book to give you a taster of what to expect.

The book is packed with 150 recipes that put ancient grains centre stage. Everything from breakfast recipes, soups, burgers, pilaffs and desserts are included, with many being gluten free. The grains featured in the book include quinoa, millet, buckwheat, farro, teff, sorghum, polenta, barley and many more. The book also contains a comprehensive guide to these grains including how to prepare and cook them, their nutritional properties and distinct characteristics.

Grains are incredibly versatile, and when prepared and cooked to maximise their nutritional benefits, they make a wonderful addition to your diet. Here are my favourite recipes from the book! 

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These pancakes are amazing! The delicious nutty gluten free buckwheat flour is soaked and fermented with yoghurt overnight to make them kinder on your digestion. Paired with a sweet cherry almond sauce they make the perfect breakfast.

[yumprint-recipe id=’86’]QuinoaFalafel14371 AL1190843

I adore falafel, so I knew I had to develop a falafel recipe using a grain for this book. I added quinoa to provide a wonderful texture to the delicious falafel.

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Cookies are just one of my favourite things and these chocolate chip, peanut and buckwheat cookies are fabulous! Made with sugar and butter, they are a gluten free treat full of flavour.

[yumprint-recipe id=’88’]Grains as Mains is available from all major bookstores including Amazon and

Are you a fan of ancient grains? Would you try any of these recipes?

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  1. Rachel

    Ooh these all look lovely! It’s my birthday tomorrow so I might just have to treat myself to a copy…. Hope the book is a great success for you

  2. Natalie

    Congrats on the book! Bought my copy yesterday, think my local waterstones put it out early by accident. Lots of exciting recipes to try.

  3. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Just ordered it off Amazon as a present for my cousin! It’s literally her perfect book :) plus she’s just had a baby too! Congratulations Laura! xxx

  4. Lauren

    These recipes look amazing. The photos are so beautiful too! This is amazing work – well done lady! I hope you are ridiculously proud of this! xx

  5. Lucy

    I’m always struggling to find good recipes for buckwheat flour as I bought some for a pizza base a while back but haven’t used it since. The pancakes and cookies however sound great and totally do-able.
    Congratulations on the book!

    She’s So Lucy

  6. Nics Notebook

    Congrats! Hope the book does really well! These recipes certainly look fab :) x

  7. Jackie

    These recipes sound delicious
    Wishing you lots of success with your book

  8. Louise @louliveswell

    Ooh these recipes look yummy! Congrats on the launch, Laura. I’ll surely be adding this to my cookbook collection! ;)

  9. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Ahhh amazing! It looks so good – those photos are beautiful!! You must be so proud.
    The falafels sound really tasty! Well they all sound tasty but the falafels caught my eye especially.

  10. Beverley

    I love ancient grains! and i love that you have transformed them into these awesome creations. Can’t wait to try out the falafel recipe

  11. Karina

    The food looks incredibly-delicious and scrummy, nice one, Laura:-)

    Big congratulations to you, you’ve earned it and therefore so well-deserved!

  12. Petra

    This food looks so good! Fantastic recipes. Well done! I love the quinoa falafel recipe which I definitely want to try in the future.

  13. Jan Cross

    Congratulations, the book looks fantastic.

  14. Maria @ runningcupcake

    How exciting!
    I do love buckwheat flour- I used to get the orgran pancake mix, but now Rude Health do it so I bought some and have used that in pancakes and in a cake. All of these recipes sound fab!

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Maria! I’m such a fan of buckwheat flour now too, I think I’ll be making a batch of those cookies soon!

  15. Susanne

    The Falafel recipe looks amazing and simple enough to make even during the week. Thank you for sharing. I am always looking for simple recipes that work well on busy days.

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      Thanks Susanne, I’m glad that the recipe is useful for you!


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