Quick and Easy Eats: Roasted Tomato and Quinoa Soup

recipes, soups

Quick and Easy Eats: Roasted Tomato and Quinoa Soup

recipes, soups

Roasted tomato and quinoa soup 2

I’m still all about the quick and easy recipes right now. Somehow, even though Finley is now in nursery a couple of days I feel like I have less time! However, I’m doing my best to ensure that doesn’t mean I, or the rest of the family, have to eat poorly. Every two weeks I get a lovely organic veg box from Riverford and I enjoy creating random meals with it’s contents.

Recently it’s almost always contained tomatoes which I really don’t like raw. I created this really easy but delicious soup to use them up.

Roasted tomato and quinoa soup 3

It’s as easy as popping a tray of veg in the oven, blending them up with stock and stirring through half a pack of cooked quinoa. It’s so delicious too!

[yumprint-recipe id=’90’]Roasted tomato and quinoa soup 1

Naturally I topped mine with avocado, so good!

Have you ever had a soup containing grains? How often do you make your own soup?



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  1. Lauren

    I have not made soup for nearly a year being here in Sydney! The cooler temperatures are starting to appear though – I even am wearing a jumper in the evening, breaking news I know ;)
    Adding this to a list of wintery things to make. I love a good tomato soup, reminds me of being a kid.

  2. hazel

    do you think this be ok with tinned tomatoes? i have tried a few quinoa recipes and just not liked them but think trying in a soup might be good

    • Laura Agar Wilson

      It should be, I would be tempted to add some garlic though for more flavour :-)

  3. Lucy

    Ooh I love super quick and easy meals, this looks and sounds gorgeous. Definitely something I’m keen to make for lunch over the next few days, thanks Laura!

    She’s So Lucy

  4. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Sounds delicious and easy. Love that you added avocados as well. Yum.

  5. Kezia @ Super Naturally Healthy

    I love avocado on top of soup – well intact on top of everything! i know how you feel about time – I am making use of my slow cooker a lot these day as well as lots of stir frys!

  6. Claire @ Flake and Cake

    This soup looks divine Laura! I’m also not a huge fan of raw tomatoes but love them cooked.

  7. Maria @ runningcupcake

    This looks so delicious- I love soups but plain vegetable ones are never that filling for very long. I like lentils in soup, but have never thought about quinoa- it sounds fab.

  8. Louise (@louliveswell)

    Oh this looks yum! I love quick soup. I only discovered making my own soup last year (not sure how this had escaped me!!) and it’s so ridiculously easy. Why would anyone buy a can of it?! I’ll definitely try this recipe out :)

  9. Alice Barnes

    I love this recipe Laura, it’s so simple! I can even tell my looking at your photos how amazing the avocado will be as a topping…I bet it goes all melty.

    I have a three-day weekend coming up so definitely going to make some of this for lunches next week!

    Alice xx

  10. HanaS

    Hello,I really like your recipe. I have a question – in your ingrediences you mention chicken or veg soup but in your instructions a stock.Is the stock the right ingredience?Thank you.

  11. Anna Kirsen

    This actually looks delicious, i never expected that Vegan food look so good, maybe it is the avocado but i sure will try this on these long winter months…


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