Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #71: exciting collaborations


Eat, Move, Wear, Love, Link #71: exciting collaborations


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Hello everyone, hope your Sunday has been good so far! I’m actually typing this on Friday night fuelled by Lindt with caramel and sea salt while I get sorted to drive down south tomorrow. I can not wait! It’s certainly been an action packed week with the election happening and lots of other things going on. On Thursday I went to get my hair done and met up with Jo from Happy Yoga Newcastle for a chat, but more on that on a mo. We popped into usual favourite Olive and Bean where I enjoyed a pear and avocado smoothie and she had a fruity iced tea. Very yummy!


IMG 7607Sweet potato topped with fried eggs and avocado

IMG 7566Avocado on toast

IMG 7562Chocolate oats topped with date and wheatgrass coconut sprinkle from a healthy box, peanut butter, gojis and cacao nibs

IMG 7603Wholemeal tortilla wrap with apple and almond butter

IMG 7571Crustless quiche with feta, rocket, broccoli and asparagus

IMG 7612Jamie Oliver Jewelled Salad from Boots (this was yum!)

IMG 7605Spaghetti squash mixed with pesto and steamed kale topped with pine nuts

IMG 7580Flax crackers with hummus and avocado for dipping

IMG 7575A fabulous glass of red!


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  • Monday – 20 minute run
  • Tuesday – 15 minute Yoga Studio Beginner Strength
  • Wednesday – Metafit class
  • Thursday – rest
  • Friday – Metafit class
  • Saturday – Rest
  • Sunday – likely to be lots of walking carrying a heavy baby in his carrier!

OMG that run on Monday was a killer! We’d had a pretty rough night with Fin and I did NOT want to go and ended up having a bit of a meltdown about training for the GNR when we have a baby who doesn’t always sleep that great. James ended up talking some sense into me and I managed to get out and do a little 20 minute run. I know I need to start picking up the distance soon though! 


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On my way to a meeting I wore my old Next army style jacket with stripy New Look dress, New Look necklace, leggings and boots as it was raining. I also used a fab new travel cup I was kindly gifted from Yogi Tea to take some green tea with me for the drive.


Gentle Yoga for the Lower Back Happy Yoga Newcastle

As I was saying, I met with the wonderful Jo from Happy Yoga Newcastle and we had a brilliant chat about how we can work together. Let’s just say we have some seriously amazing ideas that will be coming your way soon! Do check out Jo’s site and especially her great You Tube tutorials, they are fab! Also…

Getting my hair done, it was needed! // Finley just being so adorable, he’s been on top form this week! // the absolutely buzzing Fab YOU course Facebook group! // meeting up with my friend Katy // going for afternoon tea for my friend Carolyn’s birthday along with my other friends and their babas // staying at my Mam and Dads overnight with Finley after I’d been out // BRIGHTON!


How has your week been? What have you been loving this week?  



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  1. Lauren

    I hope you had a fantastic trip in Brighton lovely. I love that place, so many lovely little shops :)
    That bowl of porridge seriously looks so incredible. It is getting really chilly here in the mornings too so that would be perfect!
    Can’t wait to hear more on the yoga collab :)

  2. Susanne

    Those chocolate oats look so delicious. I need to make some this week! You look so happy and radiant. Hope you have a holiday.

  3. lilylipstick

    Have an amazing time in Brighton! I love that city and definitely need to get a visit in soon. Jo’s yoga videos are going on my online workouts list! x

  4. Maria @ runningcupcake

    Have a fantastic time in Brighton!!!!
    Also, with regard to the GNR, you are OK at the moment- when I did it, it was after my op, and so I was not allowed to even start running until May- and I had to go back to 1 min run/ 1 min walk. I did worry at times, but you know you can do it, and you have plenty of time to get up to that distance.

  5. Sarah Mallinson

    Thanks so much for sharing my health coaching post Laura, that’s so sweet of you!

    It looks like you’ve had a great week, I especially like the look of that crustless quiche with asparagus, and the cheeky glass of red of course…

    I hope you have an amazing holiday down in Brighton. Treat yourselves and take a million photos of your little man on the beach :)

  6. Louise (@louliveswell)

    Exciting about the yoga collaboration! Look forward to hearing about that! :) Louise x

  7. Anna @AnnaTheApple

    Don’t panic about running – you’ve got plenty of time. Just do what you can when you can and don’t stress :-) (I know, easier said than done!)
    Where do you get your spaghetti squashes from? I never seem to see them anywhere :-(

  8. Judy

    I love the look of the crust-less quiche. Can’t wait to hear more on your Yoga collaboration with Jo.

  9. Mary

    You have plenty of time to train for GNR yet so don’t worry. Give Fin a couple more months before you start getting too cross with him not sleeping! :P
    A pear and avocado smoothie sounds delicious! I wish places around here made drinks like that!


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