Apple, Mint and Ginger Green Smoothie Recipe and Boss to Go review

recipes, smoothies

Apple, Mint and Ginger Green Smoothie Recipe and Boss to Go review

recipes, smoothies

apple green smoothie recipe

It’s amazing how just a few years ago I would get some seriously dodgy looks drinking my beloved green smoothies. Now, green smoothies have gone majorly mainstream which is a brilliant thing indeed! When I was just getting into health and wellness – and at the time, raw food – you really needed a mucho pricey blender to be able to effectively blend tough fruits and veggies into an edible concoction. 

I am the owner of a huge, expensive blender which does a great job, so I was interested to see how the smaller Boss to Go would hold up. The Sage Boss to Go is another of Heston Blumenthal’s collection, I own the Sage Heston Juicer which is fabulous.

apple green smoothie recipe

The main premise behind this small personal blender is that it’s powerful enough to blend tough veggies like kale, and I can confirm it really does a great job there. I’ve been using the Boss to Go for a few weeks now and I am won over! It’s so much easier to get in and out of the cupboard than my larger blender, it’s really easy to clean and you can drink straight out of the blending cup too. The Boss to Go comes with two blending cups with lids which is great if you and your partner both want a smoothie to take to work in the morning or if like me, you forget to turn the dishwasher on!

What I’ve really loved about this blender is that it just makes creating smoothies so much easier and less of a faff. I’ve found myself more inclined to blend than I did before, which can only be a good thing! Having the single serving cup has helped me not to go overboard with giant servings like I used to. You can find out more on the Boss to Go which retails at £129.95 here

apple green smoothie recipe

Now on to a recipe to make the most of this great blender! I’ve been shying away from kale in smoothies recently, I think I’ve been a little sensitive to its bitter taste, however it’s great in this recipe. We don’t need loads of kale in this recipe as it’s jam packed with other great ingredients too, it just adds another dose of antioxidants.

One of my favourite juice combos is apple, cucumber, ginger and mint so I decided to see what they’d all taste like blended! Add some avocado to ensure there’s some good fats to support the body to absorb nutrients and make the smoothie more filling, and you have a winning combo!

apple green smoothie recipe

[yumprint-recipe id=’127′]

This is such a nourishing and refreshing smoothie, give it a try!

What’s your favourite green smoothie combo? Have you tried a personal blender?

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  1. AnnaTheApple

    I have a blender but I just don’t use it. I’m not really a smoothie person to be honest. I did go through a mini phase of having one post long runs but now I just like a big meal. The flavours of this does sound good though!

  2. LilyLipstick

    This blender looks great – I love how small it is for those of us who have tiny kitchens! I have a Nutribullet and I go through phases of using it a lot – will have to try out this recipe! x

  3. Maria B

    So many people at work are making themselves smoothies and adding things like spinach now- it’s great to see! We have a big blender but it is hard to fix the jug on (once I leaked smoothie all over it as it wasn’t shut)- Andy got himself a little one (maybe a Breville one?) which does two servings- perfect for us at the weekend but I don’t have them in the week as I like to make my breakfast the night before, and I find they separate a bit if you leave them.

    • Laura@wholeheartedlyhealthy

      There’s been such a green smoothie revolution over the last few years! I had a few accidents like that with one of my old blenders, not good!

  4. Lucy Birchall

    I remember when green smoothies first became a thing too, but it felt like the only way you could make them was by spending a bomb on an expensive ‘special’ blender. It’s great to see an abundance of compact, relatively affordable blenders on the market now!
    I make a similar smoothie but really don’t use enough fresh ginger, and I know how delicious it is in smoothie’s so you’ve definitely given me a nudge to play around with a few different flavours! Kale is something I haven’t really picked up much lately, mainly because it’s not in season, but I do love feeling so smug once I’ve downed a kale-rich smoothie because of how jam-packed full of nutrients it is!

    She’s So Lucy // Health, Wellness & Beauty

    • Laura@wholeheartedlyhealthy

      Haha I know just what you mean, I was looking back at old blog posts last night and how I was sad I couldn’t get a more powerful blender!


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