Success Stories – How my clients got their health and life coaching clients


Success Stories – How my clients got their health and life coaching clients


It’s always interesting to look behind the scenes of other people’s businesses for inspiration. In this post I’m sharing some stories and case studies from the work I do with some of my health and life coach clients so you can see how they were able to book more clients themselves and grow their coaching businesses.

*Keeping (almost) everyone anonymous for privacy reasons

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Client 1

Client 1 came to me when she was getting a few clients here and there, but was struggling with consistently signing new clients. The other issues we identified included:

  • Her 1:1 offer was trying to solve too many problems and her potential clients weren’t able to connect these problems together. This is common for holistic health coaches because we can see how interconnected everything is, but when we try and put everything but the kitchen sink into our offers they lose their punch.
  • She had a small email list but it was mostly filled with people who lived locally to her. She wanted to expand her client base beyond her local area so she could work more remotely and potentially increase her prices.

What we did:

We refined her 1:1 offering to be more focused around some specific issues her former clients were identifying with (this validated the offer, so we didn’t need to go off and do that separately). With some major tweaks, the 1:1 offer was much stronger.

We then ran a batch of Priceless Power Hour style calls, offering them to her existing audience. She sold 10 slots for these and converted 6 of them into full paying clients in her 1:1 offer.

This system worked well for her, but we also needed to increase her audience size and general lead generation (aka the number of amazing humans coming into contact with her business) as well as honing her messaging in her content based marketing so this could work on repeat.

Client 2

Client 2 wasn’t a new coach, and had been qualified and dabbling in her business for some time. She was feeling really deflated and left behind from her peers who’s businesses had flourished and was carrying some shame around that. She has built a good Instagram following but what she was posting was pretty random and her messaging was all over the place.

The specific issues we identified included:

  • Inconsistent and random messaging
  • Lack of confidence
  • No formal 1:1 offer
  • Lots of ‘faffing’ but not much action!

What we did:

We put out an experimental offer to her Instagram audience – this was for a few reasons, to see what they were interested in, and to bolster her confidence a bit. She sold out her 3 slots very quickly!

This helped us see what was resonating with her existing audience so we could use that as information to take forward with her messaging and her website copy and crafting a more robust offer.

The next steps for her were to build an email list and create a more consistent way to market and connect that was going to work for her lifestyle and personality type.

Client 3

Client 3 joined Wholehearted Business with only a website and no pre-existing audience, which is commonly the kind of people I work with in the programme (what I always call the most tricky stage of business!)

In the programme we look at your messaging, niche and 1:1 offer which we did here to make sure everything is making sense and working. As there was no existing audience we didn’t worry about putting that offer out immediately.

We did some light visibility work including a friends and family email and then started building some confidence with content marketing starting with a blog and then leading to Pinterest and the beginnings of a podcast.

We used some paid ads to boost the speed of the growth of her audience having also worked on her email list and free offer. This worked really well as the content she was creating was being used to build trust, connection and authority with that community we were bringing in via ads.

She then worked with that list of people using something I call ‘fast and cosy’ marketing to build greater connection and drive some discovery call sign ups.

Within two months of this she signed her first client and has never looked back!

Client 4

I’m currently working with Caroline of Make it Joy and wanted to share some of the things we’ve worked on as they’ve been so fun and creative! 

Caroline did not want to be on social media at all and we started with refining her 1:1 offer and then she started to blog and build an email list. We started growing that list with some collaborations so when she decided to launch her podcast without social media we came up with the idea of doing a collaborative podcast launch that would also act as an email list builder.

It worked so well to get the podcast out to a new audience and helped her build her list past 400 people (in less than 4 months)

She’s now at the point where she’d like to focus more on converting some clients after putting out some smaller digital offers and has a great foundation to do so.

I’ve supported all these clients inside Wholehearted Business, my 6 month group programme for getting more clients and creating a sustainable, heart led marketing and client attraction system.

It’s perfect for coaches who are in that tricky stage of trying to fill all their client slots (or even get their first clients) and I offer a lot of direct 1:1 support within the small group community.

You can find out all the details on Wholehearted Business and apply to join us here. We’re open all of the time, so whenever you’re ready to actually make this coaching business thing happen, we’re ready and waiting for you.

Laura 💖


Aligned Client Attraction System

Get my simple ‘pick n mix’ style system for how to attract, connect with and convert clients – all in a way that you enjoy and that feels aligned for you.


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