Discovering Alignment in Your Coaching Business: Tips, Ideas, and Exercises

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Discovering Alignment in Your Coaching Business: Tips, Ideas, and Exercises

Business, Latest

If you’ve ever wondered what it means to have an aligned business, this is the post for you! We’ll explore what it truly means to be in alignment in your coaching business and I’ll be sharing multiple tips, ideas, and concepts you can implement to achieve greater alignment and ultimately, more success.

Creating businesses that are aligned is a foundational part of the work that I do with clients and it ultimately informs most of my ‘wholehearted’ approach. Here are some elements that we can explore in order to create aligned businesses.

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Identifying Your Core Values

One of the first steps in creating an aligned business is understanding your core values. These are the principles that guide your actions, decisions and how you show up.

You might find that core values are also similar to core desired feelings – I found The Desire Map, a book by Danielle LaPorte really significant in this area. They might also be described as your ‘authentic code’.

Take some time to reflect and explore these. If you’ve never done this before, there are numerous resources available online, including Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead list of values which is a good starting point. Your values might change over time, so it’s essential to revisit them regularly and ensure that they align with your current goals and aspirations.

Once you’ve identified your core values, it’s crucial to root your business vision and activities in them. For instance, I focus on cosiness, connection, and creativity. These values help me shape my business and life, ensuring I stay true to what matters most to me.

Understanding How You Want Your Life to Look and How Your Business Fits in Around it

When you start with a clear vision for what you want your life to look like, and how you want your business not only to fit in with that but also facilitate it, then you create more alignment in your business.

Most of us have started a coaching business for a reason – we don’t want to do a regular 9-5 or corporate job, and this is really about tapping into the reasons why working for ourselves is so important.

A good place to start around this is getting clear on your priorities because it’s highly likely that your coaching business will not be the highest one! What are priorities in your life and how can you business fit around them and support them?

When you’re truly honest about what your priorities are, how much time you have available for your business and how much time you want to spend in your business then you’ll be much more empowered around your decisions. This can help reduce any internal conflict or shame that might crop up because it’s always a choice.

Enjoying What You Do

When we are spending time in our business doing a majority of tasks that we actually really enjoy, this can help our businesses be more aligned. Obviously, it might be unrealistic that every task is a ‘level 10’ on the scale of enjoyment, but if you can point yourself towards the things that light you up when it comes to business tasks then that positive energy will come through in your business.

However, alongside this, it’s also useful to recognise that sometimes we can dislike certain tasks because our mindset is a bit blocked around them. This is always a good invitation to explore what might be making us feel stuck.

A good rule of thumb here is to see if a specific business action is clashing with your values – if it isn’t, then that might be a good invitation to see if there’s a block that needs to be explored.

Walking Your Talk

Finally I believe that something else that supports us to create a more aligned business is ‘walking your talk’. As a coach, you’re helping others in a specific area of their life or health and it makes sense that you should be showing up in your own life in the way that you’d be suggesting others do so too.

This absolutely isn’t a reason to beat yourself up for not being ‘perfect’ – you can be an incredible coach and still have areas to work on yourself – heaven knows I certainly do!

But there will be misalignment if you’re showing up as a coach in a certain way and not then doing that in your own life.

The Energetics of Alignment

When you have an awareness of these areas, and when you’re moving your business forward in a way that is aligned with who you are as an individual and what you want your life to look like, you create a much more positive energetic state.

If you’re into manifestation, your vibration will certainly be higher, you’ll be living more authentically and other people, including potential clients, will pick up on that.

When we’re too busy trying to hit goals that ‘look good’ or doing things in a way that we think is right because that’s what someone else says we should be doing, then we start to step out of our own alignment.

This is why looking at your own values, how you want your life to look and how you want to feel and also doing work and taking action in a way that feels good can make such a big positive difference.

Exercises to Help Discover Your Alignment

Revisiting Core Values

Start by revisiting or identifying your core values. Brené Brown’s list of values can be a helpful starting point. Reflect on how your current activities align with these values and make necessary adjustments.

The Ideal Day Exercise

Visualise an ideal day or week grounded in your current reality. Determine what small or significant changes could move you closer to this ideal. This practical exercise helps bridge the gap between your dreams and your everyday life.

Exploring Barriers and Mindset Blocks

Assess what might be holding you back from achieving alignment in your business. Identifying and overcoming these barriers, whether practical or mindset-related, can lead to profound changes in your approach and results.

Next Steps

Creating an aligned business is a journey of continuous reflection and adjustment. Tapping into your core values, integrating your business with your life priorities, and ensuring you enjoy what you do can make a big difference.

If you’ve found this post helpful and are interested in exploring further, check out Wholehearted Business for more in-depth support and guidance. Whether you’re just starting or looking to realign, this program aims to offer the tailored support you need to thrive.

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