Six areas to focus on for a more successful coaching business

Business, Latest

Six areas to focus on for a more successful coaching business

Business, Latest

Are you a health or life coach looking to grow a successful, joyful coaching business? Today, we’re diving into the six essential parts of your business that you need to focus on to grow a coaching business that actually works.

These six key areas form the basis of what I teach in my signature program Wholehearted Business which you can learn more about here.

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The Importance of Holistic Business Development

In my work with health and life coaches, I often see how easy it is to hyper-focus on one specific aspect of business, whether it be your offers, marketing, or even a single marketing platform. However, genuine success comes from ensuring we’re looking at the entire picture and every part of our business. Just as we use a holistic approach to address our clients’ issues, the same principle applies to our businesses too!


The first key area is your foundations. Think of your business like a house – without strong foundations, everything else crumbles. Here we want to ensure your niche and message are well-defined. Without clarity in these areas, your audience won’t understand what you stand for or the help you provide. Foundations can also include your website – basically the key place you communicate what you’re all about and your home on the internet.

Another key part of foundations that is often overlooked is building your business on your values, what your version of success looks like and how you want your business to support your desired lifestyle. When we don’t do this, it’s really easy to get pulled in different directions that don’t ultimately serve us.


Marketing is obviously crucial and a huge area of business in it’s own right. How are you making yourself visible? How do people know you exist? And more importantly, how do you attract the right people? There are numerous ways to approach marketing; it’s not just about social media. Remember, marketing is about people finding you and knowing you exist – it’s not enough to just keep talking to the same people, we need to be reaching new people all of the time.

Lead Generation and Email List

Your lead generation or email list is where you transition people from finding you through your marketing efforts to entering your sales process. While often intertwined with email lists, lead generation can take various forms. The goal is to have a structured process that guides potential clients from discovering your business to considering your offers.


Sales is another critical part of your business. It’s about converting those leads into paying clients and customers. It can be very normal for coaches to just totally skip the sales bit because it feels a bit scary – but trust me when you start and become more intentional about sales a lot can change in your business!


Your offers are vital. They need to make sense for both your target audience and you as the coach. They should align with your business goals, the way you deliver services, and pricing. Well-thought-out offers can be the difference between a stagnant business and a thriving one.

Your offers are also essential to reaching any income goals you have, they need to be strategically structured and priced to make sense for your individual business.

Internal Systems, Planning, and Mindset

Finally, I’ve grouped together the ‘behind the scenes’ elements of internal systems such as your financial management, client onboarding etc. Your planning and of course, your mindset. Without these things also working well, your business could suffer and you may struggle to show up effectively.

The Six Key areas

In summary, the six key areas you need to focus on are:

1. Foundations: Your niche, message, and online presence.
2. Marketing: Making yourself visible and attracting the right audience.
3. Lead Generation and Email List: Guiding prospects through a structured process towards your sales funnel.
4. Sales: Converting leads into paying customers.
5. Offers: Creating offers that align with your goals and resonate with your audience.
6. Internal Systems, Planning, and Mindset: Building efficient systems, planning effectively, and maintaining a growth-focused mindset.

You can work on each of these areas in turn, but more likely you’ll benefit from dipping into them all at various points. Ultimately, these six areas need to have some intention behind them if you want to build a successful coaching business where you’re not constantly having to hustle for clients.

How I can help

If you’re a coach struggling to get clients or feeling overwhelmed about the next steps, consider joining my 12-month group program, Wholehearted Business. It’s designed to offer comprehensive support across these six key areas. You’ll receive guidance, training, and a community of other coaches to support you along the way.

Intentionality in these areas will make a profound difference in your coaching business. Focus on these six key areas, tailor them to your unique needs, and watch your business flourish!

Check out Wholehearted Business – we open for new clients in September and March each year, join the waitlist if we aren’t open to get exclusive offers.

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